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Pluck Nov 2023
Heard the Heavenly Father say Thomas just stacked a plethora of edits son, the light bulb was made by small errors.

Only way to fail is if he called me home. If I must roll in the deep I promise to make everyone rich pallbearers.

Moving to the beat of my own drum, I’m destined to finish the journey even if they stop believing.

Less focused on what I’ll be able to possess, more obsessed with what they’ll say when they’re grieving.

A decade’s time of stacking and stashing dimes.

History doesn’t repeat itself but I’m the next word in human history that tends to rhyme.

I studied the predecessors before my time, a frightening realization to feel that we’re in mine.

There was nothing special about the first men to reach the peak of Everest, they just decided to climb.

Stones can no longer pop my bubble, I’ll go in any space, any room, any market and air It out.

I trade so well it’s scary now.
Pluck Nov 2023
The space between the notes makes the music, the ball in the air is the ****** of a clutch moment.

The thing about a moment is you can’t both be in It and try to own It.

So that is my goal for 2024, to fight my human urge, to know it’s futile to stare at the clock.

See that’s where we get It from, anything with two hands doesn’t ever want to stop.

As It will always go on, I wish to do nothing knowing law says I must flow on the same river.

Now that I’ve gotten over myself, I finally understand time is the only owner and giver.

Greatness is something a busy man asks for but it’s something patience demands.

The death of curiosity and creativity always comes from those making plans.  

Here’s to spending my questions but saving my time.

Trusting I’ve plucked enough grapes to one day drink my wine.

Or, I sure hope I’ve learned to get over myself…
Pluck Nov 2023
Internal satisfaction makes you a presentation that doesn't require zoom to show.

I like everything in my life a size too large so I have room to grow.

I dream of buying houses quickly, a life that I'll call rooms to go.

Some flowers take time, I'm a lily, please wait on the bloom to show.

She told me she didn't believe in God, a cataract to seeing eye to eye.

Now that I'm working on an empath, she understands my feelings & is willing to try.

Weird how money can change your beliefs if you believe in it too much.

All of sudden love languages morph from quality time and words of affirmation to physical touch.

The prideful and independent suddenly break their legs to welcome a crutch.

Even a hygienist can forget that last thing that should be in your mouth at night is your tooth brush.
Pluck Nov 2023
The student surpasses the master but the master is claiming confirmation of himself if he can teach.

Teaching is more about the master’s completion than what the student seeks to reach.

You have not truly mastered a domain or achieved a skill until you can give a lecture.

Teaching is a kin to putting knowledge and experience into an oven, changing their flavors and textures.

Thus, if you can not teach a class on a subject It is most wise to withhold your opinion.

Or get in front of the class, & when your voice cracks you’ll quickly realize there you have no dominion.

but, Happy Thanksgiving :)
Pluck Nov 2023
If you take the square root of luck, multiply by P, what will you get from this alchemy?

Our beliefs consume us with obsessive compulsion, this one has claimed all of me.

The consistency we desire exists within our minds.

Happiness is something we conjure not something we find.

The fountain of youth is an imagined lake.

I’ve become addicted to such sorcery after discovering how magic tastes.

To live a full life is to shed fear of death, to live into old age and welcome flesh’s end without daunt.

The joyous thing about life, and believe me when I say this, everybody gets what they want.

The caveat is you can have anything, just not everything.

When I sleep, when I imagine, when I make believe, when I pray,  It’s always the same dream.
Pluck Nov 2023
I've been focused on my distant light the last 14 months, I feel like I'm living in a telescope.

Unprecedented sacrifices, committed to living with my mother until I never have to tell her nope.

My great grandmother is 89, we saw her today they think she's leaving soon.

I couldn't catch my breathe to tell her that her prayers blocking my demons gave me breathing room.

Not sure why we assume we have the whole clock to air it out.

I'm pressing my lungs everyday until the air is out.

She had my grandmother and uncle in a one bedroom shack, three mouths to feed.

Has me ashamed of the things in my life I was ever foolish enough to call a need.

My eyes are wide open so I listen to less of my peers, I have a distant ear.

Playing who wants to be a millionaire but my lifelines are starting to disappear.

I'm a product of generations of sacrifices, my destiny is the heights my lineage will soon taste.

We couldn't rob Peter to pay Paul, in my family they were usually roommates.
Pluck Nov 2023
Earth's canvas, leaves fall on paint.

The sun becomes a recent memory, there but faint.

The air feels like a restart.

It wasn't my year, but this is my part.

When the leaves fall, I pick myself up.

Holidays, where we forget the selfish stuff.

Hold my hand, search my eyes, & judge my plate.

Cold weather, warm houses, and allergic faith.
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