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PoeticTragic Sep 22
These are words that don’t belong;
not to you, to me, or to the powers that be.
Surviving in the silence,
The softest muffles, only heard under the sea.
Wandering in ink and throats;
Not for long, just a little over forever.
Stuck in heads, begging the lips,
All of childhood’s what-ifs, living together.
Lost in the currents of dreams,
Tangled up in the seaweed of what could have been.
Resting within silent breaths
Stories unsaid, locked away in the in-between.
You are all the deaths you ever lived and the one you didn’t.
You are all your thoughts and dreams, and I beg them for a visit.
Where are your words kept? Pray tell.
Under a corner, perchance, may I join them there?
Another scratch on the wall,
Another lost thought, just... there, making haste nowhere.
In the awkward pause with friends,
When the laughter fades, and those brown eyes steal my voice,
My eyes float away in words,
Words I can’t dare share, my truth is rarely my choice.
I can see their shadows dance.
Under the city lights, when the fall angels cry
I’ll hand-deliver these words,
Wrapped in shaken breaths and under a heavy sigh.
Where all the dreams are kept, beyond your right and my wrong,
In that lagoon of depth and hopes, these words don’t belong.
Scribbles of a madman

— The End —