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NuurSeraph Mar 14
There was an occasion in my life
In which I was immobilized
By such a heavy sense of doom
That even the bold procession of time
Was dropped down to its knees.

Oh, how it felt like such a wretched violation
To watch my mummy excavated
Like an unrequited love turned to dust,
Raised the dead from ancient slumber,
Tightly wound in woven threads,
Lying dormant in the stillness,
Wherein death had come to die.

Torn asunder, clapping thunder
Struck a flash of lightning
From my worn and weary soul.
Then, I was space blown open
Like a limitless circumference
Ever-widening, Mouth of God
Wailing waves of Holy Om.

Like my sudden screams of terror,
With a force of equal power,
Overwhelmed the walls of silence
I had placed around the past.

Upon my waking up and breaking through
to emerging echoes,
reverberating rings of harmonious tone,
Rising up from the depths of my terrestrial tomb,
A great transmutation did occur.

As the sound arose into the Light
A melodious blossom scented the air
This mystical marvel unfolding in flight
Flowering vapors, bursting with life.

Now, I am the Breath, unburdened
Released from a dull dis-union
Reclaimed by a Light, All-Knowing
I am a child with eyes, wide open.
I am a child with eyes, wide
I am a child with eyes
I am a child
I am
Someone once told me that the great secret of Life was to learn how to properly harness powerful feelings of pain, transforming this vital source of energy to awaken and evolve. I think they were on to something...
NuurSeraph Feb 10
I admit, there is no lack of wanting
for my Holy Time with Thee
A blessed Majesty,
akin to full inversion in
a warm, still, six-sided body
of luminescent honey, sticky sweet
is the nectar reaped
from the Scepter of Seraphim

Glazing my electric form
in the Image of Thy Son
Baked firm is my clay
in the Kiln of a Fiery One
Wherein I’m warmed within
the flames of a Golden Soular Sun
Steam-cleaned in th’purifying
Stream of Divinity

Transfixed and transformed
in transparent Transfiguration
I am the Stillness of Awareness
in this place of Timeless Space
Awash in tears of reverie,
I gaze upon Thy Face

I am safe, free from harm,
in the arms of Holy Mother
She's my Fortress of Protection,
Thy Immaculate Conception of no-self

Thus, I AM that I AM
If I am not, I must urgently peel off
this very last veil that casts the shadow
of my disconnect

So, when my proud, pierced, pulsing heart
exhales an aura balloon, engulfing the room,
I pray it envelops everyone and everything
I shan’t yet forget
But if I do,
I’ll blow an infinitely bigger balloon,
That holds the Universe
in quiet peace, to fall asleep,
wound 'round the Wholly Fire,
in the Womb of Thy Room

And when I’m done,
I shall return to my cavernous cocoon
Wherein, I’ll snuggle up to sleep,
then soon thereafter dream
of sprouting patterned wings, so pretty
I must flutter them about
in a gently blowing breeze,
for a time, 'til I fall through the sky,
like autumn leaves
from the Branches of Thy Tree
to the Earth, I am returned
where I wake up from my dream ~
It's enough to Love and Be Loved by our Creator
NuurSeraph Nov 2024
Like the sunlight in retreat,
still greets an evening moon
In this passing intermission,
they are sacredly attuned
With a sharing disposition,
one will offer to reflect
The Light that shines Eternal
keeps the promise to project

With pre-ordained precision,
rays of Light are tasked to trace
The constellations mapping out
the storybook of space
In kaleidoscopic fashion,
beaming Lights of every hue
Reveal the coded messages,
once hidden, into view
NuurSeraph Oct 2024
Eyes feast upon a sumptuous,
swirling confection of starry molasses,
poured thick into the Milky Way.

Walking feet leave behind a trail
of impermanence along the shoreline,
with every fading footprint ~
an act of letting go.

Giddy sounds of joy escape parted lips, spreading wide crescent moons
across faces ~ lighting up the world.

Tingling taste buds,
in a trance, under the spell
of a sultry Georgia peach,
both a blessing and a curse
to crave the flesh beneath her skin.

A rich river of aroma carries currents
past the gates of a temple to intoxicate
the senses of the monks on retreat.

When the portals of perception
seek connection, they’ll insist
that you let them,
lest you lose your sense of self
to the bliss of timeless space.
An unfolding paradox of pleasure and pain takes center stage in the dramatic storyline of our lives as we continually seek sensual connection with the world around us. A poem in honor of the Dyad’s polar Principle of Connection/Separation.
~ more Meditation please ~
NuurSeraph Sep 2024
Herein hides all discretion
behind the smooth deception
of solid things ~
For truly, we are not.

We are wavy, up and down,
woven space spun inside out,
turned right-side up,
the patterns blend
as one full Cycle starts again!

The One in All or All in One
The many dance
in Wholly thrum
A Sacred Song,
sung by the Spirit.
A blissful tune
for those who hear it.
Celebrating principles of the Monad with poetic form.
NuurSeraph Sep 2024
This gentle glow embraces us,
a yellow ball of fire
in a sky as soft as butter cups
Cerulean Desire

In Love with a Light,
without which
my flickering flame
within dims.
I search in prayer
when You’re not there
in my humble den
of devotion,
I fold upon the floor…
with offerings, my heart makes
a Love free to explore,
as wave upon wave breaks
me open on Your Shore.
I'm back, above ground this time, still the Light.
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