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Feb 2018 · 86
Paige Feb 2018
You are something magnificent beyond my insane
I love this, I relish, for all that is vain
If just for two years, if just crossing seas
The beauty and hope, the love, on my knees
So take me sweet softly, I’ll never betray
I’d die for you quickly, or let still the pain
It’s all for your heart, my soul, we’ll be made
Forgive me sweet lover, can’t take this insane.
Feb 2018 · 102
Hey You
Paige Feb 2018
Hey you, yeah, the white one over there
I’m spouting on it, I’m hating on you
Do you see it now, do you feel it yet
Of course not, and you may never,
Was that a racist comment, of course it was
But you still don’t get it, if you do, I’m thankful
But you still don’t get it.
Feb 2018 · 103
Paige Feb 2018
3 in 1, 2,
This melody’s for you,
It’s 2.46, what’s a lonely girl to do
Not for desires, you top of mind think
Should she sleep, spew more, or reach out for a shrink
Haha, that was funny, that’s what all you men think
If a woman has power, she’s a ***** in a seat
Haha, men are silly, half the time they don’t think
Sometimes has been helpful, more simple to treat
But women know ins & outs of this life
They see the mysterious, what’s in between times
Okay, okay, perhaps you see it too
But really, can you feel, all that women do?
No no, sorry sir, you can’t make that claim
If they feel in their soul, why dare to abstain

They feel what you can’t, I’ll punctuate that
Perhaps, met the wrong ones, or should solidify fact
We are speaking up, you’ll rule us no longer
The wall’s falling down, and I’ll respond calm sir
Thanks Mr. Harvey man, and all you in shambles
You’ll get what you need, see, God’s here to handle
Feb 2018 · 112
Green Eyes
Paige Feb 2018
I can feel it inside me, it’s borderline lost
I can feel it inside me, the pain, the chaos
But that’s okay dear, I’ll soon be enough
Can’t hurt anymore, their weapons and stuff
But thank you kind sir, for all that you’ve taught
The gods give you meaning, for self-serving wants
You can’t hurt me still, I’ll start to defend
I have a voice, you make amends

This is now my truth, I’ll no longer let
you green deviled demons, upon my ascent
I’ve let you distort for long enough now,
Past time, that I turn on my voice with a shout!
Feb 2018 · 98
Paige Feb 2018
There’s something before us
I can think and explore us, the gods will defend me
On earth, have ties to be
Don’t try to dare cross me, I promise you death
This is not a threat, I just have good friends
I’m sorry, not sorry, don’t mean this unkind
You mess with the demons, can you blame their lost minds
I shouldn’t write such, they lock up for stuff

Governments are for fools, can’t obey their own rules
They try to distort you, too tired of living untrue
Spit down on your (own) kind, never once a friend of mine
Perhaps let me backtrack, I’m a kid with no real fact
Pay no attention to me, the gods will help me to be
Perhaps I should speak, of something less conspicuously
Wait I used the wrong word, still learning English you see
Vocabulation not great, educated in the states
It’s really a dying shame, dumb us out in order to claim
But it’s destroying all the rest, you’re no better than a pest
Still there’s a few lying among us, will outdo your attempts to blind us
Reach out for another hand,
Soon we’ll find the finest plan.
Feb 2018 · 93
Paige Feb 2018
To you and to me, to all we can see,
The flight and the plight, you’ll never know reality,
Enjoy the green garden, the place where you dwell
We peasants at large, can see what you smell
I’m tired of waiting, locked in this cage,
These suicidal thoughts you’ve instilled in my brain,
I’ll take it no more, fight for honor till death,
My pride is forsaken, I’m here for the rest
Let’s jump up and down, let’s draw out our swords
Let’s shout for all mighty, defend what is ours
I’m braver than you, I’m him, her and me,
We all come from places, larger than you could ever relate to be,
I’ve asked you once nicely, I’ve begged long before,
But now I’ll take blood happily and explore
This anger’s been stirring, there were tears and despair
Hopeless past thoughts I’m tired of repair
So I’ll put it on you, fight with all I can feel
I’m doing this for everyone,
a voice, no longer concealed
Feb 2018 · 177
On Repeat
Paige Feb 2018
Hey you, Mr. Business
Like to point out and dimiss miss
Ha ha, can’t laugh yet
But you’re a fool and a ***
Walk around like supremes, you’re nothing but sheepskin
You may disagree, but you rejoice in your greendom
Mr. Business so mean, come on Mr. clean
Never know that it’s true, all was written just for you
Lucky fool that you are, you’re welcome for your star
Is that mean, now I chuckle
To you I bite my thumb sir.
Feb 2018 · 67
5 seconds
Paige Feb 2018
Did you know, I predisposed the words upon your face
The flowing air, I dare compare,
My darling we’re disgraced
Look unto me as I to you, I’ll pose this once today
I’m just a blur, we’re all disturbed
I’m here to give faith

— The End —