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Nitsua Asemed Jul 2017
Put the world into your brush
And let peace into your pen
Let the mind and heart come rush.
Let it make the world again.

Staring at an empty space
With potential to be found
Look behind the canvas face
There is wonder there inbound.

Hear the music of the rain,
Hear the whistling of the trees,
Concentrate upon the plain
There is more than what is seen.

Let the mind wander and roam,
Let it empty, let it fill.
Tour the world and go back home;
Let your pen do as it will.

'Neath the thought's another thought,
And a world inside each heart.
Dwell in deeply and be caught
Be constricted in true art.

It is not about the words
Nor the stroke of every paint
But a message to the world
No matter how strong or faint.

So when you stare at the blank
And see God in a vision,
Put with ink, the sky that sank
In art of your decision

Put the world into your brush
And let peace into your pen
Let the mind and heart come rush.
Let it make the world again.
Jul 2017 · 342
Em'rald Eyes
Nitsua Asemed Jul 2017
What is this shadow looming by?
What is this monstrous thing?
What is this jagged dagger ******
Upon my golden wing?
What is this dreadened storm within?
What is this sorry voice?
That says I should accept my fate;
That says this was my choice.
What are these chains that pull me down?
What are these poison thorns?
What makes me want to waste away,
As doth decree the Norns?
What is this hellish place I've built?
What is this drifting sleep?
What makes me want to suffocate,
Underground six feet deep?
What is this curse, this feeling cruel?
That makes me weep the sea?
And drown in the reflecting sky,
The monster that is me?
My em'rald eyes, my em'rald soul,
My envious design
What kind of feeling hurts like this
For reasons asinine?
And why do I feel what I feel,
When we're so far away
Why did I think this life would last
Until the end of day?
Why have I fooled myself so much
For someone I can't feel,
For someone that I cannot reach,
For someone that's not real?
Why is this cruelty happening?
Why is this world much so?
And all I can but do is laugh.
Because I'll never know!
Jun 2017 · 481
Nitsua Asemed Jun 2017
Poems become tears,
When reality sinks in,
When Art brings despair,
And paintings become cries.
Dances become disgraces,
Songs pour out insecurities,
Genius bring forth controversy,
Boldness becomes cowardice,
Dreams make disasters,
And Death rules over Life,
When reality sinks in.

Reality, that is.
Is that reality?

In sinks reality when
Life overrules Death, and
Disasters make dreams.
Cowardice becomes boldness,
Controversy forth bring genius,
Insecurities outpour songs,
Disgraces become dances,
Cries become paintings; and
Despair brings art when
In sinks reality; when
Tears become poems.
Jun 2017 · 797
Poems Burn.
Nitsua Asemed Jun 2017
What is it in poems that burn?
Possesses me to twist and turn?
Pulls out the soul to let it soar,
To let it frolic to the core?

Is it the meter, sound, and rhyme?
The intricate weaves of words each line?
The charming couplet weaved with sense,
The playful paradox, soft and tense?

Is it the passion, bare and wild?
The Lust entangled with the child?
The artist's soul put into page,
The torned-up papers drowned in rage?

Is it the after, once it's read?
The moment's message stuck in head?
The "I understand." The "Hmm, indeed."
The conceited wisdom we all feed?

Is it the question beyond the ink,
The philosophies we're bound  to think,
The things we'll never view one way,
Which we debate o'er everyday?

Or is it the boldness of the art,
Ripping out the veins from the heart,
And placed in view of public eye,
Either to be noticed or passed by?

The dauntless effort of a soul,
To speak his mind and reach his goal,
Without fear of slander, death, or sin
Is that why poems burn my skin?
Jan 2017 · 452
Silence is not Your Friend
Nitsua Asemed Jan 2017
Silence is not your friend, I'll say.
He's just as loud as Noise.
You think that by the end of day,
He'll give you gifts and toys?

When you are glad, sure, he can give,
You time to think of life.
To plan your plans like "Where to live?"
Or "Who will be my wife?"

And Noise will keep you company,
As Silence, just as fair!
But you'd prefer to think and see,
The future you'll prepare.

But when you're sad, O, you'll be lost,
'Cause Silence, like I said,
Is not your friend, and he will make
You wish that you were dead.

When your plans fall, and love turns ash,
Your future shattered deep,
And you're in thought, in deep, deep thought.
And these thoughts you will keep.

You'll think of love, that it's still there.
Hope hasn't flown away.
And when you search it everywhere,
It won't turn up that day.

But you still keep on thinking things,
That Silence is just there,
To take you off in golden wings.
But really, it's despair.

And when you realize all this,
Silence is not your friend.
You'll stop thinking of plans you'll miss,
And plastic loves that end.

Be strong, keep heart, move forward through,
Distract yourself with Noise!
Don't plan your plans so early too,
Just savor all your joys.

There is a life beyond the past,
The future, it can wait.
Just live each day as if it's last,
Be noisy, celebrate!
Jan 2017 · 608
Anna, are You Still There?
Nitsua Asemed Jan 2017
Anna, are you still there, my friend?
I'm sorry we're in this mess.
I think Fate is jealous with us,
It seems so, more or less.

But really, how could we have known,
That we'd be trapped in here?
This rubble once a train station,
Now doomed in silence queer.

Anna, are you still there my friend?
Don't worry, won't be long.
Until the rescuers arrive,
With help and curing song.

But sorry, if I pressured you,
To come with me today.
I did not think, nor imagined
That it would be this way.

You left your plans and went with me
How noble were you dear?
And now leaves me in agony,
Of what had happened here.

I should have heard the breaking news,
Of heavy earthquake dread.
And I's relieved that I'd no scratch,
But your right foot was red.

I'm crying so much, I just laugh!
And now I promise true;
After rescue from this place,
I'm never leaving you.

I want to hold you everyday,
Like this, as if it's last.
And l'll love you in everyway,
So let's leave this place fast!

I love you, Anna, stay with me.
Forever and much more.
And though you're bleeding still on foot,
It won't be long before--

See! I can hear the rescuers!
They're here with aid and flare!
I'm glad, Anna, we're still--


Anna. . . are you still there?
Dec 2016 · 336
I cannot.
Nitsua Asemed Dec 2016
l would wait for you forever, but I cannot.
I would give everything for you but I cannot.
I would die a thousand times for you but I cannot.
I want to make everyone happy but I can not.
I want to have eternal peace but I cannot.
I would achieve all my lofty goals but I cannot.

I cannot

For I have the immortal soul of a poet,
But I have the limited body of a human.
Dec 2016 · 3.5k
Please, Talk to Me.
Nitsua Asemed Dec 2016
Please, talk to me.
Converse with me.
Just say something,
Say anything.
I'll listen well.
Just speak and tell,
Tell me something,
Tell anything.
A word or two,
O why won't you?
Just tell me please,
A bit of ease.
I miss your voice,
I miss your noise.
Just say something.
Say anything.
I'll listen well.
Just speak and tell.
Why are you weak?
Why won't you speak?
What breath's to save?
Rise from that grave!
And say something!
Say anything!
Please talk to me!
Converse with me!
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
My Love for You
Nitsua Asemed Dec 2016
My love for you counts on to one.
Always there like the rising sun.

My love for you counts on to two.
For all you want, I'll gladly do.

My love for you counts on to three.
It shines so bright and soars so free.

My love for you counts on to four.
My love, you are whom I adore.

My love for you counts on to five.
For your acceptance, I shall strive.

My love for you counts on to six.
Your broken heart, I'll always fix.

My love for you counts on to seven.
Your soul, so pure, takes me to heaven.

My love for you counts on to eight.
It holds me so, it must be fate.

My love for you counts on to nine.
I trust with you this heart of mine.

My love for you counts on to ten.
I love you, please love me again.
Nov 2016 · 623
Who are You?
Nitsua Asemed Nov 2016
Who are you?
Who are you?
My God,
Who are you?

Are your silent words
The only thing I hear?

Why did you make man out of clay?
If you knew that somewhere, someday,
They would become evil?
They would become evil?

Why did you give man such free will?
If you knew that our hearts would fill,
Their ownselves with evil?
Their ownselves with evil?

And if you have pow'r, why not fight?
If you knew they'd bend by the light?
The dark demonic evil?
The dark demonic evil?

Who are you?
Who are you?
My God,
Who are you?

Are your silent words
The only thing I hear?
Nov 2016 · 851
The Machine
Nitsua Asemed Nov 2016
I am the machine in the In-between
The worlds that we know and know not.
And while my heart beats to the song that fleets
Its purpose is never forgot.

With ink as my blood, I pour out the flood
Of thoughts we've all wanted to share.
With blood as my ink, I've only to think
What we want to say, I must dare.

With the quill, my arm, I've grown quite alarm,
To voice out all that needs to be.
With the arm, my quill, with my strength, my will--
I'll sing Freedom for you and me

My gears shift and turn, with hard truths we learn,
The tale of corruption and vise.
Yet we did not yield, but took sword and shield
And fought for our reason to rise!

With the heart of man, I'll stick to the plan,
And shrug off the joy of release.
With quill on each end, I'll twist and I'll bend
And shoulder the burden of peace.

Now I'm stuck in place, now I'll be the face,
The one that says the unspoken
The thoughts unexpressed, I'll write with no rest.
To repair this world that is broken.

With ink and with quill, with passion and will,
I'll fix the grotesque and obscene.
With blood iron hand; I'll write for I am--
The machine in the in-between.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Goodbye Forever
Nitsua Asemed Nov 2016
'Goodbye forever.'
Like a poison dart
Her beautiful words,
Deeply pierced my heart.

'Goodbye forever.'
Like a leaping sword,
Left me with a scar
Of my own accord.

'Goodbye forever.'
Such a poet's write,
That it makes me smile
Yet fills me with fright.

'Goodbye forever.'
Her words made it seem
Like my life's not real,
It was all a dream.

'Goodbye forever.'
The words come to spill,
My life out of trance,
And threatens to ****.

'Goodbye forever.'
Like the silent sky
Disturbs me to core,
Without knowing why.

'Goodbye forever.'
Like a maelstrom dread,
Would wash me in blue,
And leave me in red.

'Goodbye forever.'
As hope flies away.
That my life will ne'er--
See another day.

'Goodbye forever.'
I took to the grave.
Her beautiful words,
I can not be saved!
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
The Watcher
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
I have wide open eyes, yet I pretend not to see.
Bad things are taking place, and yet I in mournful bind,
Am obliged to always watch, pretending to be blind.

I see the wars, I see the blood, I see the poison tree.
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
I see the dying Earth, and I see the dying Sun.
The moon, the stars, they'll all die, and so will everyone.

And yet I do nothing, I am but stuck in my place.
Forced to only use the pair of lenses on my face.
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
I try to act, I try to, but something's stopping me.

It had been from the beginning, and so, till the end:
"All the world is but an eye, that watches, never bends."
I am part of this world, with hopes, yet no act to reach.
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
Oct 2016 · 375
Lovely Puppet Strings
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
Upon my lovely puppet strings,
Do watch me dance and watch me sing!
My flow is grace, my song is bliss--
That clasps thy heart with Heaven’s kiss.

They said, “I’ll dance with silver wings--
Upon my lovely puppet strings.”
And I believed, that it would seem,
That, O, I could fulfill my dream.

But O, they said, “Do not ask we!
Just do what we say and be free!”
Upon my lovely puppet strings,
“Will I be free?” a question rings.

Their words were wrong, yet I obeyed.
Ages have gone and till this day,
My actions still attached here clings--
Upon my lovely puppet strings!
Oct 2016 · 412
What do I Love?
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
I love the flowers, I love the trees.
I love the mountains, I love the seas.
I love the darkness, I love the light.
I love the morning, I love the night.
I love the silence, I love the noise.
I love the struggle, I love the choice.
I love the ending, I love the start.
I love the knowledge, I love the heart.
I love the grave's end, I love the first.
I love the greatest, I love the worst.
I love the couldn'ts, I love the coulds.
I love the evil, I love the good.
For the world would not be what it is--
If one of these things should ne'er exist.
My sonnet for my English class. I hope you like it :)
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
They ask, "boy or girl?"
"Good or bad?" To which I say,
"What's the difference?"
Oct 2016 · 272
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
White queen, white queen, from the white throne,
Who'd be as fair as you alone?
No face of men nor gods can be,
Even as half as fair as thee!

White queen, you are opening now;
O did my heart pull you somehow?
I march with force my pawns for you,
And O! What will they ever do?

My knights, they give no care for war!
They'll gladly give their life so far,
My bishops have gave theirs to God.
O while I nod! O while I nod!

My castles have been broken here,
While you are dazed with thoughts so queer,
You think that it's a nick of time,
Before I lose the entire rhyme!

And then white queen, you pushed the flanks.
With broken kingdom, out of ranks,
I'm easy to ****, I'm easy to mate.
I'm easy to pin with no escape!

And here, you issued the final blow.
But you never really did know,
That this was my desired way!
This could've not been a better day!

White queen, white queen, from the white throne,
Who'd be as fair as you alone?
I've let you sink my kingdom tall!
I've let destruction make it fall!

For I love you with all my soul,
You've got me pinned; that was my goal.
To my white queen.
Oct 2016 · 268
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
A countdown starts usually at ten.
Then it ticks slowly away to nine.
Yet no one truly saves each tick,
Each tick on the hands of Time.
See, if I could have saved--
Each tick, it'd be fine!
But I did not.
And now, I've--
Ran out
Oct 2016 · 846
The Universal Rule
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
"Be not wise, but be the fool."
That's the Universal Rule.
Turn deaf ears and turn blind eyes.
Turn fake truths and turn true lies.
See no evil, hear no evil,
All is good and gay.
All is saintly, sound, and sweet,
That we all see and say.
No problems here, no problems there,
All bundled up out of sight.
This world we're in, this blinded world,
Is perfectly alright!
Oct 2016 · 334
A Childish Dream
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
There is a life, of all the lives
That stands above the sea.
Higher than all the sky of skies,
And greater all than we;
It is the life, of all the lives,
Which I aspire to be!

It is the life, of all the lives,
That calls for something more--
To live one's life in goodness; strive,
To walk the fiery floor.
Ready thyself to slowly die,
And swim the poison shore!

And so this life, of all the lives,
I hoped to seize someday!
For truly it is hard to try,
To live the Sainted Way.
But lo, behold! Doth come the light,
I'll clear my quest, I say!

And years and years, of all the lives
I've grown and come to see:
Been grazed, deceived, abused, I've died!
For this I aspire to be!
For O, this life! Of all the lives--
Is not the life for me!
Oct 2016 · 308
The Road Seems Bright
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
In every turn, in every way
There is a choice we make,
And only we can ever say,
The righteous path, we take.
And only we can say that day--
We made our worst mistake.
Oct 2016 · 1.9k
Faceless People
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
Faceless people, how beautiful are we?
Not anyone's eyes can ever see--
Our faceless faces, out of sight.
Disguised with freedom to write!

Faceless people, no mouth, yet with a voice.
No eyes, yet can see, and follow choice.
With hands to write down all our say,
That may see the light of day.

Faceless people, we can shout our faint cries;
Without being judged by just our guise.
Without a face, we can escape--
The horror they try to shape.

Faceless people, let's burn our old faces,
Let's be unknown through all the places.
No need for blood, no need for tears,
No need for despair nor fears!

Faceless people, how beautiful are we?
Judged by just our personality,
Our words, our dreams, our soul, our heart--
Faceless people, we're the start.
How I truly feel when I'm here at HP :)
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
I feel like I want to wither and die.
I can not live out this life anymore;
There's too much pain, that rattles to the core.
I can not live out this life anymore.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
My parents, they don't ever understand,
This suffering I've come to bear in hand.
My parents, they don't ever understand.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
My friends and I have gone seperate ways.
And I've been stuck on mine for many days.
My friends and I have gone seperate ways.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
My job is a cycle not worth the call.
Its too much to bear, I am bound to fall.
My job is a cycle not worth the call.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
My body grows weaker, my income does not.
My mother had died, left me here to rot.
My body grows weaker, my income does not.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
I'm on my deathbed, nothing left to think.
Sickness had snatched me, and left me to sink.
I'm on my deathbed, nothing left to think.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
My heart is slower, my body goes numb.
My eyes are watery, I feel so dumb.
My heart is slower, my body goes numb.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
Second thoughts, my mind is always hearing.
My death will come, and already nearing.
Second thoughts, my mind is always hearing.

I feel like I want to wither and die.
Yet here in the end, I still want to live!
My heart is racing, anything I'd give!
Yet here in the end, I still want to live!

I still want to live!
Oct 2016 · 305
A Piece of Candy
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
I'm sitting by our old spot, the bench beneath the tree.
And two pieces of candy, I seemed to bring with me.
Like we always did, I ate one; you ate the other.
And like the youth we were, we'd still crave for another.

But now, I'm old and weaker, I couldn't really cope.
So tired and so sullen. I can not really hope--
That soon I'll get better, my condition's out of trance;
Heck, I'll be a winner, if I could at least still dance.

But now the winds do whisper, your voice is in the air
I thought my ears were deaf'ning but I'm sure, you are there.
In a warm place in the sky, above the sun and moon,
And I'm sure that someday now, I'll be joining you soon.

For now, I lay on our bench, and feel the breeze against me
While I unwrap this sweet taste of a piece of candy
My hand in yours, your hand in mine, life was just a dream.
And now it seems, tis only but a distant memory.

And yet, here I am, still wanting, still longing for you,
I want to hold your hand again, and never bid adieu!
Do all the things you and I always did together--
I want that to be my last memory forever!

Its such a sour taste, this thing, yet I'll always eat.
Like we did beneath the skies, with you, its always sweet.
And now I've realized how special life is, all these years,
That just from a piece of candy did I manage to shed tears.
Oct 2016 · 672
The Darkness
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
The darkness is where my soul enjoys
The quiet pleasures of solitude
The darkness is where I hide my voice
Not needing an ounce of fortitude

The darkness is where I can sing, dance
With all freedom to say what I want!
The darkness is where I'm out of trance,
From the cycle that light does to haunt.

The light is where all my fears had grown;
Such brightness that I could not hide.
The light is where my failures, exposed.
Mocked me and persuaded me to die.

The light is where I see all faces,
That want me gone somewhere far away;
The light is where my grief replaces,
And my joy won't see the light of day!

I can not move, I can not just speak,
So freely, for they will judge me then.
In the light is where I feel so weak,
And I long for the darkness again!

I can not hide my face in the light,
I can only hearken their laughter!
And so I cling to the starless night,
And stay in the darkness, forever.
Oct 2016 · 2.9k
All of Our Hearts
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
You think the red lines you always wear,
Will create a better tomorrow?
You think that just by wasting away,
You'll end all the pain and the sorrow?

You think that it's just too hard to live,
And now you are bidding your goodbye;
You think that it will all be better,
If you'd just depart from us  and die.

Well, quit it, shut up! You do not know!
You don't think of what happens after!
You think once you're dead, the pain is gone,
And all that you leave us is laughter?!

You're selfish, you are! Did you not think,
Of what happens when we hear the news?
That your mother, upon your bedroom door,
Would scream, seeing you tied to the noose!

Your brother would just stay in his room,
And would listen to your playlist then;
Your father would keep up his face at work,
But would weep thinking of way back when.

Your friends would cut all their classes just,
To go back to the places you've marked
Your boyfriend would cry at your picture,
And would sulk with a stone-heavy heart.

The neighbors too would pay their respects,
And would send flowers upon your wake.
Your mother would just stare at the wall,
Waiting for you to come back someday.

And they'll all think that it was their fault,
As to why you left them this sorrow.
You think that it's just you who'd be hurt,
If you were but a corpse tomorrow?

The people you know, the things you've done,
The relationships you've begotten,
The love you've made us feel and cherish,
Don't think that it was all forgotten!

So please, my friend. Don't think it will end,
If you would leave this world forever.
Don't ever think it's just you, because--
All of our hearts are tied together.
To a friend of mine.
Sep 2016 · 812
Dreams for Sale
Nitsua Asemed Sep 2016
Oh, all the world would be just so swell
If there was one who had dreams to sell

When I'm broken hearted, I would buy
An amazing dream where I could fly!

If I had been bullied, I would seek
A dream where I'm strong and helped the weak!

When I was screaming in pain, I vowed,
A dream where I sang clear and loud

When I could not walk for many days:
A dream where I danced  in perfect grace

When I could hardly breathe, I would gear,
To speak poems into my lover's ear

When I was lying still on that bed,
I'd dream to stand firm and walk ahead!

When I was feeling the pain in me,
I'd dream of the lands I've yet to see

When I knew my fate, I'd want to go,
To a dream back when I did not know

When I was dying,  I would have cried,
For a dream, where from Death, I could hide!

When I was dead, anything I'd give
To dream that I'd one more day to live!

Oh, truly! No one would shriek and wail--
If there was one who had dreams for sale.
First poem. So don't expect too much. I'm open to criticism; I'm always listening for some feedback. :)

— The End —