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691 · Dec 2017
Don't forget our late nights
Don't forget our phone calls
Don't forget our dates
Don't forget our 1 a.m ice cream runs
Don't forget where we first saw eachother
Don't forget playing in the rain
Don't forget where we went
Don't forget our dreams together
Don't forget the plans we made
Don't forget our I love yous
Forget my name
Forget my lips
Forget my favorite song
Forget my laugh
Forget my smile
Forget my gifts i gave to you
Forget my secrets
Forget my hopes and dreams
Forget my perfume scent
Forget my ****** expression
Don't forget your self
       Trying to forget me
it's easy to let go but hard to forget. Sometimes we forget our self trying to forget the ones we love.
191 · Nov 2017
you hurt her
like a knife with a fresh point
she couldn't even run
you had a hold of her
but in the worst way

she though it was love
she had a rush
thought forever would be better with you
thats all she ever knew

your friends thought it was funny
seeing you play her
like she was a dummy

her friends tried to warn her
for the storm that she has loved
she told them that it was okay
from a distance it was scary but up close it was beautiful

you continued to fool her
like she was a droller
she had no control
but to her i was perfect

she continued to fall in love with you
she was stuck on you kinda like glue
she watched you watch her
and thought it was a joke

like the boy you are
you treated her like a toy
and made her feel worthless
but she always came back

you and your words once again played a girl like it was nothing, and we all knew that you were never going to change.
184 · Nov 2017
she wanted one thing
and i couldn't give it to her,
not because i didnt want to because i couldn't.

She deserved the world,
and all i could give her was me,
she acted like it was enough,
but we both knew it wasn't.

she would never let me leave,
and that it what makes this hurt more.
she acted as if she cared
but i knew she would never be there.

she was never around,
never down,
always gone,
and never caring.

There comes a time where we can't handle it,
we can't handle love,
an hope.

this is it,
i hope you know,
i did this for you,
because you deserve the world
"Some days i wish i could go back to that night. The night that my life took a change. I remember that night like i was yesterday. I remember that first moment our eyes made contact, and the feeling i got when i heard your laugh. I tried to stop myself from falling for you but i couldn't. I knew from that moment that you were going to mess me up, that you were my new drug and that i would never get enough. Now here i am 9 months later still hooked on you like a addict who hasn't gotten help."
175 · Dec 2017
you can only take so much
before your ribs break
and your lungs collapse
we can only have so many heartbreaks
before we forget what love is like
love used to be something beautiful but now its just a word that we have thrown to the ground.
its dead.
this poem is how i feel about love because of my past relationships, I believe one day love can and be beautiful and it will be worth something.
174 · Sep 2017
Mystery Girl
it wasnt the smile
it wasnt the way she read books at the coffee shop
she was quite
you couldnt read her
it took more than small talk and a glance in her eyes to understand her
that's what was attractive about her
she was a mystery
and i wanted to solve it
174 · Oct 2017
Dear Daddy i miss you and your words
Dear Daddy I've grown since we last talked i'm finally big
Dear Daddy the boys at school are mean. I know that if you were here you would make it better
Dear Daddy why don't you ever write back?
Dear Daddy I miss you
Dear Daddy mom said that you were never going to come home
Dear Daddy i'm 16.. thanks for nothing
Dear Daddy i'm finally grown and i cant believe you anymore.
Dear Daddy this is is good bye

I hope you know that i watied
i was scared
i was hurt
i was lost
but most of all i was a fool

I thought that i could change who you were but once again i let myself down
172 · Sep 2017
She had nothing here
nothing there
She was gone
but not to far
but definitly far enough
We tried to grab her but
you cant get to someone who doesn't want to be gotten to

— The End —