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Osvaldo Palomino Feb 2017
I cannot say much
For we have just begun
A rocky start
We're managing to overcome

There's a fragileness about you
One I almost failed to see

How you're so scared of being hurt
Scared to completely open up
Scared to just be

We're all broken in one way or another
Heart torn to pieces by an ex lover
Scared to admit we're no longer the same
It's always much easier to say love is to blame

Feeling worthless, like you got nothing more to give
But there's a fire burning inside you
You just gotta first forgive

Yourself, for being foolish and naive
For not knowing what you wanted
And thus causing you to grieve

You don't realize your charms
And what makes you oh so sweet
And when it comes to other girls
There is no need to compete

And if in the end
Things for us aren't meant to be
Then let it be so
I just want you to know
That every word I've said
Has come from the soul

You deserve to be happy
You deserve to know what love is
It's the most wonderful high
And if I can
Then I'll show you what I think love is
Poem written for a love interest who's had bad experiences in relationships
Osvaldo Palomino Feb 2017
If you could see me now
You'd recognize me
In a heartbeat

You'd recognize this act
As a facade
A way of hiding the scar
That never truly healed

Despite the years
And all the changes
The events that
Changed our lives
For better or worse

All peel back
Bit by bit
Turning me into that
Naive innocent kid
Once more

All those defences
I've put up
All come crumbling down
Bit by bit
Piece by piece

In front of you
They amount to nothing
No ungodly force
Capable of stopping you

Stopping what you represent
That image forever ingrained
In my heart and mind

The culmination of love
Pain, joy, commitment
And all those emotions
That make the foundation
Of a relationship

One we never had
One we never will
Yet the standard I use
When it comes to others

Someone I never had
Have set the bar
For all that I shall have
In the future

So far not one
Has met that standard

Maybe it's just me
Or the standard
Is much too high

All I know
Is that it's lonely
Up here

Drinking alone
In this bar
So high off the ground

Won't you join me
One last time?
Osvaldo Palomino Feb 2017
That weapon in your mouth
Holds more power
Than you could ever
Possibly fathom

The projectiles
Blasting out
At the speed of sound

Ricocheting off the walls
Until it hits
Its intended target

Putting another dent
In the armor
Guarding their heart

On the brink of falling apart
After enduring countless
Hard fought battles

Creating an inherent fear
Making them weary
Of those who surround them

Causing them to always
Keep their weapon loaded
Ready to hurl hateful words
At the drop of a dime

Shooting down friend after friend
Breaking heart after heart
Losing yourself on the battlefield
Until you are no more

Creating a thick skin
Hard exterior soft interior
Barring entry from all
For fear of that weapon
We carry in our mouths
Osvaldo Palomino Feb 2017
I cannot draw
At least not the way others do
I cannot find peace
Or a piece of me
In the stroke of a brush

The image in my head
Has never realized itself on paper
Instead of a masterpiece
It's a monstrosity
Something to avert your gaze from
Just like its creator

So instead
I choose to paint with words
Creating imagery so vivid
You cannot help but feel
As though you're truly there

Showing you the beauty of the rose
And the cherry blossoms
As their petals drift in the wind
Because while the fruit may one day grow
It does not fall far from the tree
And while the petal may soon wilt
It will get a taste
Of what it means to truly be free

Or telling you of the stories
Of those initials carved
On that one park bench
Some everlasting
While others drifting in the wind
Yet the bench shall always remember
The love and care
That ephemeral joy
In the hollows of its skin

For everything has a story
And everything has a past
And so I chose the pen over the brush
In the hopes of painting my own story
Creating an image so stunning
It will be carved in memory
For a lifetime to come
Osvaldo Palomino Jan 2017

A foolish endeavor
Pursued when young

An attempt
At understanding
The beauty that
Exists around us

That is us

That which is good
And that which is evil

And finding difficulty
In discerning
Between both

The fruits
Of life
Do not allow one
To simply
Grasp its secrets

The truth is hidden
Shrouded in
A veil
Of complexities
And half truths

Some we inevitably
Create ourselves
In the pursuit
Of knowledge
Osvaldo Palomino Jan 2017

A foolish endeavor
Pursued when young

An attempt
At understanding
The beauty that
Exists around us

That is us

That which is good
And that which is evil

And finding difficulty
In discerning
Between both

The fruits
Of life
Do not allow one
To simply
Grasp its secrets

The truth is hidden
Shrouded in
A veil
Of complexities
And half truths

Some we inevitably
Create ourselves
In the pursuit
Of knowledge
Osvaldo Palomino Jan 2017
The fragility that lingers around the relations one has is baffling
Noticing how the so called strong connection you have with another is inherently weak
It lacks strength when compared to a wet piece of paper
It lacks the elasticity found in a rubberband
And when it is shattered
It lacks the feeling of loss that can only be found in heartbreaks

It is the budding rose
Who's life is cut short
By the very roots
That once helped it grow so
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