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Oliver Beckett Mar 2021
Like leaves in the wind,
My soul is fragile and weak,
With one wrong step,
One tiny creak,
It could snap
Just a little free verse-type poem that I wrote.
Oliver Beckett Aug 2020
             Bleak, hopeless
Emptiness, Suffering- Inspiring, Contentment
      Exciting, Uplifting, Satisfying
          Bright, Meaningful
Diamante poem
Oliver Beckett Apr 2020
Majestic blue bird
Chirping in bright morning sun
Who are you calling?
Another Haiku poem
Oliver Beckett Apr 2020
The earth, lush and green
Degraded by pollution
You need to be saved
Just a simple haiku poem
Oliver Beckett Apr 2020
Small saplings cower
When the cyclone advances
Despair clouds the mind
As blood attempts to soothe it
The brain’s roots run deep as trees
Tanka Poem
Oliver Beckett Apr 2020
Writhing in turmoil
The black waves scream endlessly
Death pervades the air
Every instinct tells to run
Yet we still venture to its depths
Tanka poem

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