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Jan 2020 · 96
"The Allure Of Thee"
Rachid Oulamine Jan 2020
Thou art like a sudden lovely breeze,
Blowing through a hot summer day
Thou liken the dew of an early morning,
Thou resemble spring in its colorful form,
Thy appearance hath a form of a heavy rain,
Miraculously born out of a missed winter,
Causing the aridity of both earth and souls to fade,
As a godly reaction to all the prayers made,
Upon thy drops gently splashing against the grass,
Buds fabulously blossom into scented flowers,
And all these merge into an enchanting fragrance,
Thou hence become the redolent aroma,
Thou, to the spirit-ears, sound like a tide,
Caressing the grains of a thirsty sand,
The difference is, to the fondly gazing eyes,
Thou don’t turn into foam
Nor do thou vanish into the shore,
Thy charm stands mysteriously still,
And never goes unnoticed
To beholders, thou look like a vibrant rainbow,
Thy allure makes birds unceasingly twitter,
And everything around vitally glitter,
Thou art the dim sunrays breaking through mist,
Hosting earth in your greatly warm, wide chest,
Thou resemble nature in all its heavenly features,
Thou art the bewitching face of the universe,
Pondering thee drives this being off the senses,
Meditating thee cuts off the links of the spirit with space,
It makes it go unconsciously beyond time,
Bidding spiritually farewell to the entire essence in thy face
Nov 2019 · 276
Flash of Lightning
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2019
You came like a flash of lightning,
You stroke my being,
You hit my heart with all your dazzling might,
And broke into me,
Yet, you did not prolong,
You went back as swiftly as you came,
Your strike left a scar within,
And ruins out and hereabout,
You made me lame,
I, though, chased with my eyes,
Untill you went out of sight,
You vanished through the sky
Mingled with space,
Became emptiness,
Then I drew back my chasing look,
And gave up on you and on your return
and everything else you took...
Mar 2018 · 1.4k
Rachid Oulamine Mar 2018
Cheers to those who loudly scream, but are turned a deaf ear to.
Cheers to those who patiently beg for concern, yet are turned a blind eye to.
Cheers to those whose hearts are broken and ache in silence.
Cheers to those having no more tears to cry nor a heart left to suffer.
Cheers to those whose life *****, and smile, though.
Cheers to those who love deeply, and aren't loved back.
Cheers to those who keep stumbling, and getting back on their feet.
Cheers to those whose days are alike, yet they are used to them.
Cheers to those who are in constant search of something they have no clue about.  
Cheers to those having their faces buried through their phones day and night.  
Cheers to those who are always aimelessly wandering.  
Cheers to the poor who still believe that money doesn't create happiness.
Cheers to those who keep failing, and never surrender, and cheers to those who surrendered as well.
Cheers to those promising and never keep their promises.
Cheers to those trying their best to find a way out of their misery, and never succeed.
Cheers to those seeking attention, and never get it.
Cheers to those who appear strong publically, and lose that strength in private.
Cheers to those who fear, but always claim bravery.
Cheers to those desiring to change their lives, and have no idea how or where to begin.
Cheers to those undergoing hardships, and expect no aid.
Cheers to those who are lost and await no one's guide.
Cheers to those who vow to leave, and never dare to depart.  
Cheers to those who have been abondoned, and left behind for no reason.  
Cheers to those who never lose faith, no matter what, and cheers also to those who've failed keeping it...

Rachid Oulamine
Feb 2018 · 354
"Land of Paradox"
Rachid Oulamine Feb 2018
Traumatised be not,
In a land,
where hate is shamelessly shown,
and love is, however, hidden.
In a land,
where one scorns lovers,
and wishes secretively to be loved.
Surprised be not,
In a land,
Where it is common to abuse,
but a sin to woo.
traumatised be not,
In a land,
where a ruler is tyrant,
Yet his tyranny is idolized,
in a land,
where the rich are avaricious,
and the poor generous.
Surprised be not,
in a land,
Where temples matter
more than humans,
In a land,
Where the elite dine twice,
And the rest, of hunger, die twice.
Traumatised be not,
Where enlightenment is fought
And ignorance is taught.
Traumatised be not,
In a land,
Where life is choetic,
And where everything is pathetic.
After all,
Suprised be not
At any surprising contradiction
In land of contradictions...

By Rachid Oulamine
Feb 2018 · 346
" Noble Soul "
Rachid Oulamine Feb 2018
O' my noble soul !
I never thought
I never knew
love would change lives
the way yours has changed my own
  I never paid attention to realize
how incomplete my life was till you fetched the quite big completing part I lacked.
O' dear how marvelous to have you near,
here where I sense your pleasing presence every now and then.
Dear beautiful stunning face,
Would you come along
and tell me
how It would be like If I no longer had you in front of my eyes?
what If I no longer had you by my side?
I doubt I'd stand as much as I perfectly doubt I'd survive.
I am begging you,
hold me tight to save every inch of me from falling apart, for I endlessly love you with every single beat of my heart and so will I for the rest of my life.
Nov 2017 · 474
"The Moonlight"
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
You are the moonlight.
When I look at you,
I feel a great desire
To be the stars around you.
You are a perfect rose,
And nothing smells ever like you.
You are out of the world,
Beyond the universe,
And nothing looks ever like you.
When I set my eyes on you,
I lose my entire strength,
And become breakable before you.
I wonder whether you are from heaven,
Or heaven is you.

Rachid Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 271
"Be Yourself"
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
Be a pure "YOU".
Be under no one's hand.
Be what you choose to,
Not anything selected for you.
Be what you wish to be,
Not that whichever society,
Or any other entity demands.
Be your own decisions,
And the thoughts of your creation.
Be no longer what's forced on you.
Be anymore whatever comes along.
Be the "SELF" of your choice.
Be your own free traditions.
Be your proper terrific customs.
Be the breaker of unnecessary chains.
Be the phrases of your construction.
Be the rebellious words setting you free.
Be the "YOU" that liberates you.
Just be the "YOU" that inspires you,
With no single thought to the opinion of the rest.

Rachid Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 238
"The Spirit Loss"
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
Deprived of the spirit,
Left split,
Bit by bit,
Amid death and life,
Left impeded,
Unable to help it.
The body is vacant.
No life is inside.
Only emptiness rules in,
And so does it outside,
Darkness is the inhabitant,
And I'm drifted on its tide,
Loneliness is the occupant.
Salvation is what I bide.
No part is any longer mine,
The sight,
And the heart,
All are dwelt,
And so is every part,
Can't be felt.
My being is hung,
Horribly Burnt,
About to melt,
I'm condemned to longing,
Constantly yearning,
Eying nothing,
But the reflection,
Of one thing,
Taking shape of everything.
The angelic shadow,
I try to flee from,
Yet, It chases me, though,
Omnipresent are its traits,
At which I glance,
And gain temporal fits.
Such a trance!
Thrown by its lance,
And had me on the ground,
And writhing,
Of permanent wrench,
Flinging me into non-existence,
It garroted my presence.
In each vein,
I've stroved knives,
Awaiting the hand,
To take off every knife,
Awaiting its touch
To put me back to life.

Nov 2017 · 230
" Overhasty Time "
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
O' dear time !
Why are you shifting?  
Sometimes you please.
Sometimes you frighten.
Sometimes you slow.
you usually hasten.
Why don't you gladden?
Why are you in hurry?
Why do you quicken?
Shall I fight you,
Or let myself go
Wherever I am taken?
Scary is your slowness.
Scarier is your quickness.
Why all that swiftness?
O' dear time !
I'm well tied to your haste.
How can I resist?
I am dragged,
How can I desist?
Slow down !
Why do you insist?
Where are you taking me?
What is that you're hiding for me?
Can't you speak?
Can't you reply?
Can't you just tell me?
Why are you in a hurry?
Why do you quicken?

Rachid Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 236
"The Fictional Smile"
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
Who're you, smile?
You're graved in me,
Traced in me,
Deeply scultpured in me.
Who're you, smile?
I am fascinated,
O' smile!
To you,
I am hitched.
Am I bewitched?
You're the sun,
The moon,
You are the light,
Dwelling my sight,
Every single day,
And every single night.
Who're you, smile?
The earth,
The Sky,
And the sea,
All take on the form of you,
Turn into the shape of you,
You're pretty.
Unusual is your beauty.
Who made you so?
I think of you,
Dream of you,
I am lost in you.
Enchanted I am,
Your suitor I am.
Your admirer I am.
Tell me,
Who're you, smile?

Rachid Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 202
"The Stubborn Heart"
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
O' heart !
Lesions have grown deeper,
For you've gone too further.
I can reach you no longer.
If only you were closer.
I wish you were nearer,
More dutiful than ever.
Get back to me.
I am begging you,
Listen to me,
You've been through enough.
All was and still tough.
Nothing has changed.
Everything is rough.
All I want is to laugh.
I am beseeching you,
Get back to me.
My chest is missing you,
And needing you.
Without you,
Madder I should become.
With you,
Relief is eager to come.
To be mine again,
For me,
That's already a gain.
To me,
You are dear.
Your absence I can't bear.
Your pulse I miss to hear.
Please! Come here
So that I'd expel my fears
So that I'd nullify shedding tears.

Rachid Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 437
"To Whom Shall I Complain?"
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
To whom Shall I complain?
About the agonies,
my entire being flooded by,
About the disappointments,
life has shocked me by,
About those I wished to stay,
But who eventually said Goodbye,
and turned out all to be only pssersby.
To whom shall I complain?
I've exposed my being to the rain
To wash away all the acheing thoughts,
which are crossing my brain,
To wash all worries in every vein.
To the moon,
To the stars,
To the sun,
I complained about all that pain.
To heavens,
To the whole universe,
I did complain
To rescue me,
To save me from the rage,
But every time,
It was in vain.
To whom shall I complain?
About the scars,
And the grazes
Of the abandonments,
About the wounds,
Of life's mistreatments,
About all the torments.
To whom shall I complain?
About all the dreams,
which turned to be impossible,
Which turns all things to be horrible,
About all my wishes,
which became unreachable,
About all that is untameable.
To whom shall I complain?
About the loss of the smile,
which I strove to make mine,
But which left without worrying
Whether I would be fine,
Whether I'd be able to rise and shine.
To whom Shall I complain?
About the farness of luck,
About the need for all that I lack,
About the tortures that rack,
And that burden my back.
To whom Shall I complain?
About the talkativeness,
which inhabits my body,
About the exhaustiveness,  
which rules my soul,
And which drives me so insane
That I behave like a fool,
Which paralysed me,
Blocked me,
Crashed me,
Then, to the ground,
It dropped me,
like a tool,
And worst of all,

Rachid Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 201
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
Who am I ?  
As a Walking shadow I am.
I breathe deeply to survive.
I fight strongly to smile.
I sometimes appear and feel alive,
but I oftentimes disappear and feel alone.
I am seen for some time,
but I unluckily get unseen for most of the time.
I close my eyes hardly to forget,
but I open them asleep
and recall
what I was trying to let go.
I see what I was trying to run from.
Dreams don't just come and go.
Dreams tell us about what we have lifted for so long inside.
Lucky I am or unlucky doesn't matter.
I wasn't born to choose.
I wasn't born not to lose.
Destiny comes against my will.
Destiny comes as a fire of hell.
Asking happy I am or unhappy may only bring about sorrow
which would intensely grow.

Rachid Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 231
"The Soul"
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
O' My inner soul !
For God's sake,
What's wrong with you?
What are you hoping for?
Tell me,
What are you looking for?
Aren't you tired?
Aren't you bored?
Aren’t you exhausted?
You do nothing but
   blaming me,
Berating me,
And disturbing me.
O' Soul, tell me !
Why all this overmuch thinking?
Why all this nonstop wrestling?
What are you chasing?
Where are you rushing?
Stubbornness is your wont.
I am already enervated.
Is that what you want?
Don't you pity me?
Why don't you comfort me?
why don’t you just
Enfold me,
Accept me,
And get used to me.
Your constant rage is devouring me.
Your frequent pressure is piercing me,
Annoying me,
And wounding me.
Can’t you feel?
The confusion scattered on my heart.
This distraction descended on my mind,
O' Soul !
Through you,
Within you,
Isn't there a peck of mercy?
For you,
That’s my query,
For I am terribly weary.

#Rachid #Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 193
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
When recalling its wonderful colors
I look at the mighty sky
Through which I obviously envisage them.
When remembering its plentiful qualities,
I catch sight of the glossy sun
Through which I clearly see them.
When recalling its beautiful features,
I look up at the shiny moon
There I can fairly set my eyes on them
If these images were engraved in my soul,
If I didn't sense them with the veins of my heart,
If I didn't see them the with eyes of my soul,
I would not feel them,
I would not be obsessed with them,
Nor would I die for pursuing them,
I wonder why I badly love them?
Why I feel a profound admiration for them?
They never leave the line of my sight,
Nor can my sight stand being distant,
Parted, or stay away from them.
Their physical absence,
Physical disappearance,
Turn into a spiritual contact with them,
For they are part of me,
And I am part of them.
Nov 2017 · 194
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
Where are you?
Did the beefy wind
blow you away,
Or the hasty waves
that washed you away?
Tell me where,
where are you?
Did the dusty earth
**** you away,
Or your weary feet
that took you away?
Tell me where,
where are you?
Either you want me to stay away,
Or go on looking for you this way,
Tell me where,
where can I find you anyway?
Nov 2017 · 203
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
I am wasted within my obscure soul.
I am severely squeezed within this bottomless hole.
I, at times, view the light and sense my existence,
And other times
see but darkness and doubt my presence.
I never attempt to run away,
For, after all, every path leads to the same painful way.
My steady patience is about to vanish.
My touchy heart is about to perish.
I was somewhere within me,
seeking a key to this well locked mean life,
seeking help to tear out this two edged arrow,
so that I shalt puzzle out
a persuasive motive to survive,
so that I find out some reason
To remain alive
before I return to dust
and get eternally lost.

#Rachid #Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 376
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
I took some steps back and sat alone
after I'd discovered that there was nobody except me.
There might have been various individuals around me,
but I felt none's presence
nor did they make it shown to me.
I stood up after I had been fed up
of what was going on with me,
and went in a hurry to the hall in which good and bad things happened to me.
I thought it would bring something different
but those wounds its corners
had already dug inside of me.
it showered my poor soul but with the same rigid feelings,
which had already been oblivious
and tough to me.
I fought hard not to blame myself,
but everything else did instead of me; then I found out that this never ending apparition will remain by my side
as every part else of me.

#Rachid #Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 214
" Departure "
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
I wept.
I was about to lose my mind.
I was about to die.
I wasn't able to stand
Nor could I believe
who was about to leave.
Some questions crossed my mind
then I asked my odd self
And said:
"Why am I sick at heart?"
"Why am I falling apart?"  
  The answers were sundry and many, but fuzzy and tricky!  
I asked myself and said:
"Isn't there a curing way,
Isn't there something
To take
my sorrow away?"
  I got the response this time
then screamed inside
and said:
the only healing route
is to fly
and eye the entire world from the
To see if there is a shelter to my sadness,
To see if there is place for some
To get closer enough
to perceive what's I adore
to perceive what's I love.
But my mind replied and said:
"It's a pity you can't fly."
and Then I finally realized
that I'd spend all the years ahead
shedding tears,
waiting for miracles to knock on my door,
Awaiting some marvel to keep me cool.
These could be beautifully written words,
but their meaning deeply

#Rachid #Oulamine
Nov 2017 · 252
" Thee "
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
I exist in two places,
Here and where thou art,
For the spirit is chained to thee,
For the mind is tied and so is the heart,
And I really feel existent only nearby thee.
Thou art the art,
That verily astonishes,
Whoever walks past thee.
Thy being hath heavenly nature,
The like of which never hast I eyed.
That's the bewitching mystery of thine.

#Rachid #Oulamine
Oct 2017 · 260
" The Windy Touch "
Rachid Oulamine Oct 2017
O' wind !
I am jealous
Of thy blows,
Envious of thee
And thy windy touch.
Get me swept,
Cast me away,
Scatter me
Nearby the traits,
Where I feel existent,
And where my heart beats.
Right there,
Beside the angelic hair,
To go through it,
To blow it,
As thou dost.
Make me thee,
Swift as thou art,
Able to hover high
Across the sky.
Able to swiftly wind
Across the earth.
To the sun,
Fling me
To turn me into rays,
And every morning,
May I be the sunrise
To stream through,
And gently land down
On the eyes,
And have them awoken
To my warmth,
To my light.
And in evenings,
May I be the sunset
For the eyes to behold
Their charm reflected,
And see the beauty
And mystery they hold.
At nightfall,
Like darkness,
May I befall
On the divine features,
And inhabit the voids
Beneath each part,
And may nothing,
Nothing do us ever apart.

#Rachid #Oulamine

— The End —