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Mar 2020 · 115
I now want to move on
Hilda Mhazo Mar 2020
What has happened has happened
I shall never  look back and regret my past which has been darkened
I shall not cry over milk that's spilt
I shall live in the present and forget the guilt
Troubles might come here and there and obstacles may bring fear
But all i know is , God will always be near
So quiet that i cannot hear
But yet so loud , his presence i can feel
I will never give up because the wounds will someday heal
Until the end of time , my goals , Satan cannot steal
Mar 2020 · 119
Happy Birthday
Hilda Mhazo Mar 2020
This is to the best friend I've ever had
Today is his day so he must have a piece of whats going on in my head
His post stands firmly in my heart as a guy with value
Value that no-one can devalue
With love no-one else can demonstrate
I appreciate , though I try to negotiate
With God that the days we spend together replicate
To be honest without you I try not to suffocate

I don’t l know if I'm wrong but I like the way you care
The way we stare
I like the way you love
I like the honesty and truth behind your smiles
The way , just for me you travel miles
The way you don’t hide your feelings and thoughts
Your suggestions and dark spots
I can go on and on about how I love you lots

I like a gazillion things about you but I think that can as well be an understatement
I can even ask for an engagement [lol]
But to be honest I just like you
I just love, care and feel for you
I adore you
If you could do something for me, just be you
You mean a lot to me , you're priceless
And this is from the bottom of my heart
I hope you receive my little present and do your part
Your part of being you
Happy Birthday
Mar 2020 · 102
Death be my best friend
Hilda Mhazo Mar 2020
Death be my best friend
They call you a dreadful thief
But I think at your job , you're chief
I don’t know you but I've felt you
I've felt the intensity of the grief when you took away my loved one
I felt useless
Of you I'm not afraid
I suggest you be my best friend

Stay by my side and tell me who is next
At least give me a warning , a hint , a call ; a text
Give me a minute to say I love you
Give me a minute to say goodbye
To say I’ll miss you
Ask her what did you want to do that you didn’t that I can do for you
Give me 5 seconds  to blow a kiss
And another 5 to listen to her death wish
But you cant give me that because I don’t know you
But I've felt you
I've felt the intensity of the grief wen you took  my loved one
I still feel useless
And of you I'm still not afraid
And I strongly suggest you be my best friend

I salute you
No-one ever tells you what to do
You find no charm in procrastination
In you there is no hesitation’
No mater how many disgrace you ,you don’t care
You're the only one who knows the good in what you do and I don’t think its fair
You're not moved by the situation of the weather
The stability of the economy , the gossip , the regret it may gather
The  ”what are people gonna say”
Nor the “what will people think”
You never look back
You're never afraid no-matter how big , how rich how deadly
I never you had anything admirable
Because I don’t know you
I don’t know you but I've felt you
I've felt the intensity of the grief when you took my loved one
I've felt useless
But I find no point hating you
I try to copy your braveness
That's why I suggest you be my best friend

I adore you
But never once have I appreciated what you do for a living
Is it you or you're many?
deces ,, death , mortem , rufu , its your name , translated o all existing languages
Because you're there , everywhere
I really think there is some good in what you do
You took with you trillions , yet you're not the devil
You’ve thrown away talents
Drowned potential
Burnt great minds
Crushed the righteous
Squashed the innocent
Buried the healthy
But you're still sober
No karma , no boomerang effect
Nothing stops you , whats your secret
But you cant tell me , cause I don’t know you
I don’t know you but I've felt you I've felt the intensity of the grief when you took my loved one
I felt useless
And I find no point hating you
And unless you bring back and touch not my loved ones

— The End —