In days of emergence and growth...
Hidden nestled confusion identity;
April blossoming evermore subtle.
The felled tree rooted staunchly.
Stuck within syllabus.
Bound by a soften hand,
gently caressed and unsure.
Phasing the conception of man.
Regardless of strength to endure.
Microcosm of macronutrients;
stunting the intellectual growth.
Ideally opinion held limbo.
Dreaming remaining upspoke.
Trees who are felled,
still crying the sap.
Forever stuck in this rut,
a calamity of traps.
Hence of alteration.
Out of this body,
with little mind.
Trickling down the web;
and upon my spine.
Addiction, headaches, sleep walking.
Cocktails of the past.
Stuck in relapse, with little to know.
Or how fast.