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117 · Mar 2021
Ode to a Simple Quill
Sherry Asbury Mar 2021
Once, simple quill dipped in

ink as rudimentary as the universe,

scraped words across finest linen,

or cheapest pulp paper, rice paper.

A fat little jug of ink held its mouth

open, welcoming intrusions into its maw.

giving poet fuel for the inner fire.

Devout monks bent over tomes that

outlasted all governments and ideals,

scratching truth into epistles.

Shakespeare, Dunn, Dickinson. . .

and Poe, that ****** genius from hell,

marked thus: “Quoth the Raven, nevermore…”

Now poets have keyboards, computers,

word processors, a labyrinth of tools to

shape their thoughts into worthy words.

Alas, progress must come to us all, and yet

when I have those special heart-words to

spill, I prefer the simple quill and well.
92 · Mar 2021
God's Artistry
Sherry Asbury Mar 2021
God pondered one day
asking himself if all His creativity
had been used
He ate a ripe, juicy peach

He drummed His fingers on billowing clouds
and fanned His face with a frond
Angels heard Him saying
"No, No - it has been done..."

A little bird perched on His shoulder
and whispered in His ear...
a light, as of a thousand candles, came into
His eyes

He turned the little bird into
a glorious bird, and called it Hummingbird
He laughed joyously as its wings
fluttered so fast as to be invisible

All the kingdom was laughing with joy,
when a little princess approached and asked,
"Please dear God, sir - may I have a ride on this
precious creation of Your hand'.

And thus it came to pass...
beauty in the world grew ten-fold.
86 · Feb 2021
Sherry Asbury Feb 2021
What is lovelier than a February evening when dusk
does fall like a softly knitted shawl on the shoulders?
Fire fingers reach up in spitting hisses and snaps
and white cats take naps in the sanctuary of our laps

Unnecessary words lay like kindling in the chill air
For we know each other's thought like our own
Exchanging smiles is all we need to speak,
for words come from the reservoir of our love

Slowly the sun creeps down the sky in buttery hues
until all light is tucked away in its bed for another day
Lazy steps take us up the crooked stairway to our bed
Snuggling, we stay content and warm with each other
75 · Mar 2021
Sherry Asbury Mar 2021
Father sun awakened me
with his warm kiss and I flowered
My sister, the moon leaned in to
give me butterfly kisses on my cheek
She who is mother holds my cradle
and offers me to the world as a gift

— The End —