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Feb 2017 · 250
Its okay sometimes...
Amya Green Feb 2017
You gotta do it
There's no hiding it anymore.
But it doesn't make you weak.
It only shows just how strong you are.
You're not alone out there.
There are many like you.
There's no need to worry.
*Just cry love
Jan 2017 · 258
Amya Green Jan 2017
Such a sight for sore eyes
Your face just reminds me of a painting
A painting that was handle with such care
Such grace
Such passion
Its truly hard to explain why
Why I just feel like you belong to me only.
Actually inspired by the song Love like you by Rebecca Sugar
Jan 2017 · 229
Amya Green Jan 2017
My head... My thoughts can no longer continue
* I'm afraid I must go
Jan 2017 · 464
Questions and Answers
Amya Green Jan 2017
I'm not a happy person.
Can't you see?
Its just not easy for me to be happy.
Why can't you seem to get that?
I try to tell you in every form of communication.
But still you don't get it!?
I don't know what else to say.
Do you not believe me?
Jan 2017 · 561
Sorry.../ I believed
Amya Green Jan 2017
I'm sorry for telling you my feelings.
I apologize for thinking you could handle me.
I'm sorry for thinking you understood me.
I'm sorry that I don't believe your words you speak.
All I can do now is say I'm sorry!

Because I believed you

I believed that you would truly love me.
I believed I wasn't your burden when I truly was.
I believed all the fake *** love notes.
I believed you wanted my soul, when you just wanted my body.
You saw me as only a prize horse to brag about to your friends.
But I still believed that you wouldn't give up on me.

**I'm sorry I believed...
This was in a fit of rage and sadness all in one so yeah..
Jan 2017 · 468
Ray of Sunshine
Amya Green Jan 2017
You ever have those days?

Where someone just seems to understand how upset you are?

They understand you need someone even for a split second?

They cover your ears just for that moment so you can't hear those demons.

They know that you just need some peace and tranquility even though it wont last long

*My ray of sunshine
Jan 2017 · 509
Amya Green Jan 2017
I am no longer myself.
I left that poor ******* the shelf.
Everyone wonders why she left.
But when she explains they all seem deaf.

No longer can she express happiness.
These things that's taking over...
She has to let it do its job.
She has no one to run to anymore.
The people she thought she knew so well
Has left her in the dark.
They left her with her heart shattered
And her hands tied behind her back.
I switched up the rhyme scheme for some reason. But I thought I needed to get some things off my chest explaining how I kind of feel helpless. Sorry I could not think of a title..
Jan 2017 · 338
Not enough
Amya Green Jan 2017
Why was it me? Why isn't my best not enough? I gave you something I can never get back... But yet its not enough. Time after time I gave you ever piece of me. I give you the last remaining pieces of my heart but that's not enough. Why must I beg you to accept me? Why can't myself be enough?
Its short because I was honestly an emotional wreck ha... But yeah I was running on just my life experiences and how people made me feel.
Mar 2016 · 244
I don't know...
Amya Green Mar 2016
I can't explain it... This boy... No this man gets to me. He finds his way into the deepest corners of my mind and just sits there. I have no idea how he got there really.... All I know is he's just there learning about what makes me me. What makes me whole... I really don't know if he is going to be my downfall or if he will help me rise..
Jan 2016 · 230
Amya Green Jan 2016
He makes me feel like being myself is normal. That's it normal for me to come to him when I feel the urge to just take my life. Like he is the one to just calm the voices down in my head. To stop these thoughts of despair.
Jan 2016 · 238
Amya Green Jan 2016
He makes this game called life fun.
He makes getting up in the morning easier.
He makes my life seem better
He pushes me, motivates me to do my best.
I don't ever want to lose his love..
If I do I shall be uncompelete.
Jan 2016 · 270
Amya Green Jan 2016
I sit there thinking what did I do? So I just messed up everything by telling him how I feel. Isn't that what I'm suppose to do.. Tell the man that I love what is going down inside my head. He looks at me like I'm some kind of monster. Like I am too crazy, foolish, and disgusting. I don't know how else to make things better other than leave him alone like he wants me to. But why would I want to do that? Why would I leave this person who I gave my heart to over something so simple? Well I guess I should do it to make him happy right... But just know... I will never forget you.
I felt a little depressed so here ya go..I will come up with a btter one later

— The End —