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Phoenix Jun 2018
I am done with lies,

i am done with cheaters,

i am done with manipulators,

i am done with fake friends,

I am done with liars,

Also done with people

that would hurt me.

that it cause i will forgive,

not forget..
Phoenix Jun 2018
Silence is the loudest thing

I have ever heard.

It makes me feel that

you are a crowd of people.

It screams at me when

I am alone.

It has no weakness.

I will never escape it.

It can **** me; it's the most

Dangerous weapon I've ever known.

It will take my happiness away

And make me so miserable.

I felt broken when you called me....

Worthless friend.....

That my silence isn't enough,

Am I not enough for you?
Phoenix Jun 2018
I considered you

As my sister.

I knew love

Through our friendship

I laughed with you

Cried with you

Talk to you whenever you need.

I help these steps of your way,

that I made sure you got help

And we got through it together.

You called yourself my twin

But can you tell me,

Does one twin,

Betray the other?

I thought you could never hurt me

I thought you'd never betray me.

I thought I could trust you

Coz of every sweet word you said to me.

Now I know,

Where your loyalties lie.

You pushed me aside,

A huge part of me died.

But that's just fine,

You carry on saying things

Saying I'm a ****

Behind my back.

That I need these things out of my head,

cause of you,

you just push me away,

like the rest that you already did.

I am Done.
Phoenix Jun 2018
A life is a choice
That we all choose,
Their only two choices,
To God or Satan,
Heaven or hell.

A life that we all humans,
We had made horrible decision s in life,
We had made our mistakes,
By forgive,
Forgive each other.

By reason that we had made our choice,
By thanking God that we can have that,
Thanking God that we can have forgiveness,
Thanking God that we are blessed

When people made mistakes,
It like having another petal fell,
But it can put back in place by God.
Phoenix Jun 2018
I have been thankful for,
The ones that I love,
Someone in my life,
My family that sometimes talks to me,
Friends that I at least have.

I have been thankful for,
Having a life,
Blessed every day,
And having Jesus into my life.

I have been thankful for,
Jesus die for us,
Learning something every day,
Having wonderful memories,
And to learn to love my enemies.

I have been thankful for,
That I have a place to be,
Having someone to help my problems,
Being on here to let everyone know about my feelings,
And let everyone know what I am.

I am truly blessed for the support.
Phoenix Jun 2018
When someone tells you in your life that you will never will hurt them. Cause they would care for you so much that they won't forget you.

Well the picture up top is a good memory that still made me smile. And I thought that it the truth. Now it felt like a lie. Cause  when they tell you things that makes you very happy and I feel like it never met to be.

This is for them to let them know that it hard to understand about how their are good things in life that their a right and a wrong. Jesus always be friends with the good people and the bad people. Jesus knows that people makes mistakes in our lives that we can't control others' feeling.

I always thought why things happens like that??? Is it because that I done something wrong? Did I do something bad? Did I make a mistake that I should of not said? I wish that I know these answers. It just hard right now.

Like me, I have a lot of problems, their some things that I know what wrong with me mentally and some that I don't.

I just wish that I just have some understanding...
Phoenix Jun 2018
YEAH!! Everyone makes mistakes.

That's life,

I make mistakes.

We are human in our own ways

that all that I got to say,

it just simple.

It isn't hard.
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