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Pine Jul 2016
she didn't realize how dark
her world had become
until one day
she went out
the birds were singing
and the sun was warm
and that rain cloud
that had been following
her around

the longer she stayed out
the better she began to feel
a little bird in her heart
began to chirp
and stretch its wings

by the time she got home
she herself was whistling
a tune that hadn't
touched her lips
in a long while
Pine Jul 2016
She spent most of her days in bed
writing poems in her head
every once in a while
she would sit and jot
them down

no one ever
saw her write
she only did it
in the dead of night
when the world was
quiet and still
the only few sounds
came from the
wildlife around

she felt like them
wild and free
in the dead of night
she was herself
when the morning came
she went back to bed
writing poems in her head.
Pine Jul 2016
she was smiles and sunlight,
somber and demons
she was laughter and melodies,
depression and tears

she never gave up the fight
between her two sides
you cannot live in the
without resting in the
Pine Jul 2016
when she looked at him
it was if all the stars went
and the only light
emitted through him
Pine Jul 2016
it's been awhile
since I heard these
keys sounding off

it's a gentle comfort
like the scent of a library
or the crashing of waves

it feels like
Pine Apr 2016
She spent most of her days in bed
writing poems in her head
every once in a while
she would sit and jot
them down

no one ever
saw her write
she only did it
in the dead of night
when the world was
quiet and still
the only few sounds
came from the
wildlife around

she felt like them
wild and free
in the dead of night
she was herself
when the morning came
she went back to bed
writing poems in her head.

— The End —