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Jun 2021 · 180
The lost blessing
Clare Jun 2021
Forgiveness doesn’t excuse the offense
Forgiveness excuses just the offender

Forgiveness is unbearable when done in the flesh
Forgiveness is biblical when done from God’s mercy

Forgiveness is hard when you expect an apology
Forgiveness is Christ-like when you extend grace.

Forgiveness says:
You are bigger and better
Than what you did against me
I choose to see you over the sin

God’s forgiveness says:
Your new identity is in me
I see you and not the sin
My ultimate sacrifice at the cross sets you free

Forgiveness sets you free!!
Let’s embrace it!!!
Jun 2021 · 145
Let go and … trust
Clare Jun 2021
We must let go of everything
Oh no!
But it is the best thing
Oh no!

We experience what we don’t understand
In order that we find ourselves
Where God wants us to be
At a precise time

Is there not an easier way?
Oh no!
Would we go on our own?
Oh no!

Worry is the very best attempt
To try and control the future
Do we know what it holds?
No but we try

The unknown is far too abstract
Oh yes!
We want to absolutely see first
Oh yes!

Letting go is very much like
Free falling but without the security
Of the parachute on our back
So we panic big-time

Why not then just trust Him?
Yes but …
Why not then just trust Him?
Yes but …

If only we could just understand
Abandoning our craving for total control
We would benefit in so doing
And find such freedom!

Such freedom!
Jun 2021 · 132
Let go and … trust
Clare Jun 2021
Let go and … trust

We must let go of everything
Oh no!
But it is the best thing
Oh no!

We experience what we don’t understand
In order that we find ourselves
Where God wants us to be
At a precise time

Is there not an easier way?
Oh no!
Would we go on our own?
Oh no!

Worry is the very best attempt
To try and control the future
Do we know what it holds?
No but we try

The unknown is far too abstract
Oh yes!
We want to absolutely see first
Oh yes!

Letting go is very much like
Free falling but without the security
Of the parachute on our back
So we panic big-time

Why not then just trust Him?
Yes but …
Why not then just trust Him?
Yes but …

If only we could just understand
Abandoning our craving for total control
We would benefit in so doing
And find such freedom!

Such freedom!
May 2021 · 127
What is life?
Clare May 2021
Is life materialism and health?
Or is it success and fame?
Or comfort, security and money?

What’s the meaning of life?
A few bask in immoderate luxury
Others just struggle to exist…

Surrendering to God is key
Discovering and apprehending the Lord’s way
Brings satisfaction, joy and peace

But existing with divine disappointments
Ever trusting and believing beyond hope
Is only meaningful to God

Life is worshipping the Lord
Giving Him all of our lifetime
For it’s all about Him

In a moment of time
Life will be turned upside down
Will we be truly ready?
May 2021 · 100
Clare May 2021
On this journey of life
We make many encounters
Working colleagues who desperately need the Lord
Conceited family members sensing no real urgency
Fair weather friends looking for some hope
And because of their lot in life
Are desperately unhappy
Bitterness trying to hide behind their eyes
Shame disguising and portraying itself as pride
A plastic smile covering tears of sadness…

Oh, Lord help me
To reach out to them

There are my brethren in the Lord
Who, for some unknown reason, despise me
Ignoring me, slighting me, gossiping, finding fault
Lord? Why my dear brothers and sisters?
It really hurts…
There’re dangerously treading the line of judgment…
“I know your wounds and your concerns
But leave them in my loving care…”
Will you reach out to these too?

My precious daughter, my precious child
I have chosen you for a special task
I know it has its hardships
But keep going…
Apr 2021 · 106
Clare Apr 2021
God in eternity was alone
Alone the Almighty began creating
Creating the multitude of angels
Angels watching the heavens unfolding
Unfolding the scroll of His beauty
Beauty resplendent in the garden
Garden of Eden sheltering Adam
Adam left to his devices
Devices leading this world astray
Astray and hence the fall
Fall necessitating a true mediator
Mediator provided by our Lord
Lord Jesus Christ our saviour
Saviour reconciling us to Himself
Himself becoming the ultimate sacrifice
Sacrifice inciting our heartfelt communion
Communion with a loving God
God crying out for fellowship
Apr 2021 · 139
Patrick the Polar bear
Clare Apr 2021
Out you go!
Let your God rescue now! Ha! Ha!
Oh, dear Lord
Don’t let me die of cold in Siberia!
I walk in the snow for many hours
What is this I see afar off?
A big polar bear walking towards me
Picks me up in his two front paws
“Am I your lunch?”
“What happened to you?”
“I was thrown out of a helicopter
I will not stop preaching the Gospel
Whether to my neighbours
Or to prison colleagues
No matter the cost”
“The journey will be many hours long
My little man, you need to rest”
I sleep, what else can I do?
In his warm den
I now sleep on
Morning breaks and the bear is gone
Too tired, too surprised and too stunned
I wait for fate
What will happen now?
I hear a noise
At my feet he drops a bag
“My little man, here is your food”
“Thank you, dear Lord for this meal”
For three more days
It’s the same pattern
“Time to move on, my little man!”
Picking me up we set off again
For an unknown destiny
He puts me down
“Farewell my little man!”
A forest afar off and people talking
I approach and tell them my story
“We have to be crazy to believe
But come and see
And you will understand”
A row of twenty bags of lunches
All hanging neatly on the wire fence
“One always went missing
The past three days
We believe your account”
My Little friends
Don’t despise the workings of the Lord
He can use the pet rabbit next door!
Or the robin in your back garden!
So watch out!
He may even choose to use you!

A true story told me by a Romanian pastor
(except for the talking polar bear!)
Apr 2021 · 105
Stand still
Clare Apr 2021
Stand still and let God move
Your severe trial will undoubtably lead
To the creation of something new
It is in this quiet crucible
Of your personal and private sufferings
That your noblest dreams are born
And God’s greatest gifts are given
In compensation of what you’ve been through

And just like Martha and Mary
Sometimes Jesus will wait three days
Or three years even thirty years
If it means at the end
Of that time God will be glorified

And to be used by God
Our own  effectiveness needs to DIE
We must FAIL in our strength
We have to LOSE complete control
And to be totally CONSUMED by Him

We cannot see in a tempest
God won’t be sensual in it
He won’t appeal to our senses
(They add to to our comfort)
He’ll make us uncomfortable in our storm

We’ll never understand what suffering is
Unless we can understand God’s love
Serenity is not the absence of pain
But His awesome presence in it
And what wonderful peace ensues from it

It is staying with the breaking
That will bring that final breakthrough
Untold agony will lead to victory
It is not what we do
But what we become that is vital

God will show up on schedule
Your severe trial will undoubtably lead
To the creation of something new
It is in this quiet crucible
Of your personal and private sufferings
That your noblest dreams are born
And God’s greatest gifts are given
In compensation of what you’ve been through
Mar 2021 · 98
Clare Mar 2021
Focussing my life on Christ is my desire
And, to worship Him is far above everything.
Yearning, yearning to comprehend His most wonderful love
Enabling me to lose myself in His presence.
Learning the wisdom to recognise the many hindrances;
That of despair, fear, frustration, pride and, worry
And, to understand fully that only true worship
Will bring perfect and complete peace of heart.

Reflecting my Lord’s characteristics is my ultimate goal,
To seek honesty and truth whatsoever the cost.
Pursuing, pursuing after temperance, purity, holiness and, meekness
And, seeking the true righteousness first and foremost.
Willing always to endure hardship, persecution and, unfairness
And to forsake any acknowledgment, self-importance or arrogance.
Just as the moon reflects the sun’s brightness
So I must daily mirror the Lord’s justice.

Serving my Lord Jesus Christ is my ambition,
To apprehend the potential of my spiritual gifts.
Inviting, inviting His compassion to invade my heart
And to let Him touch lives through me.
Relinquishing my God given abilities into His Hands
For Him to use at His good pleasure.
May I let my renewed personality in God
Reflect His care to the poor in spirit.
Winning the lost, would it be my passion !
There are many not knowing where to turn,

Sharing, sharing my testimony and, the salvation message.
There are those whom have begun with disadvantages
Seeking how they can finally end in triumph.
A mourning for Geneva’s lost heritage, incites me
To pray for her to remember her reformation
And, to receive a new baptism of fire.
Partaking in the saint’s fellowship is my aim,
A blessing beyond description and too often forsaken.

Possessing, possessing this high privilege as a pearl
And the power and unity in corporate prayer.
Allowing God’s love, compassion, concern, and tender mercy
To touch others in their time of need.
The Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us
Therefore I must give Him all my life.
Mar 2021 · 114
Clare Mar 2021
There’s blackness in my soul
Knowing you are there
Feeling the total abandonment
Knowing you are there

Knowing you are there
But where are you?  
Knowing you are there
Where is your power?

Where is your power?
Do not give up!
Where is your power?
Cry out to Jesus

Cry out to Jesus
But are you listening?
Cry out to Jesus
Believe in blind faith

Believe in blind faith
Where am I know?
Believe in blind faith
Nothing makes any sense

Nothing makes any sense
Hope thou in God
Nothing makes any sense
You will see victory

You will see victory
Just look to me
You will see victory
Focus on Me only

Focus on Me only
And then total breakthrough
Focus on Me only
Breakthrough and total victory!
Feb 2021 · 92
Six senses
Clare Feb 2021
I know you’re speaking to me
Why am I so deaf
That I cannot hear you

I know you are drawing me
In my times of loneliness
But I cannot see it

I know your love surrounds me
And though it is tangible
I cannot even touch it

I know your presence is perfumed
Lingering gently ever so gently
Although I cannot smell it

I know your goodness is sure
An continual and dependable help
Yet I cannot taste it

Faith transcends all of our  senses
Distrusting them is absolute key
To walk in total victory
Feb 2021 · 117
Clare Feb 2021
Desiring with passion to draw closer  
Closer to You my precious Lord
Seeking to come to the horizon
Horizon that is so very distant  
Trying to understand this unusual mist
Mist that blocks this arduous way
Realizing my sin is this haze
Haze that vanishes after true repentance
Enjoying at last this amazing moment
Moment continuing until the next step
Feb 2021 · 461
Clare Feb 2021
What is this loneliness so strange
That comes upon me
Why is this feeling so unknown
Tugging at my heart

Friends surround me
Family are here
Christians ever near

Why then this loneliness so strange
Returning to haunt me
This unknown feeling ever so present
Still tugging my substance

Communication is loud
Life always busy
Entertainment never lacking

Loneliness what then is your game
Why are you always here

I listen and then I hear
In the stillness of the moment
A whisper not audible
It’s me my child
Tugging at your heart
Feb 2021 · 582
Amazing Love
Clare Feb 2021
In the deepest valley
You are always there
Your victory is present
In the lowest abyss

Amazing love
Flowing freely
Amazing love
So intense
Amazing love

Your love reaches me
In the emptiest pit
In the loneliest state
Your love surrounds me

Amazing love
Flowing freely
Amazing love
So intense
Amazing love

Reaching into my soul
Amazing love
Just so amazing, amazing
Amazing victory

Amazing love
Flowing freely
Amazing love
So intense
Amazing love

Your love is so high
Your victory reigns
Your love is so wide
Your victory triumphs

Amazing love
Flowing freely
Amazing love
So intense
Amazing love

Victory encompasses all
Victory engulfs everything
Wonderful victory
Victorious love

Eternity reigns
Shout victory
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah…
Feb 2021 · 131
Daniel and Debbie duck
Clare Feb 2021
Debbie and Daniel Duck  lived in a park
A park just full of beautiful things
In the middle was a big pond
A pond which all their friends shared
Across the way, was a shaded woodland
A woodland where the family Deer lived
They were surrounded by such good neighbours
Neighbours that many would wish to have
Nevertheless, Debbie wished for a better life
A life full of freedom to choose
Debbie knew the place, a little stream
A stream all to themselves, what bliss!
Away they flew with such high hopes
Hopes that were quickly dashed upon arrival
Amisdt the concrete ran a watery trickle
A trickle so filthy no life survived
Some very kind human saw their plight
A plight, they never should have experienced
Back home they were welcomed by neighbours
The neighbours they should never have left

Now hear this and hear it well
Grass is only greener on the side
The side where the Lord wants you
Feb 2021 · 88
Clare Feb 2021
I see white figures scurrying around…
Everything is so strange…
This is not my life…
I do not belong here…
“You have just had an operation”
I am left with my thoughts…
Slowly, they come back…
I am in the hospital…
I am in the recovery room…
I seem to be somewhere in the spirit world…
In the awesome presence of the Lord.

I see the Blood…
I see its power!
Everything must be under the Blood…
Everything must be covered by the Blood…

All my pride
Must go under the blood.
All my self-righteousness
Must go under the blood.
All my prejudices
Must go under the blood.
All my sins
Must go under the blood.

Sins must be covered by the blood.
It is His doing only.
He alone paid the price.
It is free for all.
It is only through His blood
That we are saved.
I can do nothing.

The fear of God comes upon me…
Oh Lord, I am so sorry…
Oh Lord, I am so thankful…
Oh Lord, I am so humbled…

Oh Lord, You are mighty.
Oh, Lord You are awesome

My experience in the recovery room after an operation for a burst appendix (2008)
Jan 2021 · 77
Clare Jan 2021
Stepping stones to moving out in faith

The first step is sacrificing our Isaac
That has such a grip on us
Next is letting go of pre-conceived ideas
Things we are so sure will be
Following is our precious little comfort zone
Which is so utterly offensive to Jesus
We love to have all in control
But then where does Jesus fit in?
Doing things in our strength must stop
Be still and let God almighty move
The Lord Jesus shall fight for you
And you shall absolutely hold your peace
There must be peace of the unknown
Walk in faith not by our understanding
Literally live one day at a time
One hour, one minute, one second …
Dec 2020 · 690
Clare Dec 2020
Sowing seeds of kindness
Kindness breaking down barriers
Barriers disappearing into streams
Streams flowing into laughter

Sowing seeds of laughter
Laughter erasing all sadness
Sadness disolving into ripples
Ripples widening into smiles

Sowing seeds of smiles
Smiles lifting all heaviness
Heaviness turning into happiness
Happiness wanting more joy

Sowing seeds of joy
Joy nullifying all defeat
Defeat turning into victory
Victory demanding more sowing
Nov 2020 · 70
Clare Nov 2020
Another lockdown!
Another semi-confinement!
What is happening?

Who’s in control?
Who can we trust?
What’s is happening next?

The world’s going haywire
Viruses, racism, political unrest, etc...
A very scary scenario indeed!

Listen to me my people
I’m trying to get your attention
Put your agendas aside and listen

It is a second to midnight
I am coming for my precious bride
But are you truly ready? Are you?

Freely you have received your own salvation
Are you willingly showing others the way?
Freely point the lost souls to salvation

If you really do love me
You’d see my bleeding heart
Weeping for this lost humanity

Will you leave your comforts?
And be My voice?
And be My hands?

Do you not hear?
Stop your busyness
Listen to me

There’s no time
For comforts
No time
Nov 2020 · 91
Perfect love
Clare Nov 2020
Pondering the magnificent love of the Alpha
Explaining this most wonderful mystery is impossible
Realizing that atonement of sins is unrealizable
Empowering us to rise above our limitations
Conquering our fears through His infinity
Trusting the ordained commands of the Omega

Lovely, is His compassion
0verwhelming, is His comprehension
Victorious, are His ways
Eternal, are His promises

Considering the power and authority of Alpha
Answering to the call of the Almighty
Silencing us quietly to His awesome Omnipotence
Turning to the One who holds eternity
Expelling from our minds thoughts of desertion
Targeting our focus to the Holy One
Hallowing the awesome presence of the Omega

Omniscient, is His presence
Uplifting, are His commands
True, is His word

Finding the strength needed in the Alpha
Embracing the security provided by His majesty
Accepting the tender mercies of His magnificence
Remembering always the triumph of the Omega
Oct 2020 · 88
Clare Oct 2020
Inching slowly
Towards our heart
Tampering with our feelings
Emptying our life of joy
Raising havoc with our thoughts
Negating our precious freedom
Entering eternal darkness
Snaring notions
Oct 2020 · 85
Clare Oct 2020
Seven arches of colour
Spiritual perfection

Red, the ultimate covering
His blood

Orange, the absolute comforter
The Paraclete

Yellow, the only source
His light

Green, the crowning hope
Life eternal

Blue, the uttermost calm
His peace

Indigo, the only riches
Heavenly grace

Violet, the everlasting shield
His covenant

Promises in each arch
Perfect covering
Oct 2020 · 75
Clare Oct 2020
Pondering the magnificent love of the Alpha
Explaining this most wonderful mystery is impossible
Realizing that erasing our sins is silliness
Finding our uttermost fulfillment in our Lord
Empowering us to rise above kour limitations
Conquering all our fears through His infinity
Trusting the ordained commands of the Omega

Lovely, is His compassion
0verwhelming, is His comprehension
Victorious, are His ways
Eternal, are His promises

Considering the power and authority of Alpha
Answering to the call of the Almighty
Silencing us quietly to His awesome Omnipotence
Turning to the One who holds eternity
Expelling from our minds thoughts of desertion
Targeting our focus to the Holy One
Hallowing the awesome presence of the Omega

Omniscient, is His presence
Uplifting, are His commands
True, is His word

Finding the strength needed in the Alpha
Embracing the security provided by His majesty
Accepting the tender mercies of His magnificence
Remembering always the triumph of the Omega
Oct 2020 · 98
Clare Oct 2020
Prayer is a pearl of great price
In this windswept pilgrimage which is ours.
Oh, to discover the secrets of prayer!
That will bring us nearer to God
To listen for His still small voice
And close enough to hear His whisper.
His whisper of wisdom for our lives.

Prayer is remaining still in His presence
To seek to see His gentle face,
And touching the strings of His heart
For a desperately sin-sick human race.
But alas, our greatest neglect is prayer
And therefore seeing the world Hell-bound
Hell-bound, the disastrous effects of prayerlessness.

Prayer brings great pleasure to our God.
He knows our every need and desire
And He answers us before we call.
Loving to see us place our trust
Utterly in His good and wise judgment.
His desire is to have our fellowship
Our fellowship, the reason of our creation.

Prayer, the precious communion between Creator’s heart
And the heart of His beloved creation.
He waits to hear our smallest cry
And yet we leave Him so alone
Longing for our fellowship, He pines
Waiting, longing, craving, imploring, crying, crying
Crying, crying, just to hear our voices………….

Oh, why this great neglect of prayer?
Sep 2020 · 2.0k
Clare Sep 2020
Clouds, Clouds, Clouds, Clouds
Calculated Clouds
Interesting Idioms
Physical Phenomena
Spiritual Symbolisms

Cloud seven
Completely happy, perfectly satisfied, wholly euphoric
Cloud eight
Befuddled by drinking too much liquor
Cloud nine
Jumping for joy; walking on air

Have one’s head in the clouds
To be out of touch with reality
Every cloud has a silver lining
Difficult times always lead to better days
He must be under a cloud
People have an unfavourable opinion of him
There’s a cloud on the horizon
An omen threatening to happen in time
To live in cloud-cuckoo land
Believing those truly impossible things will happen

High-Level Clouds
Cirrus and Cirrostratus
Mid-Level Clouds
Altocumulus and Altostratus
Low-Level Clouds
Nimbostratus and Stratocumulus
Vertical Development Clouds
Cumulus and Cumulonimbus
Other Cloud Types
Contrails and Billows
Mammatus and Orographic
And Pileus

An arc in the clouds represents God’s promises
A pillar of cloud symbolised the Lord’s guidance
Do you understand the balancing of the clouds?
He that considers the clouds shall not reap
In OT times, the cloud filled the temple
Jesus Christ will return on clouds of victory

And a personal one
Black clouds one afternoon covered the Salève
Hiding a most beautiful rainbow
And despite the clouds’ efforts to confuse
His promises are forever true

Which cloud are you under?
Sep 2020 · 74
Moments with God
Clare Sep 2020
The dove
Symbol of peace
In times of darkness
In times of great turmoil
In the deepest valley of sorrow
A dove appears on my window sill
I hear the Lord’s gentle whisper
“Peace, my child, my peace”
Thank you, my Lord
I whisper back
Thank you

The rainbow
Symbol of promise
A great resplendant arch
Fluorescent in beauty and wonder
Hides itself behind the transient clouds
Appearing and disappearing from our sight
Like His promises, not always seen
Seeming to vanish with trials
However, they are true
Until their fulfilment
Thank you

The rainbow
Symbol of covering
His blood protecting us
His wonderful light, our mantle
His peace and grace, our comforts
A double arch is an extraordinary occurrence
Above me, this exceptional phenomenon
Singularly confirms His divine favour
A truly refreshing encouragement
In forthcoming years
Thank you

A smile
Symbol of compassion
When I’m feeling lonely
And things appear so hopeless
And the waiting seems never ending
Out of nowhere, there appears a smile
Beaming on a child’s cheerful face
Gently reminding me, once again
Of His patient understanding
That never fails
Thank you

This poem was inspired by those precious moments we each have with our Lord.
A picture of me proves the unusual event in the third stanza.
Sep 2020 · 1.1k
Clare Sep 2020
His awesome silence
Allays the soul

His beautiful silence
Blesses our spirit

His calm silence
Comforts our heart

His deafening silence
Dramatises His presence

His eloquent silence
Eludes all words

His frequent silence
Finalizes all questions

His glorious presence
Gratifies the senses

His Holy silence
Hushes our being

His incredible silence
Illuminates our minds

His judicious silence
Judges all matters

His kingly silence
Kindles a flame

His long silence
Lingers all night

His mysterious silence
Mystifies His aura

His necessary silence
Negates all doubts

His outstanding silence
Outdoes our interference

His peaceful silence
Precedes all victories

His quick silence
Questions our motives

His royal silence
Restores the poor

His sudden silence
Surprises the proud

His tangible silence
Touches the searching

His unique silence
Unravels all misconceptions

His voiceless silence
Visits the hasty

His wonderful silence
Washes all fears

His X-ray silence
X-irradiates our consciences

His yuletide silence
Yields to reflection

His zesty silence
Zooms into prosperity
Aug 2020 · 76
Clare Aug 2020
The heavens declare your handiwork
Handiwork of awesome uniqueness
Uniqueness too wonderful
Wonderful creation

I contemplate the transient clouds
Clouds so singularly different
Different and beautiful
Beautiful phenomena

The treasures of the snow
Snow so wholly white
White and spotless
Spotless purity

The splendour of the butterfly
Butterfly so entirely fragile
Fragile in nature
Nature singing

The majesty of an eagle
Eagle symbol of hope
Hope of freedom
Freedom today

The agility of the gazelle
Gazelle of a promise
Promise of tomorrow
Tomorrow’s victory

The exquisiteness of a baby
Baby of new beginnings
Beginnings of life
Life earthbound

The ephemeral joys of childhood
Childhood of naive innocence
Innocence easily lost
Lost forever

Seize this moment in time
Time so quickly gone
Gone for evermore
Evermore wasted

The heavens declare your handiwork
Handiwork of awesome uniqueness
Uniqueness too wonderful
Wonderful creation
Aug 2020 · 73
Clare Aug 2020
Lord, I feel so much rejection,
Life passes me by and then oblivion.

Friends got married
And I’m still waiting.
They had children
And my time’s gone.
They received healing
And mine’s still coming.
They enjoy life
And I endure it.

Lord, I watch and patiently wait,
Heaven’s appointed time for my season’s change.

The Lord loves me
This I know.
The Lord of All,
The Only Creator,
Has time to stop
And love me.
I wish I could
Comprehend His love.

Lord, all of my earthbound life,
Time flies by with seemingly no change.

I must stop searching
For His love.
The Lord blesses abundantly
All His children;
But many of them
Do go without.
Wondering at this paradox
I ask ‘why’ ?

“Because, you, my child are willing
To share the fellowship of my sufferings.”
Jul 2020 · 109
Loneliness - Part 2
Clare Jul 2020
When problems assail you on all sides
Do not question what is happening
Understand this principle, apprehend it well
Your life is not your own
Let me work My way through you
It’s not about you but Me

I want your life to reach out
To the people along your pilgrimage
I need your hands and your feet
Walking in those lonely desert places
Allowing Me to embrace the lost souls
Are you willing to go for me?

Counting your ambassadorship a glorious privilege
Committing your day to divine instructions
Marching the “Via Dolorosa” for My purposes
Understanding then My compassion for them
Sharing My sufferings for those crying out
Discovering My passion for lost humanity
Jul 2020 · 120
Loneliness - part 1
Clare Jul 2020
You must leave the ninety nine
You must forsake your familiar surroundings
Your comfort zone and security circle
You must put aside your hopes
And walk the dark desert road

It is black, It is lonely
Why am I in this way?

I am not finished with you
I know what I am doing

I want your focus

I want your time

I want your focus

It is so hard
Bitterness lies in wait
Critical spirits hang around
Cynicism is blinding me

Behold, I am with you
And will keep you wherever you go
And will bring you back to this land
For I will not leave you
Until I have done what I have spoken to you

You must be in a precise place

To meet the people I choose

Don’t panic, I remember My promises
Continue to walk this outcast way

You will then see my Glory
Genesis 28:15
Jun 2020 · 96
Clare Jun 2020
Forgetting the things of the past
Identifying our weaknesses and bad habits
Negating all those continual nagging thoughts
Deciding to change our habitual course
Instructing ourselves in His wonderful Word
Neglecting the idle talk and hobbies
Giving up the ‘ME’ into His Hands

Yielding to the Lord
Obeying our High calling
Undertaking the necessary measures
Repenting of our wrong conceptions
Prioritizing our projects
Reflecting your Glory

Organizing our time
Laughing at ourselves
Interceding for others
Forgoing our ambitions
Immobilizing our fears
Clarifying new decisions

Projecting our goals for the year
Utilizing our talents for His purpose
Rising up to the Divine challenge
Planning for the imperatives in life
Optimizing schedules to fit into His
Studying hard to show ourselves approved
Extolling His Name above our daily lives
May 2020 · 95
Clare May 2020
In the stillness of the evening
Straining to hear His quiet voice
I hear only the still silence
The silence of my confining circumstances

In the darkness of the soul
Learning to listen for His whisper
I listen for a small sound
The sound of a fresh calling

In the storm of the night
Waiting to understand His new direction
I understand a day is dawning
The dawn of a different era

In the aurora of the morning
Desiring to awake His hidden vision
I awake to a victorious certainty
The certainty of the Lord’s glory
May 2020 · 1.2k
Out of Lockdown! Finally!
Clare May 2020
This unusual lockdown
Took us aside
To draw closer to Him
Praying with perseverance
Evaluating our priorities
Finding an uneasiness in our comfort zones

Eve of lockdown
Back to normal
There is a real danger
Returning to traditions
Forgetting our resolutions
Wanting to stay in our comfort zones

After the lockdown
Can't we see?
The after effects of Covid-19
Working no more
Crying for help
Remaining to busy in our comfort zones?

No more lockdown
Are we ready?
To move with the Lord?
Seeking the lost
Reaching the poor
Needing to urgently leave our comfort zones

Lockdown is history
Have we forgotten?
The situation demands our commitment
Forsaking our indifference
Requiring our time
Abandoning the security of our comfort zones
May 2020 · 94
When all has gone quiet
Clare May 2020
When all has gone quiet
And you hear nothing
You see naught
You cry

But there’s none to answer
You search for something
You find nothing
You scream

Life has passed you by
No husband is present
Kids are absent
You whisper

Jesus, I know you’re here
But I sense nothing
All is pointless
I mutter

Where are you my precious Lord?

Very near
I love you
You are my treasure
I will never leave you

Be still
I speak softly
Attune your auditory senses
Know that I am God

Be confident
I know all
I’ve counted your tears
I am ever with you

Be patient
I will come
Suddenly out of nowhere
As a bolt of lightning
May 2020 · 147
There is a cry
Clare May 2020
There is a cry in my heart
What’s happened to this generation of ours?
Why all this indifference in young adults?
What example are giving to our teenagers?
Why do we forsake our precious genitors?

There is a weeping in my heart
We are just so utterly self centered
Not wanting to leave our comfort zones
Making resolutions for the end of lockdown
But will we indeed have the compassion?

There’s an incomprehensible ache in my heart
Tears of agony wake me up nightly
Believing I feel just a tiny part
Of our Savior’s heart for the lost
When will we feel the Lord’s heartbeat?
May 2020 · 128
Why all this suffering
Clare May 2020
Waiting for his time
Hoping beyond all hope
Yelling aforetime His victory

Aborting all negative thoughts
Laughing at apparent defeat
Labouring for the Kingdom

Tasting His sweet presence
Holding fast to promises
Identifying the enemies’ tactics
Studying His wonderful Word

Silencing the inconsiderate remarks
Unearthing His precious pearls
Finding the hidden positives
Focussing fully on Him
Energizing ourselves in prayer
Rising above our feelings
Improving our daily lives
Nestling in His arms
Giving everything to Him
Apr 2020 · 113
Please listen ...
Clare Apr 2020
Oh to draw close to you
To hear your heartbeat
To listen to that silent cry
Above these tumultuous times

Oh I hear Your incessant pleas
Don’t you hear them?
Time is running out so fast
Seconds only to midnight

I implore you to forgo agendas
And to please listen
This is not just another poem
Jesus is calling you

I want you close to me
I need your time
To reach out to the lost
Calling them through you

You must not forsake your calling
It is too important
It can effect your eternal destiny
Draw close to me

I love you so much
Don’t ignore my call please
Apr 2020 · 80
Clare Apr 2020
As I sit waiting
Many people pass me by
As I watch

I see an innocent child
Full of life budding with excitement
Your entire lifetime stretches out before you
Do not waste it on useless frivolities
Jesus loves you, Child

As I consider
I see an assertive teenager
He has it all under control
He is master of his own life
He needs nothing – he needs no one
Jesus loves you, Teen

As I muse
I see a worried father
He is concerned about his family
Will he provide enough for his children?
Every man for himself, no one cares
Jesus loves you, Father

As I observe
I see an overburdened mother
Forever trying to make ends meet
Busy with all those monotonous daily tasks
Leading a hectic life – no free time
Jesus loves you, Mother

As I survey
I see a solitary one
She seems lost – looking for hope
She’s on her own – very lonely indeed
She thinks she lives a meaningless life
Jesus loves you, Single

As I ponder
I see an old grandmother
Her eyes have a distant gaze
You must have had a rich life
No one is interested in it now
Jesus loves you, Grandma

As I meditate
I see an elderly gentleman
His forehead lined with deep wrinkles
Your life is packed full of experiences
No one has time for you anymore
Jesus loves you, Grandpa

As I sit waiting
Many people pass me by
What are their destinies?
My people need the Lord
Will you go and tell them?
Apr 2020 · 107
Clare Apr 2020
What will happen when we come out of Lockdown?
Lockdown for some was just another of life’s frustrations
Frustrations demanding a return to life as it was
But it will never be the same!

Did we take the time for some deep introspection?
Introspection into our busy agendas and our important priorities
Priorities demanding our time over our family and friends
But this time wasted is forever gone!

How do we get back to our first love?
Love needing to find that secret place of prayer
Prayer that will sincerely seeks the heart of God
But this requires much time and sacrifice!

Is there anyone willing to draw closer to hear?
Hear God’s heartbeat and compassion for the unsaved
Unsaved because none will agonize for their lost souls
How must we continually break God’s heart!

His patience does have an end
How I fear for those who will not hear
Apr 2020 · 95
Clare Apr 2020
We need more power
Power to be disciplined
Disciplined to be focussed
Focussed to walk on

We need to be anxious
Anxious for more power
Power to become saints
Saints witnessing new life

We need to hunger
Hunger after your word
Word of total victory
Victory overcoming all evil

We need to believe
Believe to see glory
Glory to exalt You
You are Lord Jesus
Apr 2020 · 107
Clare Apr 2020
The Lord has His own time
To some, it seems a lifetime.
Feeling the heat of its refinery,
And then pondering its hidden mystery,
Can only lead to utter frustration.
But, Oh Lord Jesus, when the manifestation?

Suffocated by the constraints of time,
I am tired, waiting for primetime.
Killing time, killing time, while waiting…
But why? But I am trusting…
My understanding of all, becoming dim,
Praise Him, I must, in the interim

Standing on the edge of time,
And silently, patiently, waiting for mine.
Seeing windows open wide to favour,
Smelling, feeling and tasting its savour,
Perceiving the victory on the horizon,
Testifying, before the time, to Him alone.
Mar 2020 · 83
Clare Mar 2020
I know your goodness exceeds excellence
Your wonderful love surpasses all understanding
Your resurrection power
Dwells in me

Your power can raise me
Your power can heal me

Lord, I could’ve died many a time
But you’ve kept me until this day
Dwelling in sickness
Oh Lord, why?

Your power can raise me
Your power can heal me

What does this life amount to
Living with confining and restricting limitations
Seeing handicapped colleagues
Bound in chains?

Your power can raise them
Your power can heal them

I am tired and in pain
I do not understand your ways
Why this waiting?
To what avail?

Your power can raise me
Your power can heal me

The world is hurtling towards Hell
Hell is increasing in lost souls
Hell is real
Hell is real

We need to get militant
We need to get dangerous

We’re one day closer to Heaven
Others one day closer to Hell
What a tragic day
When hope’s gone

We need to get serious
We need to get real

That we may hear the hopeless screams
Of those facing an eternal death
Screaming desperate screams
Screaming eternal screams

What are we waiting for?
What are we waiting for?
Mar 2020 · 123
If my people ...
Clare Mar 2020
We have been confined to our homes. Pray, Pray, BUT especially that we get back to our first love where we did the thing from a burning that was in our hearts.

( This poem was inspired from the fact that the following verse, II Chronicles 7:14, is so often misquoted. The phrase in is often forgotten. “and turn from their wicked ways; )

If my people who are called by my name
Would only understand who I am.
I’m the Alpha and the Omega
Their Creator and their unique Saviour,
The One who died for them
To forgive them of their sin,
To save them from eternal death,
And therefore giving them eternal life.

If my people who are called by my name
Would know how to humble themselves,
Forgetting all and concentrating on me,
Becoming meek and unpretentious and lowly,
Having a holy respect and submission
And renewing their obedience to me,
In a complete surrender and trust
In a daily commitment without reserve.

If my people who are called by my name
Would pray and seek my face
And cease from their own works,
Seeking My will for their lives,
Desiring to listen to My voice,
In the stillness of My presence,
Discerning in the quietness of time,
The vision I have for them.

If my people who are called by my name
Would be hot and not cold,
And not lukewarm accepting worldly doctrines,
Of tolerance and other such philosophies,
In the name of political correctness,
But with an unquenchable fire accepting,
My holy doctrine of divine righteousness,
And entirely trusting My divine justice.

If my people who are called by my name
Would desire to see My honour,
Acknowledging My total acceptance of them,
And would turn from their pride,
Learning the true meaning of sacrifice,
Following Me no matter the cost,
Placing in My hands their dreams,
Allowing My glory to shine through.
If my people who are called by my name
Would not so much be concerned,
With rights and claims and comfort,
Taking their focus away from Me,
Rather if they would be willing,
To endure the shame and suffering,
Of the cross, the loneliness of it
Enabling me to radiate through them.

If my people who are called by my name
Would extend the hand of reconciliation
And remember My commandment of forgiveness!
Why do you judge others so,
In the name of constructive criticism ?
Why don’t you love each other ?
I forgave you all so unconditionally
Why don’t you forgive, oh why ?

If my people who are called by my name
Would comprehend these their wicked ways
And see the sin in the camp
And repent of their wicked ways,
Then I would hear their prayers
And I’ll forgive their evil ways
And heal their sick backsliding land
My people, I’m waiting for you …
Mar 2020 · 104
Clare Mar 2020
Covid -19
Help Lord!
Where are you?
We’re in much pain
We are crying in despair
We've reached the end of hope
Christ at the heart of this epidemic
I am there beyond your hope
I am crying with you
I see your suffering
I am here
I’m coming
Mar 2020 · 86
Walking blind
Clare Mar 2020
Walking blind
When the tornado strikes
And you don’t see it coming
You hold on for dear life

Walking blind
You alone feel it
And you are very much alone
Alone and bewildered but not alone

Walking blind
Riding the dark storm
You don’t see the road ahead
Hearing no divine instruction you stand

Walking blind
Your visions are dead
You are failing on every level
Jesus will now have the victory
Mar 2020 · 93
The cross
Clare Mar 2020
You paid for our sicknesses at the cross
We thank you for the forty stripes you bore
We are healed because of Your ultimate sacrifice
But why do so many forget to thank you?
While many others wait and wait their miracle

We go and heal unbelievers in Your name
Demons are cast out setting these people free
Many prayers are answered to their utter amazement
Showing Your love and tears of gratitude flow
Demonstrating Your mercy and compassion to the lost

Suffering that lasts is so hard to understand
You took our infirmities so why the delay?
Why then do I not see the manifestation?
With our logic we cannot comprehend your love
Love and suffering don’t mix or do they?

“I will heal you but in my time”
But Lord, when will it be your time?
I’m hurting and I’m tired of continual pain
Your silence is more than I can bear
“Your healing will be for my Name’s sake”
Christ’s sufferings were of a very different nature

They were solely according to God’s Divine will
God’s way is the narrow road of suffering
The way of the “very long road home.”
Are we willing to partake of Christ’s sufferings?
Are we prepared to forsake our personal ambitions?

Or to have our decisions transformed into His?
God’s silence protects us from our foolish words
And sheltering us from our own presumptuous ways
Allowing us to go through while not understanding
When there are no tears left to cry

When there are no words left to debate
When the pain is your constant unwanted companion
When suffering has numbed your senses beyond feeling
When all hope has long lost its meaning

Then my child you are sharing in my sufferings
Mar 2020 · 165
I call out unto you
Clare Mar 2020
I call out to you
But no answer
I don’t understand
Because it’s all about Jesus

Your promises are so true
Now seem gone
You are faithful
It is all about Jesus

I have no strength left
Where to go
I am lost
Because it’s all about Jesus

My soul cries out loudly
In the darkness
Where are you
It is all about Jesus

No answer none at all
I am alone
Blinded by sufferings
Because it’s all about Jesus

The silence is audibly quiet
My faith sobs
What is happening
It is all about Jesus

I am utterly broken inside
No feelings anymore
Bleeding many tears
Because it’s all about Jesus

Finding no help in anything
Clutching at straws
Slipping quietly away
It is all about Jesus

Because it’s all about Jesus
It is all about Jesus
Because it’s all about Jesus
It is all about JesusI call out to you
But no answer
I don’t understand
Because it’s all about Jesus

Your promises are so true
Now seem gone
You are faithful
It is all about Jesus

I have no strength left
Where to go
I am lost
Because it’s all about Jesus

My soul cries out loudly
In the darkness
Where are you
It is all about Jesus

No answer none at all
I am alone
Blinded by sufferings
Because it’s all about Jesus

The silence is audibly quiet
My faith sobs
What is happening
It is all about Jesus

I am utterly broken inside
No feelings anymore
Bleeding many tears
Because it’s all about Jesus

Finding no help in anything
Clutching at straws
Slipping quietly away
It is all about Jesus

Because it’s all about Jesus
It is all about Jesus
Because it’s all about Jesus
It is all about Jesus
Mar 2020 · 105
Expect the unexpected
Clare Mar 2020
Expect the unexpected
Sounds strange…
Be still and know that I am God
I must come to an end of myself
Sacrificing my Isaac
And backing off to allow God to move

The Lord God Almighty shall fight for you
You shall contribute absolutely nothing to the victory
No words, no actions
And ye shall hold your peace of mind
We needs go through divine misery at times
Disappointments come when all around you shout ’No’

Do not give up
Know you’re in a place of God’s choosing
The Lord waits till we have no hope
Stand still when it makes perfect sense to run

Just walk by faith
Stay focussed, don’t doubt, don’t listen to feelings
Remain faithful and see the glory of God
You are about to experience a divine earthquake
Then all will say
Mar 2020 · 104
Clare Mar 2020
Eternity spans from Alpha to Omega
The Lord is in it all
Walking throughout our past and present
Healing us of all our wounds
Seeing us receive our prepaid victory
Waiting for us at our Omega

Be strong and of good courage
The Lord always goes before us
Standing on the edge of time
Having His presence as a constant
Needing therefore not to be dismayed
Keeping then our confidence and courage

Jesus is already in our future
He has been in our valleys
Providing us strength to go through
Holding our souls in His Hands
Keeping our tears in a bottle
Giving us a Divinely appointed future

Our focus must be His will
The arm of flesh must die
Searching for all the little compromises
Falling flat before all insignificant enemies
Shaming us so we become small
Piercing the darkness of our will

Battles have been won in Glory
The name of Jesus must shine
Putting our hope in the Christ
Letting His truth possess our being
Showing His praise in the earth
Sharing with no other His glory

The Lord Almighty is ever faithful
His promises are yea and Amen
Understanding His word is the key
Knowing His eyes are upon us
Realizing the depth of His love
Declaring Him to be ever Faithful
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