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Jun 2015 · 304
bryce Jun 2015
Love is sweet,
Can quickly go sour.
Here left thinking where I went wrong,
Every aching hour.
Jun 2015 · 334
bryce Jun 2015
There he stood, alone.
Around many others but in some way,
She kept him afloat.
Now she is gone,
And he sunk deeper and deeper,
Until he became isolated.
Emotionally and mentally,
Left alone.
His innocence and trust are demolished,
By The one Love he had left.
Jun 2015 · 697
bryce Jun 2015
It comes when it is least expected.
Its an Avalanche of bad emotions.
Old feelings flood into your head, along with faded memories.
It Destroys Good things and times.
It takes away sleep and happiness.
Makes you ragged and stressed,

— The End —