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Oct 2018 · 187
GRACIAS ( thank you)
OOris Oct 2018
She left with Mr right
But she came right back when that Mr left
Her *** for a white chick with the right curves in a decent ride

So she came back Crawling
Telling me she needs her monster back
Her Mr right got a small pipi
Can't even give her a decent ride

I told her to go **** the sun
And invite the moon for a *******

(I can't believe I just said that)

Moving on to something better

No going back

I say that with no regret hanging on my sleeve

(Thank you)
Moving on
Oct 2018 · 152
OOris Oct 2018
You deserve more than just a smile
I Will tickle you with my poetic words

And make you laugh your *** out

I will be your Kevin Hart
I will Make you laugh and win your heart

I know I have got a flat chest
But I can be your super man

Ready to save you from all these other poets
Trying to put a smile on your face

When my queen deserves a LAUGHTER
Oct 2018 · 155
OOris Oct 2018
Have you seen an old man with brown scanty teeth?
Holding a stick, polluting the air with the smell of tobacco

A man too blind to hear

Reminiscing youthful stupidity
Wasted resources and early struggle

Maybe, Am that man
writing this piece with staggering fingers

"Dream but don't sleep"
That was where i failed

Confused man writing this confused piece of poetic ****

Oct 2018 · 233
OOris Oct 2018
The clients had paid good hard cash for her services
Yet there was no bride to put makeup on
The bride left the night before
When the stars were fast asleep
Nobody can testify to her whereabouts
Not even the silver moon
The clients had paid good hard cash for her services
Still their bride left with the wind
OOris Oct 2018
Together we are picture perfect
Painted by leonardo da vinci's drunk fingers
A perfect portrait of love and happiness
Oct 2018 · 343
OOris Oct 2018
Lust in the woods
Twenty kilometer away from fidelity

With a teenager
Who looks just like Whitney...........................

But with more dope

Her face was bruised with a pale smile
And her words shiver

I stared at her innocence for two minutes
But i was too hungry to think

So i feast on her pride
In a shaky blue tent

Hoping this singing birds
Won't wake karma

"Pains don't hurt when am with you"

Ignorance finally speaks
As i spurge with regret
thinking about my pregnant wife

"Your wife just welcomed two bouncing baby girls"

Karma whispered in a Shouty voice
Oct 2018 · 132
Love Hurts
OOris Oct 2018
Baby, your smile is perfect

It reminds me of my grandma
She was so beautiful
Just like full moon in paradise

I miss hearing her talk about love
She once told me

"To love is not a crime
The crime is when you fall deep inside
Drowning in regret
With no rescue
Just divorce papers staring at your sorry ***"

She still miss grandpa

I can tell by the way her words stagger

When she say

"Love hurts"
Oct 2018 · 149
**the Lady In Red**
OOris Oct 2018
She is an american but her kiss is french

Beautiful white girl with a voice deaf ear can't resist

Standing in the path of deceit at night
Where only low thinkers take
With a fire burning inside her skirt
Only your money can quench

Lying down in her bed of thorns
As I watch her take me to wonderland

Her two hands in my d**k
Like she is saying the lords prayer

She aint no sinner

Five minutes in wonderland and a lifetime of regret
Is the only gift I got from THE LADY IN RED
Oct 2018 · 491
**Chains and Pains**
OOris Oct 2018
Chains and pains were the only gift our white folks brought from far away land where they came from

Blessed with cassava but they made dust our favourite meal

Hopeless like a bird in  the mouth of a tiger as we sing songs to our white masters from the same mouth they padlocked
"Long live our white masters"
Whilst our heart beats hatred

Day after day
We wonder why our master's cane had to fall in love with our backs.

"How cold can you be?
Why do you hate our black skin when you know you have a black heart"

"You force us to work beside a river and watch us die of thirst"

Were the last words of elder ebere
Before his life was taken

Tears in the eyes of infants
As they watch their priceless black brothers and sisters being sold for just 14 English pounds

Merchant ship about to sail far away from Africa
Our fatherland of peace and unity to a land of no return.
I read an article on slave trade and I got inspired
OOris Oct 2018
I can take you to Hawaii
The ocean view there is perfect
Just like your flaws

I can make you dance like a drunkard
To lyrics you don't understand

I can see the stars in your eyes
So don't act like you ain't drunk on love too

I can be your super man
And catch your heart when you fall in love

Just take my hands
Let's travel to hawaii

To sink our drunk feet in that beach called HAPPINESS
Oct 2018 · 119
OOris Oct 2018
Night time when the sky is dark
Quiet night when your mind is blank

Trouble times when your sky looks black

I will be there for you
Like your shadow

To ease the pain

I will be there to keep you warm like a bonfire
Oct 2018 · 89
OOris Oct 2018
I will send you a garden of rose flowers
A hot cup of chocolate
6pairs of my favorite sweaters
and my never dying love to keep you warm this ☆WINTER☆
Oct 2018 · 109
OOris Oct 2018
Fake a smile
Drink hot coffee or tea
And watch the wind take your pain AWAY
Oct 2018 · 95
☆☆Rock star☆☆
OOris Oct 2018
Dear suicide,
please stop calling my ******* phone

the only call i need right now is a *******

A glass of champagne
and a box of chocolate

I just wanna live like a rock star
Oct 2018 · 100
OOris Oct 2018
Try to merry
Even when life looks quit scary

Life is just like a lift
Filled with ups and downs

So make sure you get up
When you get knocked down

And remember to sleep with your sunglasses on
Because tomorrow is going to be SUNSHINE
Oct 2018 · 130
OOris Oct 2018
Mother nature

Please cry me a river

Sorry, i mean an ocean

I have got an imaginary ship in my heart
Waiting to sail

To australia sydney
With my love cindy

All i need is your tears

Please mother nature
Help a brother IN LOVE
Oct 2018 · 103
My Mama♡
OOris Oct 2018
My mama is a queen

A queen with a priceless crown
And a transparent soul

I know your mama is a queen too
But my queen is unique

Her smile can make a wild beast fall in love
When i say fall in love

I mean

Looking at her 50 years later and you still see shooting stars in her perfect eyes

My mama is truly a queen
Trust me
Oct 2018 · 104
CUPCAKE 2 (naughty edition)
OOris Oct 2018
Dark room and a little candle light in sight

Make sure your dress is outta sight

Lie down flat like naked eve
On my rose flower garden of eden

Eating you all night is my mission

You know my tongue is nice

When the mood is right

I just wanna **** on your innocence
And eat that **** like a CUPCAKE
Adult poem
Oct 2018 · 101
OOris Oct 2018
Welcome to sin city
A city filled with drunk men and naked ladies

All I see here is drug addicts and ******

Drinking, smoking and sniffing is a regular habit

For the right price
These ladies will ride you like ***** rabbits

Dancing on your stick for entertainment
Leaving you with zero balance on your bank statement

Welcome to sincity
A city filled with drunk men and ***** ladies
Oct 2018 · 104
☆☆Smile ♡☆☆
OOris Oct 2018
Call on me
And i will come running from a thousand miles

Just to kiss your cheek
And to tell you that i am a big fan of your SMILE♡
Oct 2018 · 120
OOris Oct 2018
"I need a glass"

An old man whose grey hair is quarrelling with wisdom requested

As he tries to gather the ash of his cremated feelings in a stormy situation

I watch him liquidate his pain
With no laser
Just a lazy eye

A lazy eye too weak to look pass my wife's imperfections

Love is blind
But will hurt you and watch you suffer(he whispered)

Let's make a movie and call it "DRUNKARDS"
In your dictionary it's just after "DIVORCE
Oct 2018 · 155
OOris Oct 2018
Listen to your soul

Listen to you heart

Listen to that cool voice inside your head

          ¤Listen to freedom¤
Oct 2018 · 100
OOris Oct 2018
I live on the beach
In a sand castle

5000 miles away from your parcel
( box of heartbreak and unending lies)

There are plenty of rooms for happiness in this castle

Your wind can't break these walls
Your storm can't fight this peace

I meditate with more trees
and more breeze

Staring at the sky
Listening to more blues
OOris Oct 2018
Everyday i spend my time
Drinking fine wine
staring at the door

Waiting for my love
To come back to me

She broke my heart a thousand times
leaving me alone in this cold world

She was supposed to be my bonfire

But she choose to act like a wild fire

Leaving my world in chaos

Now all i see is ashes and cremated feelings
Oct 2018 · 121
OOris Oct 2018
I don't need you
like caged birds don't need their feathers

keep off

Take your love somewhere else

I am tired of your childish promises

You broke my heart a million times
With one of them

I trust you with my fragile heart
But your slippery hands always let me down

Maybe i am cursed by the gods
not to be loved

Oct 2018 · 111
OOris Oct 2018
I met her at the mall
Looking like my all in one

Could this be the one?
I asked myself

As i approach this beautiful lady

Her hello can make your ear dance like a rabbit

Mine was a victim

She said "hello"
And my whole world changed

I stood there staring at her like a zombie
Searching for the right words to compliment this beautiful damsel
But i found no word in this big head of mine

I said to her
"I can't find the right words to compliment you right now
But i am glad "i found you"
OOris Oct 2018
Baby remember to wipe your *** with your ego and toss that "BIG FELLOW" in the trash can

Don't come out here with it

I am tired of fighting
The only fight i need right now is a pillow fight.

Thanks for your cooperation
                      I LOVE YOU
Baby I am tired of fighting with you.....I love you
Oct 2018 · 108
OOris Oct 2018
As crazy as it may sound
I can barely talk about perfection
without staring at your smile
Oct 2018 · 131
OOris Oct 2018
Her voice is like music to my soul
I moonwalk to the rhythm of her HELLO
I do that with no regret hanging on my drunk feet
I talk to her all day long
Holding my pipi like a telephone wire

She set on fire
What no other girl can quench
I love her like fat kids love cake
"But ooris she is older"
who cares
To me age is just a number
And my favourite number is 1973 **laughs
Oct 2018 · 106
OOris Oct 2018
I will take you in my space ship
To outer space
We need space boo
Far away from the chaos of this place
Alone time with you and mother nature is the best place to be

Trust me
Oct 2018 · 100
OOris Oct 2018
We spoke different languages
But I understood her body language

She was smoking hot
Just like the sun

All I could think about
Was having a *******

With no other person but you and you

With my black mamba ready to please ya
Ice cold tongue ready to lick ya
With my eyes wide open, ready to watch ya              
Go wide on this
Beach somewhere in

As I eat that **** like a pizza

You get outta control
Anytime I am in control
Holding your ***** like a controller
I control your moaning with my tongue
And you do the same when it is your turn

Riding my stick like a RODEO
Oct 2018 · 162
White dove
OOris Oct 2018
I am staring at this silver moon
Drinking green tea

Thinking about why my white baby
Had to leave me for a black man
With white Bentley

Why she had to do that on a pink Friday
Wearing my favourite pink dress

Leaving me with so much stress
Now my face is red hot like Santa's chest

Reading your break up test

Playing my heart like the game of chess

I can't believe am now your ex
As a matter of fact

I can't believe I am alone in this nest

Alone without you my *white dove
Inspired by a book I read earlier on today
I hope you enjoy it.

— The End —