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Jason Jun 2020
Talk to me she said
Tell me all the colours of the rainbow bright
Talk to me she asked
Say the words of wisdom through the night
Talk to me she begged
Utter all the things you know to me
Talk to me she cried
Speak of all ****** things you see
Talk to me so soft
And let me lose myself within the word
Talk to me that way
I’ll hang to each and everything I’ve  heard
And so I lay at nigh all through the dark
Until the sun was greeted by the lark
And in the quiet nights we shared our soul
We found that our entwinmet was our goal
And now our minds and bodies face the world
Fighting off the prejudice it’s hurled
From the judgment and the bitterness we face
Together in our arms we have found grace
Jason May 2020
Dare I write this poem
That will tell you how I feel
Dare I put the tender words
That my aching heart reveal
Dare I put the words down
That will expose my wants and needs
Change the way we interact
Alter thoughts and deeds
Dare I risk our friendship
Gamble and get all
Of watch the whole thing crash and burn
See the towers fall
And in the dark I worry
Pen trembling in my hand
Heartbeat thumping quickly
This poem I have planned
Will lead to love hear after
Or lead to loss and hurt
My heat will soar to heaven
Or be ground into the dirt
Do I dare to write this poem
And tell you how I feel
Or continue hiding loving
And my need for you conceal
Jason May 2020
On the wings of an eagle
My spirit soared high
It broke from my body
And took to the sky
In clear air and freshness
It streaked in the blue
With the eagle a screeching
As together we flew
I’m free of the bonds
That chained me to earth
I have re-found my pride
And I’ve again found my worth
The emotions that harmed me
I’ve left on the ground
And onwards and upwards
My spirit is bound
The freedom of knowing
The passion of flight
Will carry me onward
Away from the fight
For now that my mind has
With practice and thought
Broke out of the darkness
And pain that was wrought
I find I’m released
From the prison I built
That kept me enslaved
Bound with loss and some guilt
But that is the passed
I was deceived with a trick
Into feeling a loss
And becoming quite sick
But I never true had her
She was never mine
She was always pretending
And spending her time
With others around me
With people I knew
Now that I’m better
I have a clear view
I’m back on my eagle
And flying away
To better emotions
I’ve healed this fine day
My spirit is happy
My contentment is whole
And new horizons
Are now my goal.
Jason May 2020
Last night I spent the night with her
Sleep did not find it’s way to steel our time
Last night we let our passions rule us
Like a poem we let our bodies rhyme
Last night we broke in waves of flowing lust
Moment by moment we felt the pleasure
Last night was slow and dark and flowing
Unhurried by the dawn we searched for treasure
Last night we became two together
Now as one thing we live in this world
Last night the essence of each other
Twisted together enjoined and curled
Last night was over when dawn broke
Streaming light through curtains peeking
Last night we started a new life
And both found the love we’re seeking.
Jason May 2020
I have a workshop that helps keep me sane
I’m going there soon to make things again
Working with timber on a lathe I turn wood
I make small pots and bowls that are sometimes quite good
But the disasters that happen when the timber it splits
Or the slip of a chisel makes one bust into bits
Just goes to teach me I have lots still to learn
To make items perfect is something that I yearn
But with music from radio and a big mug of tea
I make something useful from a chunk of old tree
Something that someone will cherish and keep
When I’m gone from the world and take the Long Sleep
For I’m not making things for cash or to sell
I give them as gifts to prove I lived well
My friends and my family and my loved ones to
All get a ***, and this ones for you.......
I do actually make bowls in the Man Shed and always give then away, I’ll be putting this on the inside of each box I gift them in.....
Jason Apr 2020
Warm lips brush her,
Tender, yielding,
Hands that hold her
Passion, wielding,
Hot breath panting,
Urgent, needy,
Skin that blushes,
Wanten, greedy,
Hearts beat faster
Skin is sweating
Cloths are scattered
Ardour, rising
Two conjoining
Both are ready
Move together
Slow but steady
Getting faster
Louder growing
Almost perfect
Both are knowing
Glorious moment
Both together
Feelings like a
Stroking feather
Calming slowly
After glow
Are they still together?
We’ll never know.
Jason Apr 2020
In my mind I’m wandering far
Inside a fast low red sports car
I’m remembering the highland lane
That I want to drive again
Speeding passed the forest pines
Hypnotised by roads white lines
That count the seconds as I speed
With heart on fire feeling need
To escape the space that I am in
For really I’m enclosed within
From a virus I have fears
I can’t go outside for weeks or years
Until the virus is passed its peaks
And Boris Johnson stands and speaks
But in my mind I’m out and free
This quarantine will not beat me
I will stay safe and no one I’ll harm
By stating home and keeping calm
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