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Pluck Feb 2024
The hands go round & round this old clock ,until the day your hand meets mine.

Spending time in the books and the kitchen, hoping that day I can pick the right wine.

This year I made a killing, but I’m not living, cause there’s this one thing, I can’t find.

Cause I lost my spot, in the longest line.

yeah I know lost my spot, but I’m back in line,

Patiently waiting for mine.
Pluck Feb 2024
I knocked my insecurities off, I'm being authentic.

Futures can transform from fuzzy to fully vivid.

What would your dream mean if you decided to live it?

Is peace taken away or do you give it?

Isn't it easier to make your bed when the linen is fitted?

My corners don't hook up anymore, I'm finished.

The crime is more significant than the witness.

Remember when it was desired that no one could say "he did it"?

As long as they print it, I know they'll send it.

& I'm saving most of mine every time I get it.
Pluck Feb 2024
When we stretch our hands out to God, generosity ferments within our souls.

I once looked in the mirror and saw of fraction of my potential, I’ve since pushed to surpass a whole.

I searched the texts for a word that describes going beyond showing up for family, partners, and friendships.

My goal must shift, to be described by words where the reality of the generosity doesn't fit.

That will confirm on life, I have a firm grip. That I invested where It yielded most.

I guess what I’m uttering is I was born to host.

For if I am truly made in God’s image, shouldn’t I be there when the ones I love fall not knowing how they’ll be landing?

To be more than they asked, thought, or imagined?

To be considered truly unique when my time is done.

For all to know, clovers can only be plucked once.
Pluck Feb 2024
The most contagious substance in life is an idea, true inspiration is rare to find.

Whereas a bacteria bites on the body, an idea munches on the mind.

An idea collides with your soul, invades your flesh and spreads about like a **** of lice.

Inception is a sickness, my diagnosis changed my life.

It’s not that I overlook mirrors, Yet I’ve become unrecognizable from thoughts consuming me.

Everyday It’s there, that maybe, just maybe, I could be free.
Pluck Feb 2024
Can holding a note replace holding a hand?

Can a record catch help the fisherman forget the mistakes he made on land?

Heart broken, we turn to our talents. Consumed with pain, It seems better to be self absorbed.

Have the achievements ever helped with forgetting the ones you adored?

Promotions justify neglect, an increase in earnings helps with overlooking that which you’re losing.

Celebrating the purchase of new house drowns out the fact you must keep moving.

There’s a new PR, you’ve made partner, the shot went in, the Mercedes surely does ride smooth.

Reality would be perfect if these things really did soothe.

Truth is though, you run there because this place, these things, make you feel like enough.

For a moment it feels like the talent, the success, replaced all the love.
Pluck Feb 2024
Can intelligence be explained by physics? Can we point to an asymptotic build of elementary particles?

Could it be ideas do not have limits? The complexity from their composites cloaking the repetition in articles.

I guess what I am pondering is, can genius simply be an eternal dive into a domain?

To produce a thousand iterative answers while the question has simultaneously remained the same.

Does an obsession with musical notes teach one to notice rhythm in thunder?

Is it irrelevant to know and more productive to wonder?

Was the renaissance the use of numbers to write, colors to add, and an abundance of letters to spend?

It could be genius is simply the perfection of a lens, looking through said lens, and seeing the earth begin to bend.
Pluck Feb 2024
Tai Lung's desires led him to a prison constructed by his own hand.

However, there is a deeper thought, are our desires original or the product of what our setting demands?

Biologically hardwired for approval, living is not as vital to our genes as feeling that someone cares.

In a world where excessive pride repulses, is our received vanity fair?

All that Tai Lung did, he did to make his father proud, to reach what he was told he should achieve.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but what of the leaves?

They submit to the wind, float far away, land, and crumble away.

Leading an adult man to feel like a toddler for that is that last time he stumbled this way.

The origin of a villain is a shackled mind, a mind that did not discover it's own desires.

Any organic organism that is force fed sparks will soon be a dragon to breathe fire.

Forced goals + Obedience  = entitlement you know?

& even in this I found beauty. Do you know how hard you have to work to believe success is something you're owed?
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