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442 · Jan 3
Being a man
From the day we are born, we’re told to be a man in one way or another.
Big boys don’t cry - wipe away those tears…early in life we’re taught in silence that we should suffer.
No one really wants to hear our cries…
We just say we’re ok because we know our feelings are going to be denied.
For the most part we’re only seen or shown love on Father’s Day, birthdays and holidays or when we shout…
Pay the bills, protect your family - that’s what being a real man is all about!
Those are some of the conditions that the average man is loved…
Give all you got to your family - place nothing above.
Being vulnerable for a man is never easy,
Having that vulnerability thrown back in your face, is soul crushing please believe me!
We become distant and told we’re too mean and too closed off…
You’re a bad father/husband or you’re not my boss.
When we cry - we’re too sassy - man up.
We play video games or want to hangout out with our friends - you need to grow up!
Doesn’t matter if they cheat, steal, stress the hell out of us or lie…
We’re supposed to give our all to everyone else until the day we die…
In our absence, are we truly appreciated?
That’s when they realize, we did the best we could out of love - not because we’re obligated.
He was a great man, father, brother, and son
He provided and protected for his family - there’s nothing he wouldn’t have done.
Now, you’re getting a lot of love for all those years…
But the words that they’re speaking are falling upon dead ears.
Of course every man’s life isn’t the same,
But every man has found himself suffering in silence surrounded by loved ones - hoping for change!

408 · Jan 2019
Phenomenal father
Antoine Weaver Jan 2019
Other baby daddy's ask me where my secret lies
I tell them my children are everything from their laughter to their cries
Even through the baby momma drama I try to see things through their eyes
They didn't ask to be born
So why should they have their hearts torn
From the mistakes that we made
The late night fights the games that we played
I'm a father phenomenally.
Phenomenal father, that's me.

When I walk into the room my kids stop and stare at me
The look on my face
My hands upon my waist
The way I look around the room to see if anything is out of place
The look of satisfaction they have, when I tell them the room looks great
Now you can go play
Go outside and enjoy the rest of your day
I'm a father phenomenally.
Phenomenal father, that's me

My kids tell me when they grow up they want to be like me
I smile say thanks, but be better then what you see
You can be anything you want to be
A lawyer, a doctor, the first female pres
You can do whatever you want you got your whole life ahead
The world is yours and everything in it
Don't underestimate your self the sky is the limit
I'm a father phenomenally.
Phenomenal father, that's me.

Now you understand why I'm so proud
My children are my life the reason I smile
Even when we fight, you talk back and get loud
I say
Calm down, stop stressing
You got me loosing my hair we wouldn't be having this conversation if I didn't care
Cause I'm a father phenomenally.
Phenomenal father, that's me.
236 · Jan 2019
Living isn’t for the weak
Antoine Weaver Jan 2019
No one tells you, when you’re born
That life will leave you battered, tethered and worn
They try to tell you truth
By saying be patient and enjoy your youth
Have fun while you still can
A phrase that as time passes by, you will understand
As a child, I was carefree and curious
As an adult, everything is so serious
As a child the days seemed like they never end
As an adult, sometimes I don’t want to get out of bed as the day begins
As a child, I was open minded
As an adult, sometimes I need to be reminded
Of how loving and nurturing life can be
So through the eyes of the young Tone,
I try to see
There will always be scrapes and bruises
In this bumpy road called life
I wouldn’t call it loosing
There will always be obstacles, no matter which road we’re choosing
As long as it isn’t life ending
In the problem that comes your way, there’s a new beginning
Space for new growth a time for change
Sometimes **** happens and there’s no one to blame
Living isn’t for the weak, only the strong will survive
No matter what you’re going through, on this day we are all blessed to be alive

Stay strong my friends!
149 · Jan 2019
Antoine Weaver Jan 2019
To me the meaning of life is living
It’s making the most out of each day we’re given
Each day starts a new
What you do each day is up to you
Stop acting like we all aren’t human
Lying, cheating, stealing and over consuming
Glutens for punish is the human race
Every other thing we do is full of hate
I always thought love was the humane way
That seems to be a fairytale today
It doesn’t seem to exist outside of what we know
It doesn’t seem to exist outside of what we give life to and help grow
Hate seems to be the new truth
It has divided us all ever since our youth
It’s a shame that as adults
We still have the same results
As we did when we were younger
Does anyone care about those who suffer
We ****** it up in the worst way
I can only hope our kids can bring better days
I hope you’re telling them to open their hearts and minds
Really get know others and you’ll find
All time is precious and borrowed
We all deal with life’s many different sorrows
Some more than others, no doubt
But that’s what understanding is all about
It doesn’t matter which side you take
If your not taking the time to listen, your just spreading more hate
Our children’s future may really ****
All I have to say to you, the ADULTS IS ***!!

By Antoine Weaver
144 · Jan 2019
Antoine Weaver Jan 2019
I really want to walk away
I just sit and contemplate
I want to be all by my self
I don’t care about nothing else

Sometimes life will seem like nothing’s going right
Many cloudy days and for other people, it’s shining bright
Caught up in your brain
Blinded by you pain
Hoping you regain your sight
All the while
You have to smile
Convincing others everything’s alright
But you’re dying inside
It’s getting hard to hide
You start to question why are you still alive
You can’t deny
That feeling of, you want to die
So you sit alone and cry
Asking why god, Why

I really wanna walk away
I just sit and contemplate
I wanna be all by myself
I don’t care about nothing else

You’re forgetting
Your life is worth living
It’s a blessing, each day that we’re given
I know it’s hard, when you’re trapped inside your mental prison
Feeling like no one cares or takes the time to listen
The pain to stop, is the only thing you’re wishing
Even if the flesh is non existent
Your soul
Will always hold
What you’re feeling
You will leave you family and friends with  you’re dealings
It’s never to late for healing
Close your eyes, drop to your knees and raise your hands towards the ceiling
Praise thy name and let the glory in
Doesn’t matter why or where you begin
Because each and everyone of us are full of sins

I really want to walk away
I sit alone and contemplate
I wanna be by myself
I don’t care about nothing else

Even if god you don’t believe.
Believe in power of beliefs
Believe in better days
Believe better, will come your way
Believe that this isn’t your end
Believe that a new will begin
Believe you’re not alone
Believe we’ve all felt homeless while confining ourselves to our homes
Believe it or not. It’s not only you
Believe it or not it’s something we all go through
Believe giving up isn’t the answer
Believe in the book of your life, this isn’t your final chapter.

— The End —