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Timmy D,
While taking a ***,
Was stung by a bee,
but then he remembered,
I had medicine in my backpack,
That can take care of me,
I love life
I woke up to put beer in my Cereal,
Walked outside nothin' but my cowboy boots and cowboy hat,
Hungover from last night,
I pumped my 12 to all the leftover beer cans,
and watched that **** explode!
I hop in my lifted truck to pick up some buds and some Reds,
Killing Beers and Slaying Queers,
I love life and 'Merica
Timmy Fears getting caught,
Because of all the Mary Jane he just bought.
He fears the cops showing up,
while he lights another cup.
But then remembering my name is Tim,
and Im a badass,
I Love Life
I have a friend named Tim,
I always remember him,
He lives very far away,
but I don't care ill visit him anyway
Miles are just a number,
I will visit him during his slumber,
I hope he wants to **** with me,
because thats the only place I want to be
I love life.
Education is important,
but big biceps is more importanter
I love life.
I do not know where Tim is at the moment,
But in my heart he is close by.
I light up in remembrance of Tim,
Hoping my sorrows will be floating away.
I hope he can smell the dankness rooms away.
I love my life.
As I look at Timmy,
My heart skips a beat,
His beautiful eyes give me butterflies.
I can picture the rest of my life living by his side.
As I die, I will not lie that I love Tim,
I love life.
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