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Jun 2016 · 779
Love is
Emery Diercks Jun 2016
She She she 14 and and and asked me so nonchalant with all the innocence in the world
"oh and.Mom..What is love?"
My response.......oh baby girl...
Love is sitting next to someone in silence
just enjoying there presence
praying for them
more then you do yourself
&Defending; them in their absence
Morning breathe&
Kisses on the forehead
Love is **** rubs
Its Truth....Even if it hurts to say & hurts to hear's truth
It's soup when you have a fever  
a kind word when you're hurt
Not being able to stay angry
Picking up on someone else's energy &
having them pick up on yours &
acting accordingly
It's red!...And dimpled!
Occasionally love is saying no
But mostly saying yes
True love is unconditional &blinding;
Love is...Love is...!!love is...!!
It's the moment when you just know...
that no matter what...
you will protect that person with every single ounce
I saidevery single ounce!
of your heart
Love is hard sometimes
if one sided or askew
Can be hurtful
It's Exciting!
!Love is It's it's it's aloaf of bread
A song
A half bagel
A ride
A blanket
Cup of coffee
A dollar dropped to the guy playing guitar on the corner
Hey. Lunch is on me
Sometimes just someone to talk to
Love is Hard work
Holding on while pretending to let go
Love is Smiling when all you really want to do is cry
&moving; forward when your heart is in your throat
Love sees Everything!!
Never being defined as one single entity
It's ....Hand holding
Bodies folding
Ever changing
Plan making
ForgivingForgiving Forgiving
Love is
Love is
Never saying goodbye
I said never saying goodbye ....
even when you have to
Keeping promises
Love is Fried chicken
Love yells!
It's being able to say "******* mo'fuka!Now give me a hug."
It's "call me when you get home.
"It's "honey. What statement are we making with this outfit?"
Love is saying "Put your seatbelt on!"
It's "good morning beautiful" or "dream sweet My luv".....
It's all of those things.
It's bubbles to infants
teddy bears to little girls&
oil changes
It's pumping gas & opening doors
It's "how are you"
"I miss you."
Love is putting the door back on!
Tightening the hinges
And batting down the hatches
Its passion !!!
& a good old fashion *** whoopin
It's "oh you fixin ta learn Son!
"Love is labor pains
Bail money
Sleepless nights
Crying when you cry
Never being afraid to apologize
Saying "I need you... in life
"Car pools
Football games
Swim practice
School dances
Picture taking
Packing lunches
Road trips
sLove is missed
And generous
Lessons taught...And made
Love isLove isLove is
You inhabiting my body for 7 months & 23 days!!
poetry &
Love is engaging
Sometimes enraging
I love you in your sleep
&Stands; still!!
Allowing yourself the opportunity to heal
Staying when it's hard
And knowing when to walk away
Love leaves us blessed.
It leaves reason for all the rest
It's all those things plus so much more
&when; you least expect it it it it floors!
in every which way!
Love is grand all by its self
It expands!
It's a bummed cigarette
A conversation
A moment lost in the celebration...Of us.
You and me
We are both sensational beings
With the choice
We could run from the light in our hearts
Or live fearlessly with it right on our sleeves
Love isLove is Love is
Our first breathe
Holding us until death
And Baby girl,
We can all relateTo the spectacular
I said the spectacular heartbreak
Of love...
Emery Diercks May 2016
off key sing snapping....why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near just like me they long to be close to...
You're charismatic
All the right things
Spew out of your mouth in beautiful sayings
But it all mean **** if you're to coward to actually say anything.
I love you but loving you is killing me
and apparently you too
I get the shakes
rocked from my bones
You have the addiction
I'm addicted to you being a ****
Is there any end to this ****?
Gut Shifting
No No splitting
center core is lost
No longer uplifting
No longer well-err
Opposite actions Is what comes out of you mouth
Dropping yet another life lesson
I'm going to get a tattoo on my chest
of snake bites
right above my breast
To serve as a constant reminder
That Real master manipulators
don't have to read instruction manuals to become so
It's already ingrained in our soul
You're inadequacy's never had anything to do with your lack of technique
and everything to do with not knowing how to be honest with or love another human being
No longer will I be a tragic mess
Baring witness to your disgusting oppression
using your slimy simplicityto get what you want
How bout you try Accountability
and some true honesty
With yourself and everybody else
If you continue to run scared
All that misma will run dry
And you'll still be jonesing just as bad as you were the first day you walked through the door.  
You seem to forget that I know you
I tore through those walls you worked so hard to build
Right through that cheap smile you think is so cute
I wish you could see what I see
I wish you could see the fool
Charm is a good thing
Charisma is sweet
But when you lay it on thick like molasses
You turn out looking like an ***
And your fill in chickShe's all sticky &a; hot mess
Look, ya ***** of the week ain't the ****** point
I'm stepping out of your revolving door of  dumb *******
Don't you remember that line?
You were sitting right next to me when I wrote it.
Thought it was cute then
Not so funny now
That your sitting with yourself STILL not happy!
The game you think is so amusing
The using
Will end you alone
Still contemplating Where the ******* went wrong
May 2016 · 474
what if...(a poem for Greg)
Emery Diercks May 2016
What if we did what God actually asked
&despite; our aging bodies
&ailing; minds
our best years are always right ahead of us

What if regardless of our fears
we still step fourth
the minute we’re called upon
to do something new.

What if The pain
&tras;; from our past
did not stop us from moving into an illuminated future

what if there was a dire cry
to live by
completely new rules
in a completely new culture
with a completely new hope

what if we’re given a new dream
a new purpose for life
what if the seeds we sow
turns into a future of blessings
being blessed
&being; a blessing

what if we followed the voice inside
that calls us to a completely new adventure
what if we don’t ignore
our core whispering two simple words
“love more”

and what if those two words
gave us a brand new outlook on the world
all illness &aches; would simply go away
&suddenly; everything ceased to be about us
and our first instinct is to put fourth trust

what if our call to arms
was a roar to disarm
leaving us free to stop being so alarmed

what if perusing our passion
was celebrated in grand fashion

what if we picked a positive purpose
working towards
a global goal
to nurture the universe
what if the “i” no longer existed
and we all stopped and listened

what if we made the world kind
and every single one of us
gave a chunk of ourselves
every time we looked a stranger in the eye
so eventually we would all be made up of pieces from each other
because if you had a part of me
and I have a part of you
we consider ourselves brother

what if we were all reaching
for the same heaven on earth
we all embraced the same unknowing faith
with open arms and grace

what if Jesus, Buddha &Allah;
were all based on the same idea
laced with different names
traced back to the same roots
and time
and our address simply read Earth
because we share the same home
and understand that we’re just human

what if mutual respect was given
what if all lives actually did matter
what if Paradise was in sight
&all; we’d have to do is surrender

what if the answers to all these questions lay inside of all of us
would you be willing
or even able to give up all you know
for change?

Would there be any question in your mind
if you were asked to love your enemy
to place hate aside
join a new existence
if you were told it was the only way to survive?
would you cast away your doubt
would you let go of all your preconceived notions
to break old habits
now just stop and think about that
would you have the courage to encourage change?
Could you embody peace and harmony
with an opposing political party?

Close your eyes
picture the one person in your mind that you despise
we all have at least one
a public figure or private
If you really sat down and thought about what was at stake
could you forgive a nemesis past mistakes
and muster the grace it takes
to save the human race?

I pose the first question again….
what if we did what God actually asked
would you be able to release the past?
Be kind to your neighbor
no matter their race
give without expecting
live without waste
could you put humanity first
&value; all human worth?

keep in mind that every single one of us
is working towards our very own heaven on earth
& no matter our social or economic status
no matter where we lay our hat
we are all undertaking the same human experience.
We are all scraping our knees
biting our nails
anticipating what’s next
this message is clear
not one of us is getting out of this alive
start loving your neighbors and enemies alike
because the human race is counting on you to survive.

— The End —