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Mya Elise Walker Jun 2016
Know what the heart wants they say
I know what I want
Yet it's as if I have two hearts
One lusts over X
The other lusts for Y
I love you, but I also love you too
I feel the obligation to make a choice
Even though it seems full of rejoice
In my head, the logic knows well
And because of that my heart cries
My mind can choose, yet my heart cannot
I almost get the two confused
To the stage of me overthinking about both of you
I want to get over you, but which one?
Either by this point
Neither of you know my true feelings
And because of that, I'm a monster
Who doesn't deserve either of you
How did I become so selfish?
Why am I unable to love both of you under your conscious?
Oh right, It would be wrong...
I'm a mess and try to forget about you and move on
Yet again, which one?
I feel the same love, yet different
I have one of them already, so why am I like this?
Because both of you are my perfect preferences, irreplaceable
I'm afraid to lose you two
You each share my heart, I don't know my own anymore
I want to end this madness, yet it grows forevermore
I'm quite a fool at love, yet isn't everyone at some point?
In the end, my heart is warm, cold, and everywhere else
But in my body and soul
My heart and mind don't agree
Well, yes and no
But I have no control over it
They control me like a puppet
Where did the real me go?
Is it lost forever
Shattered and crippled
Lost in a love Bermuda triangle?
Did the real me expect this to happen and flee
Or was it all so sudden that I couldn't handle it completely?
Was this my fate?
Did I make the worst mistake in my life
And now being re-payed with this destiny?
Where does my heart belong?
Does it really belong to more than one person?
Yet what about me?
Where do I come into play?
What's my passion?
What are my true desires?
Do I choose one over the other and know I'll fail in the end
Or do I keep one and shatter a newborn part of me and still fail?
Was I destined to lose the battle with love?
Am I supposed to live a lie and feel guilt for what I was never in control of to begin with?
I've gone insane, mad you can call it
If I don't act upon this quickly
Then I'll lose both of you completely
But please don't leave me
Don't leave me here in my ignorance
Mya Elise Walker Nov 2015
A girl… living in a world that has ended.
Where life is never born
And never dies.
Empty… and still,
The girl was very lonely
In this desolate realm.

This world, like a post-apocalyptic wasteland
Is nothing but a frail, dark space.
The girl needed a friend,
And the only way she could have one,
Was if she gathered stray parts of junk,
And built one with her bare hands.
The scent of rust, the dusty touch,
Of all the scavenged junk.
The screech of parts coming together was
A melody to her ears.
Finally, the creation is now complete.

The girl waited… and waited… Yet waiting
felt like forever.
She lost hope.
She figured that the junk wouldn’t call out her name.
The poor girl soon realized it was too good to be true.
She slumped back into her corner
And thought about how cruel
This world can really be…

A girl… living in a world that has ended.
Where life is never born
And never dies.
Empty… and still,
The girl was lonelier than ever before
In this desolate realm.

— The End —