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Onyx 3d
I'm not sure why it happened or how
But I'm stuck here again
Caught up in the past thinking old thoughts
Feeling old feelings
Once again choking back tears
From bottled up emotions
I know I have you
I know you'll hold my hand
I know you'll never leave
But I can't stop crying right now
I feel sad without knowing a reason
And I'm trying very hard
To smile for you
But right now..
I can't
I'm sorry if that's disappointing
I'll try harder next time
Just please please please
Go easy on me today
Let me cry and offer comfort
Onyx 3d
If I told you I’d seen the world fall apart
Or that I still had broken heart
Would you stay?
If I said the sky fell
And the oceans boiled away
Would you tell me everything's ok?
If I said that the earth split
And the mountains crumbled
Would you hold my hand?
If I said I’d be yours forever
Would you smile?
If I said I loved you
Would all the bad feelings go away?
Even if I’m scared of getting hurt
All I ever wanted was for you to be happy
I try to make you smile every day
Because as long as you want me I’ll stay
Onyx 3d
Why can't anyone look at me the way I want to be seen?
Why doesn't anyone use the right name?
Why do I need to sit and deal with these pronouns that simply don't fit me?
Why am I told it's just a phase when I know it's not?
Why do people never look me straight in the eye?
Why do I eat alone, sit alone, cry alone?
Why can't I ever sleep at night?
Why do I see shadows in the night?
Why when people speak of me is "autism" the only word they know?
Why is it that no one wants to know me if not for pity?
Why do people hold out their hands simply to ****** them back?
Why is friendship so fleeting that it never seems to last?
Why does love always hurt and end in nothing but loneliness?
Why do I change for others who never even stay?
Why do I not even know who I am anymore?
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Onyx 4d
In the quiet of the night,
I feel the warmth of your light,
A love that fills my heart and soul,
With every breath, we become whole.

Time moves slow, like a gentle breeze,
Moments wrapped in memories,
We stand beneath the stars so bright,
Your laughter dances, a sweet delight.

In this beautiful place, I see your eyes,
Reflecting the truth, where the universe lies.
Together we face the shadows and fears,
Holding on tight through laughter and tears.

The world may turn, the seasons change,
But in this dance, nothing feels strange.
With every step, we embrace the unknown,
Two souls intertwined, never alone.

As we walk the path, both rough and fine,
I know in my heart, you’re truly mine.
We’ll face the storms, the cold and the heat,
In the chaos of life, you make me complete.

So here’s to the years, both good and bad,
For every tear and every laugh we’ve had.
In the depths of our journey, I promise to stay,
Together, forever, come what may.

And when the night falls, as it sometimes will,
With you by my side, my heart will be still.
For in this life, with its highs and lows,
I find my peace in the love that grows.
Onyx 4d
A thoughtfulness may come from simply sitting still
Silence, noise, darkness, light… Endless changes
Endless thrill… Sitting still… Being real…
Real.. Standing in remembrance that you are real
Grab a book and flip through the pages… Learn.
Actually absorb the information placed in your hands.
Expand your vocabulary and further your beliefs.
Be able to truely, thoroughly overpower others by actually knowing.
Know the cause of true evil and the names and dates of the people.
Turn back through time and live through history.
The real history and not the one taught to us in school.
Read the books banned by the school board.
Learn the things that no one has ever bothered to teach.
Become successful and thrive. Thrive! Thrive!
Prove everyone who has always told you off wrong.
The world may be cruel but you can live.
Living is one of the bravest things that someone who is afraid could truely do.
Live, sit, breathe, think, remember, learn, thrive, develop, teach, and be real.

— The End —