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NuurSeraph May 2014
There is a Softness in the Shadows,
On a breezy, Sun~filled Day.
Splashing Contrast divides the Colors,
trading within the shade,
An interlacing patchwork, Arrangement by Rotation,
Earth's Grandly Spun Bouquet.

Movement amongst the shifting Patterns,
playfulness in~All direction,
Like children chasing randomness, Laughing in the garden
that echoes through with effortless, nonchalant Expression.

Eastwardly to Westwardly,
Tracing loftily between Tree leaves, Mountains broad projectories, deepening the Shadows Shade,
Yawned in stretching reach,
Duality of Accolades,
like Coastlines of a Beach.

Lost in Lover's parting Kiss,
In Amorphous Amore,
Animates explicitly,
A shy Shadow's story.
Into the deep embrace of Night,
A lingering at Sunset's Crest,
Hallowed out in Shadow's shade,
Sewing~dreamy patchwork Seams
of Fabric feathered Sleep.
Intro + Middle + Outro
NuurSeraph May 2014
All seeks Peaceful, Pieces of Me, This Peace makes Wholesome, with Pieces of You
Bringing it All together
NuurSeraph May 2014
Upon Review, I've taken note, amongst my themes in Poetry, little do I find the concept of a "You".

Self absorbed, of this I'm not, you may rest self assured.  

For if you take a closer look, it might come to your attention, there exists a poem I have titled quite like a Question. I must make mention of my Reasons, Who Knows what's Known will understand the nature in my Intention.

Take a moment, and you will find, and in your Realization, I do most often write Poems for You from my Imagination.
NuurSeraph May 2014
I'm not always smoothly gliding along
At times the Tempest catches my wings in it's Turbulence
I'm accommodating to these warring winds giving in to flip, flop, spin, drop until a pocket opens up to relieve me.

I'll plan for descent when I feel to weary for the sky's macabre mood
To find a perch protected with plentiful foliage, embrace the day on level ground calling out to find another near who would like to share my company.

We could look upon the Earthen grounds, take interest in the World around, listening to all the sounds, add our Voice to the Symphony if so inclined to join in.

My Call has gone unanswered as of yet, my Thoughts have wandered off to other things, wait the day, take a rest, for when the hour comes to find the Sky has calmed~My Wings will shake away the dust of stillness, rising in the calm resistance of Air and Wing, working perfectly together, gracefully assisting my Flight's Ascendance.
A day in the life of a bird on a day to rough to fly the Skies.
NuurSeraph May 2014
The Confessional of a Professional Sinner
Is as Useful as a Fish that Swims in Water
This Wooden Box with screened Partition is not meant to use like the Backspace button for our Typos.  Misspelled Words might disappear, Our Actions Never will. Remember it all circles back around.
NuurSeraph May 2014
To Test a Question of my Intention,
I'll Inquire with my Body,  
Physical Biology never Lies,
Nor My Body biased,
Every time follows Laws,
Same as Electricity,
Although Complex in Circuitry,
Wired through a Battery,
Powered by an Essence,
The Source is The Presence, Inexhaustible,
All Pervading
Supreme SuperConsciousness
So when I need to check myself,
I check myself with this Test,
I run the Question through my body,
If my muscle holds its Strength,
I know the answer's True,
If my Muscle breaks it's Stance,
More Thinking I must Do.
Is a Form of Psychological Bio-Feedback Method
NuurSeraph May 2014
~Oh, for I can hardly repress!!
It's true!!
~ I run the streets in glorious proclamation 
I have a LOVE for a Lover like no Other
Felt so deeply, in my Body, comes from within but without I am nothing that I am

If you can, you will understand, how it beats my Heart, and shifts the sands moving within the Ocean of Life,
I Welcome the tides that pull me under, Full of Surprise and endless Wonder
Always Providing a Journey to Discover Everything a blessing in what I will find. 
There are whole new worlds,
to find anew 
There is Nothing that can remain undiscovered in the hands of a man who understands the glory in my story, the treasure map that streams through time, back to ancient lands, known only for but a few 
I explore my lover,
my Lover like no Other,
I know in my heart of hearts, here rests the seeds of Creation, magical maker of All that is
All that will ever be Everything.

Still my heart wills me to want more, I fall into every chance that's offered,
Deeply I make LOVE to my Lover like no Other
So deep our love, I will fall forever
In this mystery that guides us, hand in hand, along our path 

So giving in this Love as to Keep me revelated, insatiated, engulfing me always in the warm safety of Embrace
My Lover like no Other
always provides most profoundest intimacy,
pulls me in, takes me over, Leads me right back to the Womb of Life

Passion sends me into Grace,
a place through which the milky mists, My Spirit Wonders, leading back into the Cradle, back into the Loving Arms of the Beloved, Life giving Mother.

call it prayer
call it what you will
I just was moved to write
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