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Oct 2020 · 324
Irish Micky Flynn..🤣
Jill Tait Oct 2020
He wins the nobbly knee contest coz he is so very bony..haha his legs goes right up to his pants, two sticks of skinny polony..and he laughs just like a hyena with no teeth left in his gob..hes abit of a museum piece and isn’t a heartthrob..

But everyone adores Irish Micky Flynn with his Ballymoney Blarney..from County Donegal down to the southwest shores of Killarney..coz all he ever does allday is banter on his jokes, keeping people happy he is the jolliest of folks..and he chats to absolutely everybody, infact he is just a blether..with his thin arms waving high in the air as he forecasts the weather..he talks the hind legs of a donkey and still he doesn’t stop, as he sits with his mug of cocoa in his local coffee shop..
Oct 2020 · 133
Positives and Negatives
Jill Tait Oct 2020
Covid-19 contaminates and collects, it shows no remorse for paying one’s last respects.. infecting our defences one by one, but we need herd immunity to get this gone..

We are dropping down like dominoes, or skittles from a bowling ball.. results are rising higher with the Coronavirus positives, thus gaining negatives from the dreadful death toll..This only started in the early Springtime and yet it is still rife today, as our Autumn season is now upon us, how we wish it would go away..

So with the future facing threats for our survival of humanity, one wonders when will this uncertainty all end ? as our top Scientific researchers dig and delve to understand Covid-19 and experiment to comprehend.. One looks ahead with hopefulness and anticipation, that is all we can do when all is said and done..whilst staying socially distanced from one another, until the delightful day when we have won...
Jill Tait Oct 2020
Beware amidst the month of October as Autumn nights draw oh so somber, coz witches and warlocks right across the lands brew black magic betwixt an antechamber..

Hocus-pocus and hoodoo potions, abracadabra and pots of putrid lotions..Voodoo mysticism with witchcraft sorcery, spell-casting sinfulness and wrongdoings of roguery..Lock up your latches, keep your children safe at home..Becareful of the blackness, ghosts and ghoulies are on the roam..

On the last day of October as soon as the clock strikes twelve, daredevil demons shall dig the earth and delve..Shenanigans of mumbo-jumbo conjuring cruel magic spells. amongst the shadows in the moonlight and yon high-pitched yells..Don’t give necromancy it’s satisfaction, stay well away from harm’s door.. the superstition of Halloween has alot to answer for..
Jill Tait Oct 2020
On Lily of the Valley land just beside the forget me nots there are three magic mushrooms, scarlet red with white stems and spots..and inside these white stems each with a crimson canopy, dwells Vinnie, Minnie and Winnie all are as skinny as can be..

Each run around amidst the darkness of the night, looking like lean runner beans such a frightful, funny sight..A trio of thorny stick insects, as green as fresh cut grass.. six snakey, slanty emerald eyes sparkle like slithers of glass..and they live nextdoor to one another without a sister or a brother, they are nocturnal little creatures created from the earth Mother..

Vinnie is vivacuous, she loves to dance and sing as hooty Owls joins in her chorus.. with the Pipistrelle Bats upon the wing..Minnie is the most mischievious of them all, this thin, frolicsome friend drives the other duo up the wall.. But betwixt and between Vinnie and Minnie lives the loveliest of the lot, her charismatic charm mixes in their melting ***..So these three green grassy hoppers live amongst the woodland copse, side by side in a magic mushroom with the bright red tops
Jill Tait Oct 2020
Charismatic and delightful, hip hopping about..splish splashing in a little puddle from a water spout.. I watch a Robin redbreast out in the pouring rain, he is having such good fun and he doesn’t complain..

Fluffing up his feathers and puffing out his tiny chest, he looks so cute in his little scarlet vest..Oh Mr. Robin you brighten up my day, what a wonderful warming welcome you are I really have to say..making my drab, dreary afternoon something to write about, well thanks to you I found my inspiration without a doubt..I shall crumble up a crust of bread especially for you, coz this is your special treat for stopping me from feeling blue..
Oct 2020 · 137
An old Southerner...
Jill Tait Oct 2020
“A penny for those thoughts me dear” she hears a Cockney woman’s this old Southerner reminisces standing here when she was oh so young.. back in those bygone days when she was only ten years old, stood sobbing her little heart out and shivering in the cold..

As she waits in King’s cross station at platform number eight and just like all those yesteryears ago, this TransPennine train was late..when she worthlessly wandered within a crowd of many others, all little lost evacuees estranged from their loving Mothers..So she stands here today searching her soul from sad traces, as she recalls the screams and cries and that look of languish on those faces..and that was sadly sixty years since she waved her Mum goodbye but she can still reminisce the fraught and rawness with a teardrop in her eye..

Twas one late September morning in 1939 and she held a little hand with all her might as that steam engine sped along the line..and alas that was the last time she ever saw her distraught Mother when her and hundreds of other lost little souls left London with her tiny brother..Yet Oh the sadness and suffering has moulded amidst her heart, from that awful station in September when her loving family had to part..So in the twighlight of her life at almost seventy one years of age she stands waiting on that transPennine train, and in her heart of hearts she knows that this time when she steps off that platform she will never return again...
Jill Tait Oct 2020
I see the colours are a’changing amidst the Autumn season and the berries on the branches are a’blooming for an irrefutable reason..paving the way for the colder months ahead, so that all our little feathered friends shall not struggle to be fed..

As Blackbirds cluster amongst the tall trees foraging fruits from the forest betwixt an early morning breeze..The hairy Hawthorn, wonderful Wild Cherry and the radiant Rowan with their rich, ripe rewards, such ruddy red drupelets in an abundance of hoards..And clambering on the branches stripping the bark with sharpened claws are rusty, red squirrels hanging on all fours..scuttling down the trunks, mouths full up with acorns, almonds and seeds to clandestinely cache their prizes between softened earth and weeds..

Our Amazing, annual October show..such a dazzling display from Mother nature’s bestow..Canopies of glorious golden highlights, delightful  eye-candies for our birds tasty bites..Following our summer and into September the Autumn season is upon us right through til’ December..Some will say that this is the nicest time of the year, as such sensational spectacles are everywhere.. within the wildness of the woodlands and the orangey array, each and every artist’s passionate palettes of portray..
Oct 2020 · 134
Down on the farm..
Jill Tait Oct 2020
Twas just another ordinary day down on the farm when Clarence cockerel “****-a-doodle-dood” his daybreak Pingo pigeon picked from tiny little crumbs of corn amidst the shed loft and his partner Sonia sat in the hay stack that was warm and soft..

Yes it was an Autumnal morning just like any other as Farmer Ted Brown worked in the dairy along with Molly his Mother, milking the Friesian cattle all in a row as the udders filled the pipes with such a creamy milk flow..And  Daisy the cow being the oldest of the lot would “Moo” and “Moo” as Harry horse did trot..”Quack” “Quack” “Quack” went Daddy Donald duck as he splashed and swam in the farmyard pond quite covered in muck.. with his partner Michelle a very fine Muscovy Mother as her ten tiny ducklings, nine sisters and a brother.. splishing and sploshing muddy water with their wings, squibbling and squabbling the noisy little things..

Of course this Monday morning at the crack of dawn didn’t rouse the Farmer’s son Sid as he stretched with a yawn coz he hadn’t went to bed until well after late courtin’ and a’kissin’ his latest date..just a couple of school kids lying canoodling on the hayshed floor as mice and voles ran in and out of that door..But Penelope pony pranced around the paddock as she  strutted and head butted in her frenzied fit so sporadic..The Suffolk sheep “Baa’d” and bleated munching in the meadows all that day in the Farmer’s field not too far away..

So it was indeed just another average ordinary morning on that hillside farm and the sun had risen as the day was dawning.. Everything was normal with nothing untoward as Great Granny Glenda Brown stood pressing her pinafore on the ironing board.. she had the bacon and eggs frying in the pan, ready to enjoy her breakfast with Great Grandad Stan..And how they all adored their countryside affair with the sounds and the smells in that cow dung fresh air..Ted, Winifred his wife and his Mother Molly and Sid her Grandson, lived in the big farmhouse with lots of fun..And Great Granny Glenda and Great Grandad Stan Brown had just moved to a lovely country cottage nextdoor from a flat up the road in the neighbouring town..
Jill Tait Oct 2020
Do you believe in magic? Or can you explain the unexplained? I do hope you are not one of these non believers who I find foolish and hairbrained..Fairies from folklore are absolutely true, they  live at the bottom of your garden tho you probably didn’t have a clue..

Well who else do you think scatters tiny seeds on the ground? as they whistle whilst they work through a blowing breeze sound..And who do you think makes those grassy daisy rings? as the pixies chase the fairies those mischievious little things..I watch their wonderful wings amidst the early morning dew, transculently twinkling and so see-through..So the next time you are mowing your lawn just becareful where you tread, remember there are such alot of secretive sprites sleeping on a bed..

Wherever there is grass there will be little folklore living there..tho they try to stay out of sight, one can watch them flying through the air..looking like minute midgets with their tiny tails all aglow, playing a-ring-ring-of-roses and giggling as they go..and the fairy godmother, the queen of the show will be sat watching over them but you won’t see her you know.. She has learned amidst those parables of her prime to make herself invisible just like the timelessness of time..
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Twas on the last day of September everything was still the same.. an infectious disease was sweeping across every nation and it was killing some people, Oh what a shame..

So we tightened up our social gatherings just like we had done once before, and we all dreaded that same total lockdown within our own frontdoor..right back from early Springtime until the onset of the Summer, each and every school, public house and hospitalities were all closed, that was such a ******..

Now some listened to their Government and obeyed the new rules and regulations but there were those who choose to ignore these much to the other’s frustrations.. so alas the pandemic spread and it was getting out of control, but we all longed for it’s demise, a vaccination was our goal.. and of course as the weeks and months passed by the rulers of the lands gave out tighter measures with orders and commands..

Now the moral of this story is indeed so very true, life as we know it has changed out of the blue..when one day we had normality and the next was dismay, with one and all trying to keep this infection away..And all we can do is to social distance and wear masks on our faces, whilst we are constantly santizing our hands in all the public of places.. Praying for purity for each and every nation, when Covid-19 becomes our history enjoying our new salvation...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Sometimes we lose our self confidence, one is sinking in a hole.. armour-propre has deminished from one’s heart and soul..

‘I just need someone to hug me and tell me I’m not as worthless as I think’ she sits amidst her solitude as a teardrop drips from a blink...

Faith in herself and with such a low self esteem, she is lost in a languished low life amidst an imposssible  dream..Oh somebody please help her, smother her with adoration to free her heaviness from this heartache and give her salvation.. Unleash those shackles and chains from her pride and fill her with a wholesomeness and warmth inside..
Sep 2020 · 62
I am over you...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
I recollect my disappointed on that dreadful December day as you turned around in an opposite direction and you walked away.. Without a word of warning coz I did not foresee, though something stabbed me in my heart when you yearned to be free..

I guess I was naive to think that what we shared together would last til’ our eternity and beyond, forever..I thought that within our timelessness of time both of us would strengthen a wholeness so sublime..harmony and understanding could unite within our hearts, didn’t we have fun in those fits and starts ?
But like a bullet bludgeoning my soul you wrecked my reveries and I lost control..Bits and pieces bent and bowed, I shadowed through the darkness in a solitary shroud..Yet to be lost and lonely learned me alot, I had risen from your ashes and had to fight that fraught..

So today as I dare to look back on that gloomy, grey winter’s day, with thoughts of that bitterness and utter dismay.. I realise now that everything happens for a reason, my head was in the clouds betwixt that festive season..You eventually made me so much stronger in the end, after I turned that crazy corner from almost going around the bend..I am no longer left lingering alone, I have buried our relationship with a lesson learned tombstone.. However I hope your freedom has found you satisfaction as I sit reminiscing from my emotional reaction..I no longer think of us feeling sad and blue, I have weathered that storm..I am over you...
Sep 2020 · 447
The rolling river....
Jill Tait Sep 2020
On and on runs the rolling river that journeys to the sea..winding whilst wandering and meandering it tangles in puzzles of perplexity, raging then relaxing within it’s visionary..Such a labyrinth of fluctuation with waviness and sway, naturally beautiful, a picturesque portray..Twisting and turning in an intricacy of coil, swirling and whirling betwixt an imaginative embroil..

Oh yon rippling rivulet as you trickle through that vast valley, yet spilling blood and guts to reach your utmost finale..easing memento as gorges stifle your stream, then oozing through an open vein in a nightmare of a dream..There is nothing on this earth that could stop your waterflow and no man could put asunder where hence you will go..Midst a mindfulness of determination from Mother nature’s commands,  you follow through the shadows from her herculean hands
Sep 2020 · 76
Bursting their bubbles...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Bubbly bubbles all flimsy and flouncy..globules of globoids so blithe and bouncy..fluttering along like flippant butterflies..floating through the air, colourful crystallize

Blowing bubbles all adhering together, sticking like glue and as light as a feather..such pretty little puffs of perfection, all ready to go pop amidst an interconnection..driblets and droplets of translucent beads, wandering amongst an atmosphere as the wind supercedes

Oh how I love to see a tiny tot blowing bubbles..lost within their loveliest of carefree troubles, puffing and panting on the plastic bubble short, sharp breathes, fast fleeting and quick..An eagerness of enthusiasm follows them around, bursting their bubbles betwixt a frenzied sound...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Now more than ever we need each other, that great friend who is always there for you.. a sister or a brother..We are in this together, all in the same boat and with the help from one another.. we will keep this afloat..

So don’t think you are tackling these troubles on your own, in these days of isolation everybody feels alone..But just a smile and a “Hello” goes along, long way when you are walking past a stranger..spend the time of day.. You will both feel alot happier and not so blue finding friendship is so good for you..

Even wearing that mask on your face, we can chat from a distance keeping a sensible space..Yes Coronavirus is an invisible disease and alas it is spreading like wildfire causing ill at ease.. but if one stays as positive as one possibly can and with the right frame of could be written in all the history books as ‘That Covid-19 made everyone twice as nice and ever so kind’
Sep 2020 · 73
That moment in time
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Whence this world weighs on one’s shoulders bearing down with heavy boulders..stop, take a minute and look all around..soak up the sights that you have found..

Whether you are amidst a countryside or in a city, inside or outside .. isn’t it pretty? Look up to the sky, peer down below..that moment in time can be special you know..shrug your shoulders and give yourself a little shake, release that troublesome tension for your well beings sake..
Sep 2020 · 71
Half a world away...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
We are but half a world away from what we were once before..within whispers of sorrow on our own front door.. but never-the-less that half can be a whole and thus bring salvation for one’s heart and soul..

Where right has wronged a sollution will be found, betwixt and between mankind on the ground..On the chime of a bell or the turn of a key one day soon we will end this the moral of my meaning is try not to despair.. in but the blink of an eye normality will be there...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
She heard the worrying wind whistle outside as her tiny toes tip toed to be by her Mums side.. clutched under her left arm was her Tatty teddy bear but she had to take Tatty coz he went everywhere..the hallway was huge in her new country house as she scuttled her way like a little field mouse..and betwixt the shadows from that darkness of doom, she pushed open the white door of her parents bedroom..

She climbed onto the big bed on her Mummy’s side and teardrops were dripping  as she whimped and cried..but Mummy said “Ssshhh little one everything is alright” so she tucked herself under the covers and cuddled in tight..and still as she lay she could hear that wind howl with clatters and bangs and the hoot of an Owl..but now she was with her Mummy she didn’t care.. it could rain cats and dogs yet she wouldn’t care..She had Tatty tucked well under her arm and now that Mummy was near they were all cosy and warm..So within seconds her weary head succumbed to her sleep when she fell and she tumbled amidst a dreamland so deep...
Sep 2020 · 81
A lonely Christmas
Jill Tait Sep 2020
We all love Christmas day on the 25th of December.. when we get together with our loved ones making special times to remember.. And Oh what memories one and all makes enjoying all the fun of the festivities betwixt those yuletide breaks

Though as I sit today it is the last week of September and I stare into my dying fire poking at an ember.. I can’t help but wonder what on earth one will do.. sat amidst a lonely Christmas left feeling Oh so blue.. At this moment in time with these Covid-19 rules and regulations.. we are not allowed to get together with our family close relations..

Nobody wants to be alone at Christmas.. sitting pulling crackers by themselves.. munching on all those Xmas treats and nibbles from your fullup cupboard shelves.. Oh dear I feel such a sadness will be everywhere.. everybody will have an awful lonely Christmas because of Covid-19 this year...
Sep 2020 · 124
The Scottish piper
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Mally blew his bagpipes like he had never done before as ‘Over the hills and far away’ could be heard from miles away and more..betwixt this Bordering hometown  that this Scotsman did adore..he belted out with such a beauty that canny Celtic roar..

Well people came from miles around  to witness his perfection as a colossal crowd gathered all around to have a closer inspection.. and some foot-tapped and sang along joining in with interjection..and each and everyone of them felt that interconnection

‘Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing’ was the next Scottish ballad that Mally played.. and as he marched along amidst his medley his McEwan kilt swayed..with the blue, green, red and black plaid fabric arrayed..he was from the King’s own Scottish borderer’s brigade...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
He strolls the salty seashore with his bagpipes in his hand..far away from his native Scottish borders and his rolling hilly land..and he blows on his reed as his lungs expand whilst he walks with gusto kicking up the sand..

Melodious music fills the chilly air.. as passerby’s stop to soak up the ambience from yon bagpiper that is there..even the Guillemots and the Kittiwakes breeze in to the morning sunrise shimmers on the sea glistening glimmers everywhere..

But Oh what a wonderful Scottish sound.. on the coastal shores as it reverberates all around.. echoing amidst the sandy dunes with Sandpipers picking off the ground.. this Piperman is like a fish out of the water and a rarity to be found..
Sep 2020 · 78
Too late for regrets
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Crying in her coffee cup coz her husband had just died..mascara black teardrops stained her saucer as she cried and cried..coz her hollow heart felt empty of happiness inside..she couldn’t stop sobbing no matter how hard she tried

Would the timelessness of time ever heal her pain, she doubted this very much as she wept again..and her last memories of them together was driving her insane, they had had a massive argument as they were out walking in the rain..Oh if only the two of them hadn’t had that awful row..and she wished she hadn’t said those hurtful words to him now..but she was acting on the rebound when he called her a nasty cow, but it’s too late for regrets, she will have to live with it somehow..
Sep 2020 · 78
Vadoma the victorious
Jill Tait Sep 2020
She wore her wisdom very well all wrapped up in mystique from amidst her personality which was so incredibly unique..She had mastered the art of secrecy with such a tremendous technique, whilst she searched within your soul as she kissed you on your cheek..

Younger than her power of perception would suggest, tho much older midst the memories of her mindfulness manifest..a descendant from the romany gypsies, Vadoma was her stage name.. tho if she had used her birth one Lavinia..this should have fared the same..but ‘V’ stood for Victorious as she always tried to be, she would explain this theory to her confused Father when he complained constantly..

Vadoma could look inside one’s future of fortune and fate, and as her beautiful, bright blue eyes captivated, she hypnotised you in a sleepy state..then she could clear your thoughts as they would dance betwixt her head..but when you awoke from your revery there would be not a shred nor a thread..and alas this wise wizen woman used her findings for her own gratification..tho disguised beneath her intentions was such a fascination of sheer sensations
Sep 2020 · 82
The Word Nerd
Jill Tait Sep 2020
There once was a man they said he was a nerd but why on earth they called him that was really quite absurd.. coz the only thing he did that was different from the rest..was to write down words he’d never heard to give himself a test.. well he ended up with a scholarship coz he was so very clever.. and now the folks that called him a nerd are wishing that they’d never...
Sep 2020 · 101
Susies shells
Jill Tait Sep 2020
She sells her shells to a seaside shop, she keeps some shells for herself.. she polishes and paints them pretty colours and places some on a shelf..

She picked those shells from the sandy shore all buried on a beach..she saw some seagulls duck and dive whilst squawking with a screech..Susie sells her seaside shells on her market stall and displays them on a little wall..

Peter came to Susies stall and asked her what she had to sell.. she pointed up to the ledge on the wall and then Peter picked out a shell..He put this silver shell to his ear and listened to the sea..but out popped a scallop from his home he wanted to be free...

So peter caught the scallop and he put it in a ***..he couldn’t wait to show Susie at her stall exactly what he’d got..Well Susie studied that strange creature to see if it was still alive.. and put it in a seaside shell to see if it would survive

The little lively scallop wriggled right into the shell..and snuggled deep within it’s case to hide away so well..So Susie took Peter’s hand and strolled down to the sea and placed the shell inside Peter’s *** and let that scallop flee..
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Just a woman and a man from a fortunate fate..walking arm in arm to her garden that big old moon looks down on the pair.. and those twinkling stars amaze with glare..with two pair of feet stood on a grassy lawn wornout with dancing from the crack of dawn.. and  a couple of sweaty bodies thinking only of romance betwixt this future of happenstance..

Yet this is what lifes about when all is said and done.. boy meets girl and humanity carries on..going forth and multiplying..amidst loving each other so satisfying..with just a woman and a man meeting up together from when life began and still today forever..So indeed history repeats itself from that old ancient scroll on the library shelf..telling those tales about Adam and Eve wearing nothing on their skin but a green fig leaf..and the two of them would be standing on the soily earth.. ready to mate with all God’s worth..”Go forth and multiply!” spreading the love of the and by...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
You are so trustworthy I can see this in your eyes, and you would never ever run away and hide in a disguise.. so honestly reliable in everything that you do..with a personality  of perfection and a person to look up to..yet within this world with uncertainties I ask, do you not despair, when humanity hurts one another amidst the air that we breathe and share

How on earth do you find it within your heart of hearts ? to suffer these fools gladly when there are too many counterparts..if only mankind could learn laudable life’s lessons from his fellowman..then ignorance would not be bliss and one would care about his clan..alas we are but mere’ mortals with some of us following like sheep as they lie thinking about nothing else but themselves drifting off in sleep..”Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life” now that parable in the holy bible hadn’t mentioned any strife..but one can do the opposite of what they really mean.. so perhaps positivity  needs to ridicule any negativity that is seen...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Washing windows with his wipers he tries not to look.. yet there are times when he cannot help himself and his ladders has ladders shook.. that man has seen it all he should write it in a he’s got to get them done by hook or by crook

Well as he is polishing the glass he pretends he doesn’t see when you are in the bathroom with the door ajar having a ***..and there’s your little ones pointing over tee hee hee.. Oh my God he is smiling you are as embarrassed as can be

Yes he is a city window cleaner he has seen it all before..he could tell you tall tales from behind everybody’s door.. as lovers get carried away on the kitchen floor.. but when you’ve seen one you’ve seen the lot.. he doesn’t care anymore
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Oh how Colin cried in his coffee cup the night his sweetheart died..he just couldn’t go on living without his Hilda by his side..They were just a couple of kids in school at the summer ball.. when cupid shot his bow and arrow as they sat chatting in the hall

For forty nine happy years they have never been apart..mind you she left him for a month or so when they were newly weds and that almost broke his heart.. but that was just a blip in their marriage relationship..and one would often say that the pair of them was joined at the hip.. Well he held it together at her funeral and he found some comfort at the wake.. but soon as his loved ones left he felt so sad for pity’s sake

How on earth was he supposed to carry on without Hilda in the house..he had no hobby or no interests it would be as quiet as a mouse..Alas he put a brave face on things when the family came around.. though they were not that stupid and they sensed Dad’s sorrow so profound.. Perhaps time would ease the pain and help his heartache go away.. as Colin sat in her old rocking chair Oh how he wished she was here today
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Ooh my husband has some lovely juvly plums..they are hanging from the branches looking like little peachy bums.. but we will scoff the lot and then we will get sore tums.. when we will wish we hadn’t of been so greedy when the time comes ...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
A wise man once said to me “Girl you becareful where you tread.. always look from far behind on that path that lies is just a rollercoaster with a slightly bumpy ride and your days on earth will lead you through adventures far and wide”

“Never look back to mishaps with discontent.. but treat each and every new dawn as a day that is well spent..always carry compassion and wear your heart on your sleeve..coz there may come a day when you need others as you not fear the future nor what lies as your fate.. and one will find happiness if one is prepared to wait”

Wisdom is but a foresight that one learns as they go.. taking in bits and pieces from good people that they know.. Well that wise man whom I trusted with my life happened to be my Father with my Mother as his wife.. So perhaps now you will understand why I listened to his every word.. coz the thought of that wonderful man not helping me would be absolutely absurd
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Oh yes I can remember September’s plight.. those dam spiders of speediness scuttling with might.. I almost jumped out of my skin I got such a fright.. at that hairy, horrible Halloween sight

Goodness gracious mind they can crawl.. from the carpet up the wall..I grabbed the hoover and held it tall.. then I peed my pants when it did fall..that creepy critter made me scream.. I started to cry and tears did stream.. it was like a nightmare of a dream.. I had to get it amidst my scheme

So I went and brought my daughter’s cat and sat the clever thing on my mat.. but when it saw it well that was that.. my plan went pear-shaped when that cat ****.. Oh no I thought I am in doom.. whilst that scarey spider is in my room..I looked online and it hates peppermint perfume.. so I rushed to the supermarket in a zoom..

Of course I spray this stuff all over the place.. in each nook and cranny and every space.. then I watched and waited and holy grace.. coz that clandestine spider fell flat on his face..The very next day I walked to the wood.. I gathered as many conkers as I possibly could.. that made me happier, that brightened my mood.. my awful arachnophobia has me *******....😱🕷
Sep 2020 · 69
Wonderful Wonderland
Jill Tait Sep 2020
It is a long, long way to Wonderland where the trees are paved with gold.. they say our feathered friends sing “Halleluyah” well
this is what I am told.. I think one has to climb some pearly steps in order to get there..and someone said those stairs are endless as you ascend up through the air..they say you don’t need any money and you won’t wear any clothes.. only happy thoughts and contentment..I heard one will have those

Mind you Wonderland sounds wonderful in every sense of the word.. of course I haven’t been there yet so this is just what I have heard..a man told me yesterday that he had been there once before.. he said he had a massive pain in his chest and landed on the floor.. then this is the next thing that he said to me “I found myself floating up to space.. after I had climbed an endless flight of steps and landed at this place..

Well when he saw that pearly gate he couldn’t believe his eyes.. an Angel welcomed him with open arms.. can you imagine his surprise ? He said it wasn’t just a dream although he woke up in a bed ..on a ward in a hospital with those images in his head..The nurses had smiled at him and listened to his every word.. they told him they had heard it all before so it wasn’t that absurd..I reckon everyone will go to this Wonderland one day.. yon castle up in the sky so very far away..
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Marshmallow pinks amidst cobalt blues.. dawns daylight’s dazzling hazy hues..the visionary artist’s inspirational surprise as her palette of pastels portrays the skies

She slaps her subtlety so senique.. to convey her cloudless colour technique..such a virtuoso pièce de rÊ she marvellously mimics a replica existence..Oh if only I could paint on demand with my trifold easel and bristle brush in my hand

Though I can appreciate such sensational splendour from the fascinations and supremacy of Mother nature’s surrender..Alas I have no artist’s skill nor an ability to  craftmanship at my free will.. so I shall use my perception and write it in books from hollow happenstance and yon shadey nooks
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Well as I’m roamin’ thru the gloamin’ serenading to myself.. In amongst the purple heathers I was startled by an Elf..he looked right up to me as he shouted “please have you kindly got the time?” He said “ I pray you appreciate poetic verse as I only talk in rhyme”

Of course I was so shocked at such strangeness of this Sprite that I’d just seen..infact I almost missed his vision he was camouflaged all in green..and his hideous hat was purple just like a sprig of heather..he held a dandeleon upside down as a parasol for the sunny weather..”Time to do what ?” I crouched a little low..and then he smiled at me with such a sweetness and his eyes were all aglow..

“Oh b’gibbers, I think you misunderstood.. I was merely meaning what time is it now tho I hope I wasn’t rude” “You see I am waiting on my Fairy friend..we are going on a date.. and my blows on my dandelion clock suggest that she is late!!” “Oh I beg your pardon it is half past two..then a flimsy, fragile Fairy landed from out of the blue..Well I was frightfully flabberghasted I have to say..but then he cocked his tiny hat to the side and he bid me “Gudday”
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Deepthinking one’s inner thoughts..over tasking the brain ..locked inside our mind’s eye is an ever blind strain.. Nobody but yourself know’s what churns in one’s head.. caught up in confusion amidst the comfort of your bed

Like the pendlum on a clock dropping down to the floor..spiralling
situations til’ one can’t take may be at hand tho not til’ the morning light..lying wide awake agonising betwixt the darkness of the miniscule thought in those wee small hours magnifies to a torrential flood from just April showers..pitter patter pitter dripping in drops.. your deep thinking will never cease until anxiety stops
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Faith, hope and charity are the cutest ******* one will ever see..identical triplets.. one, two, three..only their doting parents can tell them apart.. each little lass is incredibly smart

Mind you it doesn’t help alot when they wear the same clothes.. coz then which one is which well nobody knows..three absolutely adorable little misses as sweet as sugar and candy kisses.. Faith is as devoted as the day is long.. if that girl isn’t caring then there is something wrong

Well what can I say about happy Hope..she is forever wishing and wanting yet she is not a one to cute Charity is generous to a fault..she fits her namesake so as you are now aware this is s trio of triple troubles..each one of them is so unique yet the three of them are spitting doubles
Jill Tait Sep 2020
I am sitting here just a deepthinkin’ why are sheep so a’stinkin’ .. coz all they eat is green grass and hay.. nothing smelly I have to say..yet it’s that putrid smell of sheep within their fleeciness and mutton skin

I hate the stench of fresh wet sheep all stood around in a heap.. it makes me gag.. I feel so yuk.. that unique sniff of woolly muck.. and yet there’s nothing nicer and so fine.. roast lamb is a favourite meat of mine.. I forget about the rotten smell and tuck in to that taste I know so well.. mind you when a leg of lamb is in my oven cooking.. that obvious odour needs overlooking..coz there it jolly well goes again.. yon stench of wet sheep that’s a pain...
Sep 2020 · 107
Billy boy 🐴
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Did you ever see anything so bizzare as an animal trying to get into it’s owners car ? Well this is my Granddaughter’s pride and joy.. a mischievious, contented, beautiful boy.. and tho he happens to be a horse.. he mimicks folks around him of course..

So woe betide his mistress’s car
Billy boy will shove his head in it when the window is ajar.. and though he is a horse well this doesn’t matter.. coz this lovely lad loves a good old natter ..Awww but Billy boy is adored by all as he trots to see them when they stop by and call.. happiness shines from his horsey face with those pearly whites in pride and place.. one can tell when he’s happy by a mile.. with his horsey grin and hilarious smile..
Sep 2020 · 87
The pied piper
Jill Tait Sep 2020
The pied piper played his tune as he pranced and he danced by the light of the moon.. and as his rasps reverberated throughout vast valleys.. all the rats from the villages gathered in alleys..

Brown fat rats with long lean tails heard his whistling and his wails.. musical melodies loud and clear gathered up yon rodents from far and as the pied piper led the way.. he rid the towns and countrysides dismay.. folks stood on sides of lanes and peeped out of their window hundreds and thousands and millions more rats followed their leader in a frenzied uproar

They do say from legend and myth that pied piper’s intention was very forthwith..those wretched rats of aggravation ended their days in his damnation.. some tell of the tales of so long ago but the old people of the parishes remember and know.. “He tookem’ to the caves” I heard one shout..”Oh no he putem’ in a pit when I was about” yelled another one.. but when all was said and done..that rat infestation was dead and gone...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Pearl the partially deaf parrot
resides at Christina’s care home..
l’m not really sure how this will go
but here’s hoping it makes a rhyming poem

Well this large establishment is a dwelling for senior living care..
It is full up to capacity
with geriatrics living there

Now Pearl is quite a character
perched in a cavity on the wall and
occasionally when her cage gets cleaned she flies loopy around the hall

Although her hearing isn’t good you see she’s getting on in years..
there’s not a word that goes unheard coz she often gets it wrong I fears

Clive Clipper the old cockney..
he always speaks in rhyme and he calls all the females “Me ol duck” all of the time

Haha but thats not what pearls says
although Clive doesn’t care..
when that pesky bird copys him but then he ends it in a swear

Then theres Josie Jenkins well she is the eldest of them all.. She
tells all the visitors she is “Wise of wit” as she sits shouting in the hall

But as you can probably imagine
Pearl changes this abit.. and
everybody chuckles silently
when it’s squalked “Size of ****”

So you get the picture there’s lotd of rude remarks in the house..yet
It wouldn’t be as noticable if Pearl spoke as quiet as a mouse

Oh and there is Peter Waters
always cuddling his tabby
he hasn’t given it a name as
Pearl always yells  â€œScabby TXXT”

Haha it is fun for the workers
when they are on their shift..
Coz they are never entirely certain
of the conversation..If you get my drift 🤣
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Crawling thru creepy cobwebs climbing these old stairs..I purposely try not to ponder on my state of I listen to floorboards creaking and screeching rocking chairs..Oh my God I am frightened midst my moment of awares

But I betted on a challenge rather foolhardy I have no other choice than to be brave and proceed.. and if I can conquer all my cowardliness I will win and succeed..mind you if I can carry out my mission it is victory guaranteed.. coz can you just imagine an old haunted house.. that would even scare the likes of a scuttling mouse..I wish i wasn’t alone right now..I should have brought my spouse..I did ask him along but he did only grumble and grouse

Well the only thing that I absolutely fear the most.. is coming face to face with the ‘Grey lady ghost’ and they do say that she isn’t the nicest of a she chases mischievious children around from pillar to post.. That’s thirty three steps done already so only twenty two to go.. I had to get to the very top of the fifty five you know..but I hear moaning and groaning from down below..that’s it I’ve had more than enough as I decend with gusto...👻
Sep 2020 · 88
Fright and delight
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Whence Mother nature has mightied let no man put asunder.. her roaring wind and pouring rain aghasts us with her thunder..flashes of lightening streaks the skies with worrying I cower below my candlewick to rescue me from her plunder

She has the willpower to both fright and delight.. betwixt her burning desire and between yon oversight..clatters and bangs amidst the darkness of the night.. then placid peacefulness by the early morning light..So whether she weathers a wontoness of wild or calm.. our dear old Mother earth doesn’t intend us harm.. yet there are times when she causes one alarm amonst such sheer spangled sensational charm
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Huh our mistress has left us again she must have went to work.. after she tethered us at Grandad’s gate and driven off in beserk.. but what’s that on old Pops face.. he’s smiling with a smirk..Wowee nice one Grandpa as he hands us a doggy ****

Ooh I love those tastey treats that he gives us every day.. he really is most generous as the pair of us do play..until we hear our leads rattle and of course we are on our way.. walkies with old Grandpapa down the dene’ and along the bray

“Darcey is my sister and the two of us are chums.. she is following the farmyard ducks devouring their Mother duck is quacking at her with such harrasing hums and her fourteen doddery ducklings keep close to their mums

Our mistresses Mother doesn’t like us in the house.. tho we wouldn’t bark..we’d be as quiet as a mouse.. but she loves to see us just like her old spouse.. Eeeh it’s a dog’s life though we really shouldn’t grouse...
Sep 2020 · 76
Jill Tait Sep 2020
I am bothered and blustered as I try to go.. from the powerful wildness of the winds that blow.. why I went out walking in this well I will never know..but it’s whisting and wailing worries me so...

I wouldn’t care but when I left my garden gate..I felt a mild breeze and now it must be a galeforce eight.. ‘Heaven’s above’ it’s got me in a right old I am running and rushing in a figure of eight..

Eeh this is one step forwards and two steps back.. in amidst my frustration and this tornado’s attack..It will be a wonder if I don’t land on my it pushes me with such an aggressive punch and pack..

“Windy woos can you please die
down”..I espy the sea in my midst it is an awful brown..God help the fisherman as I stare and I frown..Oh my goodness me I hope they do not drown..
Jill Tait Sep 2020
She’s such a silly over, sentimental, rapturous romantic..pulling at her heart strings that are vulnerable and pendanic..falling in and out of love-struck situations in a mad dash rush..every single guy that gives her the eye.. she thinks is lush

But when will she learn its been a long time since she left school..and as she’s picking up the pieces she feels just like a sad old fool..crying in her coffee cup perhaps she needs something stronger..and every time it happens her heartache grieves a little longer..she never listens to her loved ones and her friends are just the same.. all suckers for a ladies gullible what a shame

Her Mother says she will be single until her dying day.. if she lets men walk all over her and leave her in dismay..yet those words just make her all the more determined not to take care..with every roving eyed philanderer that follows her out there..Oh mercy me if only the right man would come along..after cupid shot his arrows and that cupids never wrong.. but time and time again she’s fallen head over her girlfriends sympathise coz they know exactly how she feels

Yet who know’s what’s around that corner in the circles of her life.. maybe’s someday soon she will meet someone decent and make them a ****** good wife.. well only time will tell but this lady will not change.. as her selfconfidence gets shattered and her spirit rearranged.. the trouble is that she isn’t getting any younger.. and that neediness desire to be married is her que sera sera my dear that future is not ours to see..tho if you learned by your mistakes you would stay happy. single and free...
Jill Tait Sep 2020
If wonderful words were just an illusion and my thoughts of thinking was total confusion.. well I wouldn’t be able to write my verses from my truthful tales of life’s circus

Penning is my pleasurable introspections..I reminisce my matter what I do or say I write it down come what blows dusty cobwebs amidst my brain and hopefully stops me going insane
Sep 2020 · 73
My life in verse
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Woe betide me when my mind grows frail from the timelessness of my age scale.. when my years of yearning has ceased to score.. as my eyes are weakened and can see no more..

God help me when I sit in pain and my thoughts of thinking hurts my brain.. I have minutes of only wax and wane amidst my days of meloncholy mundain

May the good Lord take my soul when my heart stops beating it’s rock and roll.. as my time on earth has met it’s fate and I climb yon steps to the pearly gate

But let my life in verse bring memories..from memoirs of my treasuries..those books of poetry in one’s hall..lined up along the library wall..shall shine sweet smiles upon their faces..from my foregone past and reminisce traces..
Sep 2020 · 71
Your four seasons
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Oh My dear old Mother nature what on earth would one do..without your four seasons to look forward to ?
From the first of March until the thirty first of May winter’s wildness is long gone and Spring is our array..
With such sweet splendour and new beginnings.. Wow you are so wonderful sharing your worldly winnings..

Yet on the onset of June you lighten up our days with yon sizzling sunshine sensational displays .. so summer is upon us amidst your second season.. I wonder do you deliberately have different seasons for a reason ? Our earth would surely crumble if it wasn’t for you.. I can’t imagine life without your skies so blue..everybody everywhere enjoys your sun.. holidays in the summertime are so much fun

On the start of September you scatter colour on the earth.. golden leaves fall from the trees with all your worth.. Oh my goodness you are very artistic..your colourful changes are magical and mystic.. then your lands are an abundance of rich, ripe, yields.. with farmhands reaping in rewards in green, grassy fields. Ahh then it is time for our festive fun..on December the 1st  xmas preparations have begun.. as you have changed your seasons from autumn to winter..well aren’t you always on the go just like an athlete sprinter
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Eeh she is adorable this lassy makes me laugh.. playing with her rubber duckies splashing in the bath..and me left with a flooded floor in her aftermath..but I won’t get woundup on that warpath

Haha butter wouldn’t melt in her shes pointing to the north telling me “Grandma that’s the south” Oh if only my Chickadee would never change.. alas she will become an adult in this life that is so strange..Well within this world of uncertainty and doubt..may my Hunnybun never be harmed.. this is something I could do without

Let this little one learn to be a child.. not growing older every day with knowledge of the deviled..her innocence at the moment is beautiful and heart just melted as she looked at me and smiled.. sweetness shines from her fair freckled face..with that twinkle in her eye as she looks up to space..there ought to be more like her in this human race.. she simply lights up the darkness from doom and disgrace
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