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Wolfie Bandit Aug 2023
It can be absolutely
But it can be
You never know what will happen
You never know if it will go your way
if it will be the absolute disaster
to your life
In life your taught
when something comes your way
it is either
to stay
absolutely destroy you
Wolfie Bandit Aug 2023
That Person
The one who makes you smile
even on your worse days
Calls you beautiful
Calls you pretty
That one person
changed your whole view
On love
On People
On Life
Wolfie Bandit Jun 2023
You can't speak
You can't scream
You sit their numb
all you can do is cry
softly and quietly
you wouldn't wanna worry people
because then they would ask questions
questions you aren't ready to answer
questions you can't even answer yourself
So you think
and think
and think
till eventually
You're brain turns everything back on you
"It's your fault"
"You should've stopped them"
"You should just die, no one would care"
and then you start believing the thoughts
till there is no more thoughts to be heard...
Wolfie Bandit Jun 2023
Today is the day
the day your life changed
you were 7
you were a child
and they took you like you were 18
They took turns
over and over
for years
you'll never be able to fully trust men
let alone trust them to touch you
but you got so addicted to ***
that your fear was so little
You were tired
you were drained
and you
you my child were ruined
and blamed
and the guilt
It still kills you to this day
11 years later
It still eats you alive
and now you
you are fighting
because you are not sure
how much longer
you can control the guilt
before it really does end you this time
Wolfie Bandit Jun 2023
“I hate you”
“You’re worthless”
“Go die”
Oh the things they say
But they don’t know
The scars their words cause
The way you would do all of it
If only you had the guts to really do it
Wolfie Bandit Jun 2023
As you look down
You finally realize
You did it
You broke
And now they hate you
All you wanted was to be free
And now that you lost them
You have no reason to be here anymore
You look up and say
As you finally step off
Taking your final last breath
Wolfie Bandit Jun 2023
You scream
You cry
You kick
You bite
But they are too strong
All you can do is stay still
Waiting for it to be over
Waiting for them to stop
Stop touching you
Stop making you want to die
Stop making you wish you weren’t alive
But even after they stop
The guilt will **** you itself
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