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Alanis Smith Sep 2018
This is my good dream gone bad,
It starts off with the two of us,
We're as happy as happy could be,
Just us against the world,
Confiding in each other with our problems,
Making each other feel safe,
Then it all suddenly changes,
Suddenly we're not as happy as happy could be,
Suddenly there is no us against the world,
Just you and just me,
Suddenly we're keeping our problems to ourselves,
And we start to feel a little less safe,
I wake up and begin to realise,
My good dream gone bad is my reality,
Knowing you is my dream turned nightmare...
Alanis Smith Sep 2018
The petals are happiness and love,
Full of character and showing the flowers true beauty,
The pistil is stress,
Only avoided by the happiness and love  surrounding it,
The stem is confidence,
Giving the flower it's ambition and it's strength to keep standing tall,
The leaf is anger,
Easy to break and hard to control,
And at the bottom there are the roots,
The roots are all the feelings that the flower keeps hidden,
Jealousy, loneliness and others,
But unless the flower is dug up,
These feelings stay underground,
Where they remain untouched by the light,
In the dark forever. . .
Alanis Smith Jul 2018
Blow out the candles,
Make a wish...

I wish that people would understand,
Understand each other,
Understand themselves,
Understand right from wrong,
Understand each others beliefs,  
Understand that for a lot of others life isn't perfect,
For at least one day,
I wish that people would understand...
Alanis Smith May 2018
Tick tock,
Tick tock,
See the hands go round,
Tick tock,
Tick tock,
Time goes on,
As it does,
Continue to watch,
Time pass by,
Tick tock,
    Tick tock. . .
Alanis Smith May 2018
It's not the winning,
It's the taking part that counts,
Although once you take part,
You want to win,
You want to be first,
Someone always beats you,
You're second place yet again,
To that same person,
So yes,
Winning isn't everything,
But sometimes,
Losing hurts...
Alanis Smith May 2018
I'm lost in my life,
I'm lost in my thoughts,
Looking at people to give me directions,
Trying to find a sign,
Trying to find a way,
Each way is the same,
But each way just seems like a wrong path,
A path someone else has lead me down,
A path that I didn't choose,
What am I doing?
Why am I asking for help that isn't helpful?
They only tell me the same thing over and over,
I try and take charge of my path,
But I just end up confused,
And then I ask for help again,
It's like I'm going in a circle,
Round and round,
Which way should I go?
There's so many choices,
None seem right,
But I refuse to give up,
I won't throw myself under the bus,
I'm going to find my way,
Regardless of what I have to go through,
Because I know that I have what it takes,
I have what it takes to find my path,
Even if I do get lost along the way,
Eventually it will be clear,
And it will be worth it...
Another long poem, but hope whoever reads it likes it. :)
Alanis Smith Apr 2018
Hold your head high,
Reach for the sky,
You're on your way,
There's nothing you can't do,
When you believe in you,
You're on your way,
Keep going,
The talent you have is showing,
Listen to me,
You're on your way...
Don't give up after you've come this far. :)
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