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Phoenix Jun 2018
If anyone would understand about my situation,
that I have been in.
I just can't take it.
I feel alone inside,
cause of people that I thought
that was my friends was threatening me.

I can't sleep cause of my pain.
I just need someone to talk
to me to understand my feelings.
I feel strong in the outside,
but in the inside,
I feel weak and afraid.

I been having panic attacks
ever since I have that threat.
I don't even know how
I can handle myself anymore.

I used to be Timeless cause my life
that no one cares about
me except my boyfriend.
he all that I have left
in this world to be honest.

he saved my life,
cause I was cutting
myself very bad.

no one believed me
cause they think that
I wouldn't do it.

I did a few times,
my cuts are healed cause
that I haven't done it
in a long time ago.

I just starved myself
when I do something wrong.
I feel pain inside cause of it.
I just don't know
what to do anymore.
Phoenix Jun 2018
'The sad truth is
that there are some people
who will only be there for you
as long as you have
something that they need.

When You no longer
serve a purpose,
they will leave.

The good news is,
If you tough it out,
you'll eventually ****
these people out of your life
and be left with some great
people that can count on.

WE Rarely lose a friend
and lovers,
we just gradually figure
out who the real ones are.'
Phoenix Jun 2018
'You and me

We used to be together..

Everyday together always

I really feel

that I'm losing my best friend

I can't believe

This could be the end

It looks as though you're letting go

And if it's real,

Well I don't want to know...."
Phoenix Jun 2018
Their once was a girl, that always been happy

Then one day,

she becomes broken, numb

She had a wonderful life,

and thought to have a great Future,

One moment she starved herself,

cut herself once or twice,

She was alone.





not good enough,

even though she has a family with her,

but not all the time,

the times that she's alone,

and she isn't,

That why that she always think that,

"Life isn't worth it."
Phoenix Jun 2018
My life was hard,

Lots of Confusion,

no one helped me,

no one understands...

my situation...

full of cruel people

that doesn't care at all,

I only have one person in my life,

and the only one understands me.

I lost someone and never

coming back,

she hurt me,

lied to me,

stab me in the back,

broke promises,

she thinks that I am a fool,

never honest,

she never understands me,

it hurts like nails,

lose someone that I thought was good

never good...

I learned a lesson,

I won't forget,

I won't be a fool,

I will do the same,

like she did to me,

she will regret that

she hurt me.
Someone in my high school used to be my best friend. she stabbed me in the back and this is the reason that I thought that no one in my school that understood my problems, even my own family in those times didn't understand.
Phoenix Jun 2018
Love is good,

Hate is bad,

That okay...

When someone wants to be your friend,

Then they will just stab you,

break you into pieces,

that feels like full of hate.....

But for the good is that it better from that,

It just like Love, peace,

hope and faith come together.
Phoenix Jun 2018
That was the worst

part of my life,

like once,

you will know who you're true

friends are in life,

Some that will,



break your heart,

ruined your life,

and more.

that how bad that

my teenage years were like.

I never had a lot of people

that I could talk to,

but it okay now.

it's just life...
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