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Pluck Feb 2024
Well, such an embarrassment are the occasions when my ego grasps and glides my pen.

But I grow increasingly frustrated with confusion between those who buy eggs and those who raise hens.  

With a line of support, the ego immediately looks to those who doubt.

In my freshmen season, there were flashes of talent but none that should alarm the scouts.

But you see, I’ve closed the gyms, I’ve exhausted the film, I’ve crammed & crammed for standardized tests.

If that wasn’t enough, I’ve dramatically reduced physical labor, emphasizing recovery and rest.

The freshman has been dismissed as crazy, irrational, behind the curve, the new inferior peer.

Which is fine, long as no one should cry uncle or play victim my senior year.
Pluck Feb 2024
Isolation is no friend to intimacy but to deviate you have to simultaneously love and ignore your peers.

My most difficult moment as well as biggest breakthrough was in a mirror asking “having you done so any of these past years?”

Now, this is something no one likes to hear so I evaluate my own life and none else.

Proceeding to ask myself if my path looks like everyone around me, how could It be this is my true self?

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life. This is how It goes see.

There are multiple choices & if mine matches the class, I know how hard the test will be.
Pluck Feb 2024
Is no one  seeing the irony that a self help industry is something a mass of people consult?

My dark statement is my attempt to shed light, nothing can promise or predict results.

Unfortunately, we don’t know to what degree we have free will but there is little these books will free.

True discovery and growth comes from reality, from a feedback loop epiphany.

Furthermore, to change one line in a code will not change an algorithm.

Someone who is not willing to transform their life, will not transform irrespective of how many books you give them.

last year, I read 200 books to find a myriad of people saying the same stuff.

In the end there’s those looking to skip steps, and those profiting off of selling or posting such fluff.

Explore ideas rather than steps, clear your mind, shift habits drastically, then wait.

All of these books are the best sellers, if everyone is reading the same books who separates?
Pluck Feb 2024
Black ink covers my finger nails as i press my poor pen rugged.

A stretched dome for this poem as you deserve confident competence to complement the subject.

Advice on life that avoids a tune like judgement is always the toughest.

Altitude you must divorce, magnitude you can see casually, but direction, direction you must love It.  

Life is not about heights or completion, for all streaks end with an extinguished fire’s scorn.

All of the most valuable things in your life were not earned,  they were simply born.

What could you do to grow more organs? What true friendship is based on your social prestige?

No, forward. The desire of forward over upward, achievement, or approval is a craving you much reach.

For anyone charging up, must come down.

And well, forgive me for sounding much to elementary, but any smile coming down is at once a frown.
Pluck Feb 2024
Tik, Tik, Tok, two hands circle around the consciousness of mortals.

Then there comes a day when a life of exploration becomes all timelines, the clock begins to chortle.

This is a devious laugh, as yet another victory for the clock is near.

The ultimate sign of a deceived mind is a mind that can’t spend extended time, here.

Reminisces of the past, a maddening rush to future modern goals, the clock is in control.

Anxiety, depression, the most common symptoms of missed or far away goals.

I fear most crimes go unpunished, kids fail to report the imaginations their adult selves stole.

Tik, Tik, The mortgage makes one still, a failed marriage makes one cold.

Still yet, your race here is finished! You cheer as the “Tok Tok Tok” bursts from the clock laughing!

None of the youths stopped to asked, “why are the adults with so much, not much happy?”
Pluck Feb 2024
The best moments in life were the ones that unexpectedly produced smiles.

I used to struggle with faith through uncertainty, but now I love his style.

Who knows what comes with each minute but Lord knows what comes every year.

I gaze over my path to see evidence of life being an adventure everywhere.

We have a tendency to miss the impactful turns when we try to steer.

Is this because our greatest breakthroughs are usually on the other side of fear?

Nonetheless I’ve decided to stop forecasting knowing my job is to simply take the next step.

Putting my hand back in the cookie jar believing the best ones are still left.
Pluck Jan 2024
If I die before i wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

But should the lord find an empty bay, my soul is a vessel I gave away.

For I loved my friends and family like It was always my last breathe.

Knowing life is not a fair game, this is how I’ve cheated death.

I’ve jam packed my will and reduced all the days I said I wouldn’t.

Giving all efforts in my youth, turning my head to see all perspectives I once couldn’t.

Not arguing with my loved ones allows me to argue with death and get the last word.

For at my funeral you all will say things I’ve already heard.
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