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NuurSeraph May 2014
Body is not optional so We trace our faces in the strangest of places 
Here we stand amongst the strange and yet call ourselves one in the same, but could this be simply the truth?
~why couldn't this make perfect sense?
In an Oblong World, How to decide what shows the proof?
If you're the one who speaks a different tongue, perhaps a tongue in cheek
Well maybe we All mean well but aren't quite skilled or smooth...
~ Is it Crazy actually to do this amongst the strangest cellular plugged in populous ~ if We cannot contemplate, cannot swallow something unknowable, seemingly impossible??

So why be One, if one is unfathomable?

We can be many fractions of the very same number.
Fractal Upon fractal we build upon each other, a patterned sequence, a human development.
Awakening to disguise, no more lies, no more masks, facades, or pretence.  
No difference, the Same 
Our conscience emergence ~ the fabric is space, the time an illusion...... the place, an assemblence.... Cooperating a Complex Creation...each a puzzle piece of our Own Imagination 

NuurSeraph May 2014
I have a Jolting
Rocks Me Back & Forth
My Mind propels the forward Motion
Then My Mind Repels this momentum
likening to the back-end Motion,
Thus starts the mental commotion,
See-Sawing in my Playground of Strife

What a Blessing and a Curse to be held together by Opposition?
What a seemingly trite Contradiction!
nature does have humor and this is one of her more humorous Traits
NuurSeraph May 2014
Dandelion Flights, so Dandy
He's a Swell kinda fella
If you catch him at a proper Hour
He gets the Rosy Red, ya See
Reviews Legends, some about
Storming the Beaches of Normandy
Gritting Power of this Jaws,
Leans in close for Dramatists Pause
An Aged Mouth, the Black of Life
Spits over into his World of Words
Spirits gathering, the Deadening in Delivering
The Tales of the Long Lost Listeners
I Revel in the Imagery, Mindsight Sees
Battlegrounds Soundtrack
The lapping Tide, the remote Tanks and Warplane Engines, the dusty soldiers yelling out commands,
Words too faint to Understand
but the Sound of Fear, Gutwrenching, Rage, Pits of Painstaking, Heroic Strain

I'd so easily slip back in Time
To relive his Stories of Lucid Dreams


I Only Will my Eyes open
After a Silence has Befallen
My Lids Jolt Open,
As I survey the Scene, Listening, Feeling for any Sign and Everything The Moment collapsed
In to the Present Presence.

Reaching over the Table
I felt for breath and the Old Man's Essence, I sighed and shook my head Knowingly  
This Man who fought all Those Battles and Lived to Tell,  Would not leave in It's Retelling,
not from this World nor the Next
No way, Not this One....He was just One of the many Spirits that passed through from Time to Time, and needed
an Ear to hear His Story...
I certainly didn't Mind...
Ethereal Sport is my Truest kinda Scene.
every spirit needs an ear to hear their story this is about listening to those who's Souls Pass through from time to time with a great need to share what's left them there
NuurSeraph May 2014
Wildfire Wonderment Spreads
Just like Great Ideas
One Spreads New Seed of Life by Firey Demolition
The Other Seeds Thought by Firey Revelation
Food for Thought is the Same Either Way
NuurSeraph May 2014

                         ­     Ecstasy
        ­                      HeadTrip
                        HIGH HEALS
                        HOT ***
                        WET NESS
                        CAR PARK

                 ­    Who Knows
                       Good Day
                  God BLESS God
look deep there is connection from being high to going down low now do you know?
NuurSeraph May 2014
What kind of Sin dares Usher in
A devious man to lick his lips, gutteral gasping beneath his Breath
The Wonton Musing oozes a delicious Decay,
The Poured Out drooling, his Power Pulsing, A Foaming Fantasy Power Tripping
~to Control the Spiritual World
at his Will & Command?

Here's what he imagined:
Biblical Bribery.
Blasphemous Forgery
Who ever has the money or an Unbridled hand can piecemeal a Story for premeditated Zeal,
To make for a more attractive Appeal
Why need such profiled Idoltry?

To be Present
at the Moment of such a Powerful Man's Revelation, Spoken for and too You
To be blessed
with ears to hear Him
To worship
At the Alter of Salt
A pillar miraculous,
To Worship Within, in Him, beside Him.
A Scribe Sweats
To write furiously away
for later reference, Thus
Attention is spared and the Sermon Deemed for Organic Lackluster
"Scratch That
Kindly Repeat
Didn't quite catch That
Two or One spaced per Sheet?
The strain hurts my Eyes
When can We Break for Feast?
Are We Done for the Day?"

Can this be a possiblity
Can a misdirected, Unsupervised
Scrupulous Individual
Not quietly Misquote
The Word trianguled from Mouth to Pen to Paper?
The Words We have come to Believe In??
You Tell Me.....
please be advised this is not an attack or judgment or wish for a debate this my friends is simple poetry
NuurSeraph May 2014

Esoteric Alchemy ~ To make of One Form into Many.  
To See beyond the Surface Structure,  
and shift its Shape
from the Ordinary into Extraordinary...

~Can’t We just Design parallel Surfaces,
without intercepting Asymptotes?

…how about with Tangent Tangerines,
or in Earthening Collard Greens?

What if I swirled into You
upon a slinky Sinusoidal Serpentine Dream…

You could slither Me up with a taste
of Your Raspberry Vanilla Eye Scream…

We should Integrate our Derivative
into the Summed Square total of its Parts…

~alas, Enter para~Plasmotic inter-Dementia,
Sparkling quarks on Celestial Utopia…

Why are there Words??

~Cause its Words that Confuse…
All of Transmission is otherwise Smooth
Why not decide when We try to Communicate,
to Assess how We Address, so the Words can Cooperate?
Cause it seems to Appear Larger in Scope,
if Viewed from up Here,
If Not for the Invent of Words did Elope,
the Fruit of War,
In the Mist ~ Disappear…


One from the beginning the Year
Seemed to give people a light heart giggles
While maintaining the furrowed brow thing
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