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Just call me old-fashion because
That is who I am;
Bliss is the one to find me on my
Journey getting past you ,

Somewhere over your rainbows,
Lies still my beating heart,
Which you've thrown away ,

The mixers what is right and what is
Wrong with the love we had ;
What did I do to make you so bad ?

Somewhere under your shadows
You will see me crying over you,
My soul had engraved your name in my
Heart and it has not erased,

Somewhere in your mind,
you had a vision
Of me holding me,
loving me like we once
Did moments like this I do miss ,

Somewhere in this big old world you are
Wishing you never hurt me like you did !
When you see, another rainbow crossing your
Way after a rainy day,
Just know it means I got past you.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1990
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Judy Emery

Just call me old-fashion because
That is who I am;
Bliss is the one to find me on my
Journey getting past you ,

Somewhere over your rainbows,
Lies still my beating heart,
Which you've thrown away ,

The mixers what is right and what is
Wrong with the love we had ;
What did I do to make you so bad ?

Somewhere under your shadows
You will see me crying over you,
My soul had engraved your name in my
Heart and it has not erased,

Somewhere in your mind,
you had a vision
Of me holding me,
loving me like we once
Did moments like this I do miss,

Somewhere in this big old world you are
Wishing you never hurt me like you did !
When you see, another rainbow crossing your
Way after a rainy day,
Just know it means I got past you.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1990
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Tue, 08/09/2016 - 15:45 -- Poetic Judy Emery
Somewhere in the darkness will always be you
I try so hard to move past you
I could never open my heart
to someone of the dark ,
In darken dreams you always make me scream
you are so mean you love to see me bleed
the old earth vibrates in so much pains,
The velvet moon is always in gloom
you taken love out of the room round we go
in the cloud of smoke your old words
Oh how they echo out to the crying sea
into darken dreams ,
At night the sky holds no stars you taken that too
you cast your evil all over the land
just for your anger to stand your heart is so cold
you are something I could never hold .

Poetic Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
Speak to me, Oh graveyard
where the souls sleep  
surrender your somber mind
why drink in this dead like life in ,
take with you old cold darkness
this pain I hold in my soul,  
take my empty desires and make a fair ,
the moon don't shine no more,
I sigh with the wind of the silence of night ,  
the sound of love gives me so much fright ,
shattered dreams became a part of me ,
Loneliness is all I know ,
It became a friend to me ,
Oh, graveyards with the souls that sleep ,
Hold me and keep me warm ,
My life runs in the night ,
With no one to hold in my life ,
No home to go to and call mine ,
I'm still trying to figure out what my life is  
what does it mean ,
why would someone give birth and never claimed
what that one made !
when your lost were does, life began.
all I see is the end.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1984
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Fri, 07/08/2016 - 12:39 -- Poetic Judy Emery
What a beautiful feeling
with true glory and peace
that comes in spring
with hearts that sings
when I look into your eyes
I could see Love for the first time,

I the had realized you're the one
my heart needs to feel complete
Your love for me is lift
like a beautiful butterfly
that fly high in lovers spring,

You my love has truly showed
me what true love is all about
you make me what to shout
and dance around like a child
on the playgrounds ,

To others my seem to be a dream
or it is a likely thing
but true love is something of lies
true love is not about control
but it is about two hearts becoming one .

Poetic Judy L. Emery (c)
Stand strong in faith and never take
Your eyes of Jehovah ;
The work of the flesh is weakness,
Don't look back to the past its long
Gone and it will hold you in darkness,
Satan is the Father of sin ;
Even when you can’t see your way
Stand strong in faith ;
Satan is always transforming himself
Into an angel of light ,
To make you lose sight of the way of
Your faith to Jehovah God .
Even when you feel like you can’t face
Another day , Hold on to Jehovah and
Never let go ,
Stand strong in faith and what you know,
Even when the tears want to flow from your
Eyes , Let Jehovah hold you to what is Right,
Stand strong in faith and Jehovah will make Way ;
Knowing that Jehovah will always provide
What you need ,
Even when you feel that all hope is gone
Never let go ,keep moving along to what you Know ,
Stand strong in faith ;
Knowing that Jehovah is always there for you
Just cry out and give all your worries to him ,
Stand strong in faith ;
Even when you feel like giving up let Jehovah
Give you his love .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Stealthy In The Gloom

Stealthy in the gloom of you to me  
The noise and cracks of a silent room
Is were he keeps me holding me  
In every step an inch to free life before me
Every inch a step to new strife for hope  
For a new life
Fear, regret, anticipation of a nightmare  
that will never go away
throbbing pulsing, circulation of a nasty  
scream that runs in my heart
the window’s high,
the glass is thick how  
could life not pass me by
oh how at times  
I wish for death
Someone  is hear in the room with me  
Aging with me from life  
There is no way of coming back  too the life  
I once achieved
To late for me who would ever believe  
An escape will I ever be free  
Were is the key to the staircase gate  
kneel down kneel down, make out to pray
this cold life is going just fine
No one ever come this away
It's a place so darken  
My chances has gone
perhaps it’s best
let’s go back and sit  
Dark Angel holds me with his lies
I had no-where to go anyway's
no one to call my own
Dark Angel scared them all
from me long ago  
there is no escape he is eating at my soul .  

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
Oh, how the wind
made the flood move along
the sounds of weeping
deep into the storm
rushing rain
pouring down
into the sea
swords of thunder
makes me wounder
what is around the corner
of the roaring sea
of darken dreams.

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Struggled Life

I was Lost most of my life wondering what is right
In my broken life
Dreams that had been lost a long time ago
Looking for answers that never came my way
Looking for the true light
In Gods eyes
I had been pushed beaten down call so many bad names
That would make the rain come down in shame
A darken road is what I hold
My mother ,father lost their way in what Love really means
They even left me helpless very young
I didn't have no hope of everlasting or evening
Finding something to call home or anyone
To show me the right way to go
People would look at me in a sad shameless way
up and down say bad things to make want to give up
In life that made me even cry
I sometimes wishing I would had died
where I never had to walk this kind of life
I kept holding on to the unknown of hopes and dreams
That never came to me
One day I hope God would find me and look my way
Love me and set me free from all my agony
And call me his own
Forgive me for the way I had to live
I had always been too scared to even pray along
That darken highway
I always thought in my heart that God was too far
away to even care about my life anyways
A God of judging everything I do
A God that I thought was only looking at the bad in me
thinking he was just out to get me too
then one cold storm of the past came rushing in my heart
That made me numb all over again
I cried and I cried wishing God would love me
Clean me up from this life I live in sin
Take my broken heart and make it mind
Then I look to the heavens on hands and knees
I gave it a try to let God in my darken life
I started praying giving God all my pains
All my shames
This had gone on for hours and hours
and the days on in I cried out my sins
I started telling him what I was feeling
And it was something like this
It’s You oh God that I must of missed
Oh God I know I am a sinner I was born
That way you see everyone looks down on me
and call me a black seed
I am a Homeless child that is who I truly am
I had been tossed about like the raven winds
Lost with so much sins
Oh God I don't know why I am crying out to you
But what else can I do
I know you must have better things to do
So I will let you go but please God open
Your heart and you will find mine in
Your hands amen
The night had past and all my pains had
Gone away and my life had never been
The same true love came my way
Walking With Jehovah God
And he even calls me friend.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1989
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Suddenly Darkness
People talks with hate in their hearts
Spiraling down with broken wings  
Suddenly Dark Angel came
Tomorrow , tomorrow creeps in my  
Mind petty pace day to day
Dark Angel comes to give more pain
I hold on to what I feel is right
I hold tight and all it home
I wont let go of what I know
Lies of danger and despair Dark Angel
Feeds in my mind with the look of pain ,
Everyone tells me to beware of what is near  
Dark Angel does not scare ,
He sits looking over the city of his darkness
Intoxication of darken souls with rosary's  
In there hand counting in the are ''Prays''
To their lost king  
Jealousy inwardly there hearts screams
I hold on to the light as my soul almost taken flight  
Dark Angel holds on to me and wont let  
My soul run clean .  
Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
Superstitious Mind

Into that cold September you sink into the night
just to give more fright
your sleek and shiny black hair
and your diamond eyes that shine into the night
hunting dreams just to make one scream,

dark and very fast is your way of life
you never play nice
you love to see me cry
I had always asked you Why?
what have I done
to make you act this away?
you haunt my thoughts
you give me darken dreams
you are the curse of me.

I always pray,
that I would never cross your path
that would be so bad
even the thought of it makes me mad
because the pain you give hurts so bad
and that makes me so sad
The panic begins every September that draws near
it sets off fear for others to hear...

This is a battle I'll never win
But then it's a battle you will never win
because I will never give into your darkness
you bait the trap for me to fall into
but I also got one for you
We all know superstition is a lie,

so, keep faith in mind always
You cry out my name every night
saying how much you love me
you want me to stay
Oh, panic go away
I promise I will never turn my back on you

Oh, Dark Angel I see your blazing eyes
looking back at me
tell me what it is you see
Why do you keep haunting me?
You are everywhere I go
You're stalking out my life,

But why do you hold on to me like you do?
What have I done to make you act so cold?
your anger is so bold,
Yet, so cold with hunger into your darken soul.
Please let me go
I don't want to drink your ruby red wine
not this time...
never mess with a man of darkness,

He will always play games
with one’s mind every time...
He is an evil cat knocking at the door
he has a superstitious mind
that tries to read my soul
but he will never get that far
so remover your darkness from me
take your spells off me and let me be.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1988
Darken Dreams

There is no remedy for love but to love  
That is taboo to say I love you,
To wait an hour is long if love be just
Beyond to wait eternity is short if  
Love reward, just because I feel that  
Love from you,

The words rising in me strong and clear  
Oh so real like the sun in the sky that  
Shines so bright is the love I hold in my heart
That is taboo every time I think of you,

I hear the words in love songs of love and I  
Think of us just the way we were dancing in  
The bar singing to each other, You’re still the  
One we had been dancing on,

And the words I love you came to mind like
Rising moon that shine bright on our love  
That night to set our love on high,
I try to say the words never let me go,

But that is all taboo is my love for you,
Till I loved I never lived enough,
Love is a gift from heaven above,
Love is all there is to me,
when it comes,

To us, is all we shale ever know is the  
Love we hold Taboo could never take  
Control over what is inside of us,

If we love we must never walk in darkness  
I almost broke the silence many, many times
But was held back by the feeling you left me  
In when I saw the look in your eyes,
Our love was only taboo of lies.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2010

The years have passed,
but my mind is still on you
My heart is broken in two,
I have been doing a lot of thinking
Why life have been doing so much changing,
At times, it is so ******* me to say what it is I think,
I just stand quite while others look at me strange,
They would even ask others if I was okay,
So, I started writing all my pains down
in my own blood stain ink,
where others could read what, it is my heart bleeds,
It is hard for me to explain everything Dark Angel
Has done to me in darken dreams,
But I try to do my very best to open the doors of empty rooms
for all who is ready to take the journey,
there are so much to see in the battles of darken dreams
you will be left in darken places where you see the dead
while others are losing their minds in a different time,  
in my mind, I have so much emotion bottled up within
My heart weeps for peace, but darkness is all I see,
In a world of pains that brings on pouring rain that stings,
I try so hard to express all that I feel or see,
I write on paper on the computer or on anything that will
let me write out my pains,
In darken dreams my world of screams, a place of darkness
Where the blood moon hangs in late June,
I never known life to be so cold. I always stand bold
Even in the hours of a painful storm,
On the scale of time I always write what’s on my mind,
Just for the readers to see the journey of darken dreams
That comes to me while I sleep.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen of Darken Dreams is me
Poetic Lilly Emery.
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Tale As Old As Time

Tale as old as time
you had touched my life
you showed me the way
when my life was in the gray
you taken away the pains of yesterdays,

You stay upon my mind
most of the time
friends come and go
and soon they grow old ,

But you stand so bold
your love never goes cold
you are the love of my life
but this was no surprise
all can see you are with me
your love shines so bright
deep into my eyes ,

You gave me a meaning
you gave me hope
you taken away the darkness
you did everything
No other could had ever done
you are my one and only ,

Your love is so true
you could never make me blue
Your love is ancient
A tale as old as time
I read your words day and night,

You are the way
you are the light
that shines on high
deep into the night
you are the fire
that keeps my spirit on high ,

I am so glad
and so very blessed
you are in my life
You are the tale as old as time
you are the love of my life .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Tangle Of The Night
Touch me like you once did
tell me what you want me to do
I want to love all over you
lets take that trip around the world
let me see all the beauty it can give to me
you set me on fire with your love and desire
you can see the flames growing higher
you set me on fire in your love
light me up inside of this old room
hold me down on the bed and lets be wed
I just wanna be close to you
I truly love only you
I cant take it anymore
give me some more
kisses, loving touching
I want you so much
lets drink another glass
of your ruby red wine
I wanna feel your breath on my skin
I want to feel your every touch
I love that so much
let the flames of this fire
grow even higher into are deep desires
find that place we've never been
I wanna spend all night doing it again
Tangled up inside your love
like a heated up rush .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
Mon, 08/22/2016 - 14:25 -- Poetic Judy Emery
Tear drops fall like a waterfall
my tears roll from my filled eyes
while my heart has been cut another time
I try so hard to hid what it is I feel inside
but that never stop the thunder of his anger ,

Poetic Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
I still Cry

but not about you

all my tears I cry

are from Yesterday's blues

My tears will flow

from long ago

but the pain I hold

I will only know .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)

Tears would always fill my eyes
is the blue prints of me,

the art of my inner beauty
that stains the autumn leaves,

in darken dreams that makes
my heart and makes me
bleed out like ink.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1980
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Tears Of Autumn
Tears are silent words

The words that cut the

   heart very deep,

In silence, tears will fall

like autumn leaves

   from near or far

without a sound until

   they hit the ground .

Poetic Judy Emery © 1983
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Judy Emery
Tears of Jewels

I sung to the sea
in so many dreams;
but it’s all the same to me,
I cried and cried day and night
while the old moon looked down on me,
while my tears had fallen deep into the sea
they looked like jewels of history
from all the pains,
I held deep within
lips of words that cut do deep
that made my heart bleed out into the sea
the sea became a friend
just like the autumn winds,
dreams that taken me back to the past
oh, here comes the pain
bring down the rain
those memories are cutting at me
my mind could see
the eyes of he looking back at me
while my tears started to fall
like autumn leaves;
the sea made them all
into tears of jewels of me.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1980
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Tue, 08/16/2016 - 01:55 -- Poetic Judy Emery
I sung to the sea
in so many dreams
but its all the same to me,
I cried and cried day and night
while the old moon looked down on me,
while my tears had fallen deep into the sea
they looked like jewels of history
from all the pains I held deep within
lips of words that cut do deep
that made my heart bleed out into the sea
the sea became a friend just like the autumn winds,
dreams that taken me back to the past
oh, hear comes the pain bring down the rain
those memories are cutting at me
my mind could see
the eyes of he looking back at me
while my tears started to fall like autumn leaves
the sea made them all into tears of jewels of me.

Poetic Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams

I sung to the sea
in so many dreams
but its all the same to me,
I cried and cried day and night
while the old moon looked down on me,
while my tears had fallen deep into the sea
they looked like jewels of history
from all the pains I held deep within
lips of words that cut do deep
that made my heart bleed out into the sea
the sea became a friend just like the autumn winds,
dreams that taken me back to the past
oh, hear comes the pain bring down the rain
those memories are cutting at me
my mind could see
the eyes of he looking back at me
while my tears started to fall like autumn leaves
the sea made them all into tears of jewels of me.

Poetic Lilly  Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
Mon, 08/01/2016 - 13:44 -- Poetic Judy Emery
My tears is the blue prints of me,
the art of my inter beauty
that stains the autumn leaves
in darken dreams that makes
my heart bleed out like ink .

Poetic Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
I had been put to the test
I truly fought the fight
to do what was right
time after time
I found myself
in another dream
I couldn't rewind a thing
when it comes to darken dreams
Oh, how Dark Angel makes me scream
I look into the future
in a mirror of my room
I could see Dark Angels eyes
looking back at me
beyond his eyes are a ***** side
of another kind
A place I haven't seen before
where Life is so unfair
I see the poor everywhere
hungry eyes in a place of death
Oh, how this pain taken my breath
dry air everywhere
Don't cry a voice out of the night
telling me it will all be alright
just keep your faith
this is the way
you are being tested
you are being broken
but in the end
you will kiss the pains away
so hold on to your faith
that is when I open my eyes
to a brighter day.

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
I always act like everything

is going okay

to everyone face

but when the night is still young

the pains takes a run

that cuts deeper at my heart

until the rain comes

I know deep within

I feel so very I'll

without you in my Life

I know I couldn't hide my pains

when the world can see it

My heart is breaking

my body is aching  

But I still keep on faking

that I am okay without you in my Life.

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Wed, 08/10/2016 - 20:37 -- Poetic Judy Emery
The art of my pains
is in the blood stain ink of me
while I write day and night
to give insight of me that bleeds
while the world reads ,

this is my own battle cry's
that are left in my mind
I see all the dead souls around me
while I dream my darken pains
of the days of rain that hasn't gone away,

I was born in a painful storm
the memories stayed with me
oh how the pains had cut me deep
the words that hurt made bigger storms
I hold my breath like I was dead
thinking it would all end ,

I now realize as I got older
you cannot fix anyone
that don't want the help
so why in the hell did this life paint me
and put me down into a devastated storm
the past has away to paint my life gray
this is the art of me that bleeds .

Poetic Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams

The art of my pains
is in the blood stain ink of me
while I write day and night
to give insight of me that bleeds
while the world reads ,

this is my own battle cry's
that are left in my mind
I see all the dead souls around me
while I dream my darken pains
of the days of rain that hasn't gone away,

I was born in a painful storm
the memories stayed with me
oh how the pains had cut me deep
the words that hurt made bigger storms
I hold my breath like I was dead
thinking it would all end ,

I now realize as I got older
you cannot fix anyone
that don't want the help
so why in the hell did this life paint me
and put me down into a devastated storm
the past has away to paint my life gray
this is the art of me that bleeds .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
The art of what one write
is the ink of what you bleed .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery(c)
While searching for freedom
hanging on to hope
visions of light
to make my path right ,
as time moved along
so did everything else
I found myself
in a place of true darkness
lost of faith and truth
words of sharp swords
that cut deep
piercing away at my soul
my poor heart just bled
the pain is holding me down in the cold
out into the darken sea of dreams
I found my self
lock away form
what is real to me
friends they come and go
like the smoke of a fire
they hold no desire
the ones that call their self
my friends of the past
they can stay in the past
because what they show me
is lies and darkness
just to have some kind of hold
over my soul
so I had to let them go
I'm always among the tears of pains
words that always had away
to bring down the rain
stalkers of the night
hold eyes on every move
they tell lies to keep other confused
the night speaks out in the rushing winds
this darken life of dreams
keeps me on the screams
I have no friends this I can see
they hold so much jealousy for me
cold words of my hates
are always at me
they hold the reflection of Satan
they are his demons
they climb into the world
giving flash hopes
pushing ones mind
to the braking of time
I fight my fights
a battle I will soon win  
but until then
I will rid the raging storms
that comes at me
in all my darken dreams .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams

Each night I dream, I must face he
Who makes me scream,
Facing the predator that eats away
at my soul and spirit
to get me to lose my faith,
In this old darken world of suicide lies
plays over and over of an ancient birdcatcher,

He is a super intelligent of the dark,
That knows how to pierce the heart,
Plays on the mind with cunning ways
to get you to lose your way,
while he sits on his blood throne of darkness,
he plots a trap in all your moves,
he studies all your habits and chrematistics,

He walks on the ground of the lost
that never been found;
the graves in ashes of gray pines of all time,
pasting on what was once glassy meadow,
he schemes to mislead,
he is the ancient birdcatcher of all times,
plays his games on the dreamer’s minds,

He has a wicked skittish hand,
he hides behind dark places
in his eyes are the fire of hades,
He sets traps for the flesh and blood
he takes the bones and turn into rose dust,
In the castle of true horror are many doors
That traps the dreamers,

I had recently burnt down many traps
He made out for me in darken dreams,
It was a stormy night,
on a cold September fright,
he came out of nowhere and taken me down
so, fast I didn’t know I was caught
into one of his traps,
Oh, the pains and the rain on a road of darkness,

High into the mountains are the eyes
and the tracks of slaves, where traps are being laid
The prince of darkness stands in the mist
giving out his evil commands,
anger is always in the air
in a world of darkness that don’t give a care,

I could hear the lying words through the thunder,
he is the birdcatcher of darken dreams,
he loves to watch me bleed.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Black Seed of torment
the haunter of dreams
Looking for lost souls

scatter it's seed around the land
among the rich harvest of the good
The Black Seeds,
digs deep in their own decay
Dark Angels' eyes
when he turns to look at me
are like two empty mirrors

I didn't find myself in them
only the dark of the weeping
He doesn't speak or gesture
He never follows when
I run from the dark rooms
He provokes me in his silence

He seems to look at me without a care
he brings so much fear
He stares deep in the night
like he is lost in another time
I had always been afraid of his kind
I grown afraid of the dark

Because Dark Angel left his mark
I know in my heart
he will always be a big part of me
we are inseparable from each other
we are like the changing wind
Lost in shipwreck of time
he is always on my mind
Black Seed is he, eating away at me.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2004

There are so many times I needed to be alone,
But tonight, wasn’t one of those nights,
I never thought we would end like this,
But I know it was all for the best,
Oh, tonight I need you to hold me and say
We will make things right,
I need you with me why I cry,
But then that wouldn’t change a thing,
Oh, here comes more rain
I feel so much pain,
But I know we are doing the right thing,
The fears I hold deep within
feel like ancient years of sin,
I could no longer hold it in,
I had to cry day and night just to get by
To make things right,
My bed is unmade,
But I lie there on your side
Telling myself it will all be just fine,
When I wake from that painful night
I take long walks where we first meet,
Sometimes I wonder do you ever think of me?
Do you feel we did the right thing?
Do you feel the pains of are breakup?
If you could only see me now,
Would you take me in your arms?
and tell me we are going to be okay?
Can you feel me right now?
If you can do you understand,
I truly wanted you to be my man,
When you’re gone,
The world on my end has stopped,
My heart is broken into billions of pieces,
I pray each night you are feeling the same way,
But then I get so lost in all my emotions
That I forget why we ended in the first place,
I’m missing you
But I know why we needed to let eachother go,
But my heart keeps missing you so,
Missing the face, I once known,
But we are so long gone
How could we still be hanging on?
I never felt this way before,
I never thought this pain would last so long,
everything I do reminds me of you,
Every place I go
I start to remember all those memories
When we would dance in summers breeze,
But when I go home to a place of old heartaches,
A place we made history,
I go to our bed room
I would see the photo of you and me
Looking so happy,
The smile upon our face like everything was okay,
I loved how you would dance with me
Before we ended are night,
You will kiss me with true passion,
Love we had ended so fast,
I could still remember when we take are walks
I could still count your every step
Your every breath,
But that is long gone,
Know all I have is the memories
how can I pick up the billions of pieces of my heart
And make my life a better place,
Did you ever take the time?
To see that we were made for each other?
but we gave up on the best things we ever had
That was a love that could had last,
I try so hard to let or past go,
But somehow, I wanted you to know
I still love you so,
I’d given you my heart and soul
But that is when everything started bring on the rain,
I started getting where I could no longer breath
When You had left me.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2012
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Broken Souls

Can you still hear the cries? From the other side,
While the storm of pains move along,
Upon on an angry sea, comes darken dreams,
Voices of an ancient time comes back to my mind,

Tortured standing in rain, facing the blade,
Casting down in a world of shame that giving so much blame,
Lies that cut like a knife, broken are the souls of long ago
In a world that is so cold, now we all face what was
and what is going on today,

Oh, how the sea moves the ship along the shores,
While the storm cast its spell of all evil in the minds
That sleep and dream of he that haunts the weak,
In darken dreams.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
The Clown Of The Town

He is a clown with a big nose that is round
He has a big sad frown
that could almost touch the ground,
His cheeks are rosy nice and pink
with a heart that sinks down deep,

He has the eyes that sparkle in the night wind,
He sits alone crying about
what was and what didn't come
This old dark world put this clowns heart on the run,

His old shoes are so big that all his tears fall in,
His costume be perm pressed,
His old heart overflown with sadness,
every time he walks around
everyone makes a fuse over the way he looks
the way he dressed
Oh, his life is a big mess,

His face is painted with heartaches,
He holds his head down low holding balloons for the show
children run to greet him will hast on their face,
Wherever he may go his life is one big show,

When it comes to love he just bleeds
with the heartaches of long ago,
despite all he has been through,

He walks alone holding on to his broken heart
hoping one day it will mend and be set free
Where he can breathe, and start living again.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2004

In my cold room of darkness
where the light of day never appears,
the curtain of darkness is everywhere,
where things were once loved
is no longer;
But, again that is what makes the heart
grow fonder in true wonder for true love,
where the sky isn’t limited;
but, down hear in darken dreams
things are never what they seem,
frozen emotions of words that strangle out love,
secrets are made deep into the night
where Dark Angel loves to give fright
that starts up a big fight,
between light and day
a lot of slaves lost their way,
the shadows of the night
danced away their soul to a world of darkness,
where love was once hidden in their hearts
now, it is only a place of the forbidden
where lies are always written,
the light of love is behind the curtain
of the uncertain;
where love is only a fragrance in the sea air
that rises upon the earth;
that makes some keep fight for what is right
fighting for true love;
some without knowing
without a showing
But heart felt movements of the sprit
makes them remove all pride,
let true love come alive
in the souls that wants to live in paradise,
that is the only way
there is no other way,
in my cold darken room,
is a ******* curtain
filled with only darkness;
where evil is always near
casting so much fear,
where petals of true love beamed its way
into the hearts of faith;
where darkness could never stand in the way.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams

There is a great deal of depression
in a life of pain;
oh, how this body aches
I know no body truly knows me
if they did would it mean anything
Dark Angel has overtaken me,

my soul longs for the day he lets me go,
all he wants is full control over me
oh, how he cuts deep at my mind
just to see my heart bleed most of the time,
his words are like an old sad love song
that never stops playing
my mind is filed with deep thoughts
my heart feels its loss,

the tears I cry is like a flood
that never ends deep within,
I was too young
to understand the ways of sin
My life was never right in my mother's eyes
No matter how hard I ever try
all she seen was the dark side of me
she called me her black seed,

I was only two when I started crying out
for those painful words to end
as I got older
the pains had grown stronger
I would get down on my knees
Please make the hurt stop
but they never did,

I would cry deep in the night
asking why did my own mother
did not love me;
why did my father leave me like this?
holding his big old mess
he just walked away
without a word of goodbyes
their ware no words
no words to ease my pains
every day this old pain
has given me so much rain,

Poetic Judy Emery © 1980
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
The Deep Dark Wind
when you feel cast down and despondently sad
have you ever ask yourself
how did your life get  
Get so bad ?
now we are face to face little
by little you stop loving  
Me and some how I kept
all your hateful words looked
away in my mind
just for them to haunt me through out my life
I suddenly cried why my heart felt it already died  
How did are love get like this ?
You have this look on your face
with out a trace of love  
ever came your way and you gave me all blame  
forgetting you is a hard thing for me today
Why you walked away
with no shame at all for what you  gave to me
do not look for me I cried
with the pouring out cried rain
For all this pain to go away
for I should had already forgotten you
my pain is like it is new
years had past us by
you had gone on with your life
but mine is still locked away with you  
the wind that crackles in my mind
like a hurtful rhyme of the dark  
night is what you gave my life  
A pain that has not held
the hurtful words you gave me
is still running on clock work of you  
Of your abuse ,
You are my fright night for life ,
You  pass through my life like
a nasty storm that will never go away,
I'm fading don't you see
what you given to me ?
to leave me at the shore
of your broken down world
I at one time had the heart
where I have roots to grow
but you cut them all up
like dust in a rush fire ,
That night we had to look
each other in the eyes
just to say our goodbye's  
Your eyes was like flames of fire
with hurtful desires ,
You made my heart cold and old
were I will never let love come near
You left me scared with so much fear
Its like you are still with me
This life you gave is something
I do not want to ever put someone trough
Teach me how to remove you from my mind
I have not had not seen good days
since I had met you
My nights are sleepless at all hour
If each day,each hour, I am fading
If you feel that you are destined for me
With implacable sweetness
If each day a flower grows
do you see me at spring?
do you smile with the pains
you gave me like the deep darken Sea
When will you stop
this haunting you have given me ?
Lost is me like a deep dark wined .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
The Edge Of Darken Dreams

I try so hard to concentrate
On this life Darken Angel gave,
in a world of ancient pains,
where it always rain,

the old moon always cry’s in late June
drink up the beauty of the sea,
while the stars shine from fare,
On the edge of the sea
is where I will fine me in darken dreams,

I walk alone praying one day all this will end,
then I think why did it ever began?

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
The Edge Of The Sea

he seems to act as if his heart is broken
by the way he is  looking over at me
something within him casting spells over the sea
But the moment that I first laid eyes on him
I knew I would be lost in his charm
all alone on the edge
by the sea of a dream
he made love to me like it was magic
clouds never expect it to rain
but it made storms
crashing in on sea
the sea changes colors
over and over in dreams,
that is when he reaches over
to kiss me and he was gone
the sea does not change what it feels
I had got lost in the moment of him kissing me
with the slow graceful of his touch I fell in love,
he was like an angel flow of age,
I went forth with an age old desire
to please me in dreams
he was like a white winged dove flying over me
well, then suddenly I got up
looking all around me praying
he was not a dream but something real to me,
there was no one left standing
in the hall of my dream
in a flood of tears
my heart screams praying he would
find his way back to me
no one really ever heard my cry's
our the tears that fall
not at all because it was only a dream
I went searching for an answer that never came
up the stairs and down the hall I felt my heart fall
just to hear the call coming out to me from the sea
of a night bird singing come away with me.

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
The Eye Of The Dragonflies

Swing on high like a sad lullaby,
Who will ever succeed in darken dreams,
lies are playing around in the open minds,
while hate leads the way into darken days,
upon the bladed grass
are the blood of one’s flesh,

The smell of autumn fresh air,
While the breeze blow, the autumn leaves
all over the place into darken dreams,
I would hear Dark Angel call out to his slaves,

Come up close to me where all can see,
Open your eyes and unstop your ears and hear,
Her my voice your empty souls,
Let all nations and national groups weep
What it is I have then to sow,

Dark Angel, starts pointing his finger
at all who are standing around,
Saying, pay attention to all my words
even if it hurts, you lost souls, listen
to what it is being told,

The cries are howling all over the land,
bloodshed tears fall on the bladed grass,
the wind blow a darken storm in, while
The Black Sea holds rage,

You devoted slaves, in time you will only
be a waste, that the owls and the ravens
will eat up along the way, in the slaughter
house you will go,
On autumn, colored leaves that falls,
Moonlight will had named them all,
through the rosy blooms,
Moonlight walks around the crystal waters
where streams will sing,

That’s when Dark Angel looked at me,
with his eyes looking at me with a smile,
this I have seen many times when he is
ready to start playing on my mind,

Oh, grey skies scatter around clouds of storms
Where thoughts do nest in wonder,
far into Dark Angels eyes pressed against mine,

I see many different things, like fields of silver edge
where slaves are out working hard,
or losing their heads,
Where cows and all kinds of animals are out
eating away on parsley, in a cool silent place,

Deep sun searching through the eyes of the dragonflies,
I had to ask myself where is this place I am seeing,
am I dreaming? Or is it real?
Wings of doves are flying on high
While the ravens are playing around in the trees,
What does all this mean.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
Darken Dreams

You oh, Dark Angel, always telling me
how it was so easy being unconfident in life,
where others always had put their trust in my hands,
where true darkness takes its stand,

those old past feelings run deep into the mind,
the touch of pain upon the skin, that makes its way
deep within, where the fingers of time of what is
right and wrong plays out its song,

Oh, Moonlight, you are like a child of the light
that has a message for the slaves,
but only darkness I will only allow them to see,
in the distance the light will shine,

like a white dove that flies on high,
brightness shines deep into your eyes,
to help the blind see how to get away from me,
Moonlight, there is no way I will set you free,
the breath of true will never be,

darkness is the way this game is played,
close your wings and walk over to me,
come and test what it is I give,
come and watch what I will do to the slaves
that pray for death to come,

Come to me Moonlight and play along,
Open your heart to me and I will give you anything
When it comes to darken dreams,
You know I will be all you need if you will only trust me,
You can have it all here in the place of the dark,

That’s when I turned around and said to Dark Angel,
remove your hands off my breast,
you are the creature of the night move aside,
all you ever do is tell lies, to keep others on your side,
but you oh, Dark Angel, you had forgotten I see everything.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
The Light

The light in your eyes is fading fast
Like a bladed glass ,
I try to keep up a good front that
Nothing's wrong ,
But inside my head and my heart
Are constantly fight who's right and
Who's wrong ,
As soon as I feel I can grasp for air
And go ahead and let the pain's run
In ,and accept that you are long gone
I can move along ,
The taste of happiness has faded away
To another place and silence made
Home ,
This feeling that I feel that is holding me
Captive within myself ,
Feels as if someone pulls out the rug.
And I fall off my feet onto my face ,
My heart does feel a beat.
And I have strong faith in you to see
Me through in Jehovah's name,
I don't want to give up , but this is too
Much pain that won't go away ,
This is killing me slowly within why I
Am holding it all in,
But how much can one person take.
I try with all my might.
As darkness try's so hard to fall over
Me when death has taken its course ,
This is not who I'm supposed to be.
I always try to remain bright in the love
Of Jehovah God ;
But this time my heart holds dimering
Light of a lost life and I must get my
Feeling back right,
So I call on yo Jehovah to let me run
Free until I have finely found me .
And now I am asking Jehovah God
To dust me off from all my sinful ways
And let me see brighter days to run
In the race .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
The Light

The light in your eyes
is starting to fade away
just like night into day,

Your words cut deep within
my heart like a bladed glass
I try so hard to keep up a good
front that nothing is wrong,

But inside my head and my heart
is remembering every nasty word
you ever said,

You are constantly fight with me
who's right and Who's wrong
what a said way this is going,

As soon as I start to feel I can
grasp for air
you start it up all over again
head to let this pain run

Now I have too accepted that you are
now long gone with someone new
I had enough of the blues,

The taste of happiness has faded
to another place were silence made Home  
this feeling that hunts at me
I must scream,

I feel the cuts that eat at my soul
I hold on to myself looking around
our old cold beaten down room,

I started having a visions
that captive within myself  
feels as if someone pulling the rug
out from me,

Oh, I cannot breathe  
Please someone help me
I fall off my feet onto my face
my heart does feel a beat
I had been cut too deep,

I don't want to give up  
but this is too ruff for me
to handle all on my own

You left me with all the blames
and so much pain that won't go away
This is killing me slowly within

Am holding it all in
how much can one person take
I try with all my might to let it all end,

Why darkness try's so hard to make it's
way end another time at my mind
fall over me the cloud of gray,

When death has taken its course
this is not who I'm supposed to be  
I always try to remain bright
in the love of my God,

But this time my heart holds glimmering
dark stones of You and I of all the wrongs  
Light of a lost souls
I must get my feeling back right,

I call on you my God Jehovah
to let me run free until I have finely find me  
I am asking you my God to help me please,

dust me off from all my sinful ways
let me see brighter days to run in the race.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2013
The Lucky One

Lucky me I'd say
when you looked my way  
I knew it was love at first sight
when you  looked in my eyes
oxygen please
when he kissed me
I never thought I'd be so lucky enough
to get this man
A man that knows how to love
to encounter such a sweetheart as he
I am so bliss
the kind of loyal companions he gives
the nights are sheen heaven
the moon of the night
shines so bright on us
We all seek in our adult life
for a life like this to come a long
the ones who speak the truth of Jehovah's law
When that love comes face to face
you know Jehovah sent It your way .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
The Midnight Cries

Oh, how the false face must hind,
How it mocks my life;
I hear the sound in the night
like caries of an ancient time,
I could see the mighty light shine on in,
While others are on hands and knees
begging please not me,
that old September wind
made its way back again,
in the silence of the night
I can hear the cries,
they get closer and closer with time,
it is messing with my mind,
Oh, why do they cry?
I could almost hear trumpets
from far away;
what does this mean? when it comes
to me in darken dreams,
It sounds like a mighty earthquake
Where lives are about to end;
on blood stained sand
someone is about to take a stand,
while deadly flowers are in a cup
when a voice would say
come and drink.
It will end quickly you will see
changes will be made for you and me,
at the end of the mighty cry
when it hits midnight,
so, look around me dear queen,
tell me what it is you see,
I had no words to say to he
The one who haunts me
In darken dreams;
Then he would say to me again,
Moonlight tell me what you see,
So, I opened my mouth with would
Like thunder and said;
I see prophecies are being fulfilled,
tears are flowing out on the seas,
songs are being song,
And yet; death is being done,
Slaves do appear to hear the words
I must say; flowers are falling from the sky
while another has died;
Horror and pain come the mighty rain;
In deep emotions, they do fall;
I hear words of sorrow
knocking at the doors of the poor,
while a noble slave, tries to shine faith their way.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Sun, 07/17/2016 - 14:22 -- Poetic Judy Emery
The Mind is powerful
yet something made so beautiful ,
the mind has many rooms
to hold all things it has seen
those brain rooms holds many thoughts
emotions of happiness and lost
the mind is the revelation
of who we are from the start of birth
too the very end of ones life
the eyes are the window to the soul
the mind is the key of reality
that moves the body and the heart
the mind is a beautiful gift from God
the mind  is the mirror to ones soul
the mind is powerful with many rooms.

Poetic Judy Emery (c)
The Moon In Her Eyes

Oh, moon what have you done
What did I do?
my for soul to be so cold
I am lost and confused
darkness is taken control
I know you seen everything
that was set out for me
the traps for me to fall in
in my eyes the visions
will always be
you are the goddess of the sky
I will always cry upon old sea
but you will shine your love down
for this is what you do
you change in moods
so be good to me
A New Year is near
and darkness has not yet disappeared
lies are still being told
Dark Angel ,he is out
playing mind games
on those who dream
for me to see with the eyes of a moon
I hold the goddess of you
unusual violent eyes that turn royal blue
in late June
casting beauty of visions of time
with the stars their is the light
the doom hearts lost their shine
old sea has resounded over seasons
the castle is where my body remains
locked away in my cold dark room
while Dark Angel plays games
where the black magic woman
cast her spell from a life of hell
Dark Angel is taking me in rage
to a foreign place
where people where mask
upon their faces
they are dancing around
like they are in a scorching pain
acting so crazy
like they are insane
falling on the ground
jumping up and down
something I have never seen before
then it started to rain
then they started crying out a name
to the black magic woman
please stop this pain
that Dark Angel gave
then she started to laugh
and made much thunder  
then they started crying
Dark Angel of dreams
move away please
they all was on hands and knees saying
**** us please  so we can be set free
I started holding my stomach
starting to get very sick
a moonstone was place upon me
asking me what is it I see
I had no words but only tears
come Moonlight
tell  Dark Angel what he needs
I will not change if this is what you mean!
Dark Angel stands over me
and said in a angry voice
we will see wont we
then the moonstone become very cold
it is the door of your eyes
the visions of time that is waiting for you
to open the door and let us see
what it is you hide from me
what is it you see
tell me Dark Angel starts to scream
then the moon is in color
Moonlights eyes are like something
of the sea but never seen of all times
Your name is Moonlight
you have been marked but not by me

Poetic  Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
The Moon In Her Eyes

Oh, moon what have you done
What did I do?
my for soul to be so cold
I am lost and confused
darkness is taken control
I know you seen everything
that was set out for me
the traps for me to fall in
in my eyes the visions
will always be
you are the goddess of the sky
I will always cry upon old sea
but you will shine your love down
for this is what you do
you change in moods
so be good to me
A New Year is near
and darkness has not yet disappeared
lies are still being told
Dark Angel ,he is out
playing mind games
on those who dream
for me to see with the eyes of a moon
I hold the goddess of you
unusual violent eyes that turn royal blue
in late June
casting beauty of visions of time
with the stars their is the light
the doom hearts lost their shine
old sea has resounded over seasons
the castle is where my body remains
locked away in my cold dark room
while Dark Angel plays games
where the black magic woman
cast her spell from a life of hell
Dark Angel is taking me in rage
to a foreign place
where people where mask
upon their faces
they are dancing around
like they are in a scorching pain
acting so crazy
like they are insane
falling on the ground
jumping up and down
something I have never seen before
then it started to rain
then they started crying out a name
to the black magic woman
please stop this pain
that Dark Angel gave
then she started to laugh
and made much thunder  
then they started crying
Dark Angel of dreams
move away please
they all was on hands and knees saying
**** us please  so we can be set free
I started holding my stomach
starting to get very sick
a moonstone was place upon me
asking me what is it I see
I had no words but only tears
come Moonlight
tell  Dark Angel what he needs
I will not change if this is what you mean!
Dark Angel stands over me
and said in a angry voice
we will see wont we
then the moonstone become very cold
it is the door of your eyes
the visions of time that is waiting for you
to open the door and let us see
what it is you hide from me
what is it you see
tell me Dark Angel starts to scream
then the moon is in color
Moonlights eyes are like something
of the sea but never seen of all times
Your name is Moonlight
you have been marked but not by me

Poetic Judy Lilly Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
The Mowing Field
I go up through the mowing field
while my poor heart reviles
it's old passions of long ago
the headless aftermath of the beating past
keeps hanging around like a necklace around my nick
the pain hovers over me like the clouds of gray
half closes is the garden path where you lay
I come to the garden ground
of sober birds sing
while my poor heartaches
I kneel down to pray
but my words was hard for me to say
Oh how much I love you
I do hope you known it
I do hope I gave my all to you
my tears I couldn't hold back
they came down like rain
On the ground the leaves
lingered with the breeze
sweeping them away softly  
I end not far from my going forth
to pick up the faded blue rose
of long ago I have given to you on Your grave
Oh ,how my poor heartaches for you
I just hang on to your love I once known
I walk away with no more words I could say
But to put another in the other ones place
With a word I will always love you .

Poetic Lilly Judy  Emery (c
The name of that small town

The name of that small town I will never reveal,
I have courage and strength to fight this nasty war
That keeps me captive in darken dreams,
I know the words of he who hunts me,
I see the butterflies screaming while they fly
Deep into the night skies, I will always follow
The golden light that shines deep into my eyes.
In this small town, I know so well,
The people tries so hard to give me a life of hell,
They go around town lighting their lamps,
While an old man rings the town church bell,
I can hold my breath in my lungs,
Just as they can, So, what makes them think
They are better than me?
I can reach deep into the sea floor,
I can even dance upon on the sand,
My words are strong yet smooth,
In this small town, there is so much hate,
It’s hard for many to keep faith,
I have reasoned with many about their dark ways,
Oh, how the haters eyes stayed on me while they cried,
While they drowned their souls in more lies,
They would stalk out my life
Trying to shame my name,
With time, I would see their bodies float on the surface of the sea
Into darken dreams they weep,
My heart is strong when I walk into the streets
Of the small town that weeps,
They always talk about me and call me so many names,
In their eyes are the envy of true jealousy,
But my heart is soft enough to sense the murmuring
Of the crying skies, that hold the gloom of late June,
Where the white stage is made for me to walk,
While the old small town do their talk,
Hang her up they would say,
While they cast stones to break my bones,
My feet are swift to flow the tears that fall to my feet,
I would walk while they cry out into the rain of pain,
They would no longer call out my name in shame,
But they would ask me to stop the pain,
The mountains are lit with the glowing flames
Of the fire the haters made,
My footsteps no longer felt the burns,
The words of my hates of the small town only echoes
Into the flam, the shadows of the night creeps on into my life,
In this small town, I had returned,
But I will never reveal the name of the small town that given
Me so much heartaches, while the fools surround me,
Casting their stones,
they relentlessly Waite to see if I would fall,
but I stayed strong through it all,
silence became a friend out into the crying wind,
Oh, my own jealous sister why tell lies?
Why do you try to be me? If I am all that bad,
Your jealousy hold evil to me,
Much has been lost between us,
We are sisters but we act like strangers,
You always try so hard to cast danger my way
While you play your games on the highway,
I am brave and I will always keep my faith,
I am enough to hold true love in my soul from long ago.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1978
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
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