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Phantom knight Oct 2020
why do i chose to fight,
i chose to fight so i can be the person i want to be,
i fight to grow as a person to learn from the mistakes of the past,
why should i never lay down my blade,
if i were to lay down my arms then i'm giving up,
i will never give up i will fight and push forward to be me,
so i ask you why would you chose to not fight for your right to be happy to be the you want to be,

so i ask will you pick up your blades and stand by mi side and fight to be the person you've always wanted to be in life because you deserve to be happy dont you?
Phantom knight Oct 2020
Why do I try
Why do I try to be someone I'm not,
Do I do it for my father or mother,
Or is it just because it's to hard to break from the mold,
They can see me in two lights during the day and night,
Why is it so hard to break from the mold,
It's like an addition its hard to quit,
Why is it so easy to stay in order and not spread your wings and break from the cage that hold you down break from the chains,
Why is it so hard to be free?
Phantom knight Sep 2020
As I wake I can feel the ground shak,
My family tremors as the quakes hit,
The foundations of trust and honesty that were built fracture,
But it's for the better fractures can heal you can move on for the lies that you told for so long,
You just need to become the one to break the mold and show them who you are,
So become that quake make them tremor in your wake because your no longer going to be a fake to the world
Phantom knight Sep 2020
I may not have fought in any war,
But I have fought to break down so many doors,
I've fought through these doors to become something more,
I've fought throught heart ake and pain,
I've fought to be the person I yearned to be,
But my fight has not ended because one battle has yet to be won
Phantom knight Sep 2020
Oh to my father,
Oh to my mother,
Oh to my brother and sister,
Oh why do I cry through the night,
Oh why do I hide through the light,
Oh I wish I could just break,
Oh I wish I could speak the truth,
But some day far away i will be happy when they know I'm gay
Phantom knight Sep 2020
I raise my blade,
I raise it to fight for those who cant,
I fight for my father,
And not for my king,
My blade will be stained with the blood of my foes but not for the king,
I will carry a rose to hand to my foes because they fight for a broken empire
Phantom knight Sep 2020
I wake in the middle of the night,
I reach out for the light but It can not reach me,
I feel the pain of it warping around my arm,
I pull back and see the red flowing from my veins,
It starts to cover the floor it's not my fault I just couldn't take it anymore.
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