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37 · Mar 2020
my corners are so dark
my soul is so dark

all that I want is you
to stay...

stay beside me
when I feel like it’s
all over

my soul...
is trembling
in circles

stay beside me
when I’m feeling

all that I need is you
stay beside me
37 · Mar 2020
I’m resting

resting with you

resting with you
inside of my darkness

I’m giving you

you’re resting
Inside of me
37 · Feb 2020
taking all
all of me

in this room
is you and I

letting go
I’m letting go
of all of my fears
I’m giving in

I’m passionate
in all of my ways
for you

you’re taking
My soul
37 · Feb 2020
caged and I don’t
know what to do
all that I want is for
you to wrap your arms
around me

say that you’ll forever love me
love me through my cage

I’m caged...
and my walls are

I’m caged...
wrap your arms
around me

Love me through my cage...
36 · Mar 2020
I just want to walk with you
even if we never see the sun

I want to walk with you
even if it’s in the rain

I want you to hold me
tell me everything will be okay
even when the voices inside of
my head are getting the best of me

I just want to be with you
hold my hand...

let’s walk together
even if we never see the sun

hold my hand
let’s walk into the rain
36 · Mar 2020
so cold
I’m needing
the comfort
all of the love
from you

I’m cold
and my heart
is at a standstill

all that I need is your

hold me with all of your love
when all that I feel is cold
36 · Feb 2020
put your arms around me
I want to let you in
I want to show you
My heart

I want you inside of
My dark world....

I want to give you all
of my love

I want you warmer where it’s
dark inside of my heart

I want to give you love
Love inside of my dark world
35 · Feb 2020
all that I need
in the hours
where I’m closed
in is you

all that I want
is for you to
need me

in all of the ways
that I need you

where I’m closed in
I need you
35 · Feb 2020
it’s just me...
just me lonely
wanting you
to take me
take me to a
place where only
we can be...

touch where I’m the darkest
lead my soul to the bright side
bring my soul to the light

you’re in too deep
I just want you to take me...
to a place where only we can be

Take me to a place...
where our hearts never
have to be lonely

it’s just me
wanting you...

touch me...
lead my soul
out of the dark...
33 · Feb 2020
show me
all of the love
that I’ve never been shown

Give me the greatest parts
of you all of you

show me...
your scars

and give me
your heart

even if it takes forever
give me the light instead of the dark to look forward to

show me all of you
33 · Feb 2020
feelings of

feelings of you
holding onto me
loving on me

in the dark where I’m losing
my way

feelings of you
cloud my heart

feelings of you holding
onto me....

even when I’m losing my way
in the dark
Leave comments/feedback
33 · Feb 2020
Love in the sky
you put love in the sky
you put love inside

Love inside of my heart
where the darkness is

You saved all of my fears
You saved all of my tears

Where all of my insecurities lie

You put love...
Love in the sky
31 · Feb 2020
all that I know...
is that I never want
me wanting you to
never end

I never want my emotions
to never end...

I never want my soul
to be erased from you

me wanting you...
I never want it to end

I just want you to wrap your
arms around me

wrap your soul...
around me
30 · Apr 2020
I’m lying
Lying in the need
In the need for no one

Only you
I’m going crazy
I’m lying here
in the need for you

There’s no one
when I fade to black
no one else but you

Here I am
lying in the need
I’m lying in the need
for you

No one loves me
No one like you
Here I am

Lying in the need for you
30 · Feb 2020
I want to give you
peace when the storms are raging
I’ll be the calm

when you’re roaming

I want to give..
you peace
when your hearts a battlefield
let me hold you close
when all that you feel is fear

I will give you peace
when you’re fighting
your worse battles

I’ll be your calm
in your storm

I want to give you
28 · Mar 2020
How do I...
tell you that I want you

when all that I know
is I never want it to end

How do I tell you
all that I want is your love

I just want you to be
loving loving on me

me for you
and you for me

How do I tell you
all that dream about is you

All that I want is you
I never want it to end
27 · Feb 2020
I’m longing
to be by your side

I’m longing to love

even if it’s us against the world
forever you and I you’ll be by my

forever you and I

I’m longing to love you

forever you’ll be by my side
you and I we both deserve each other’s love

I’m longing to be...
by your side

— The End —