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791 · Jul 2018
The Author
rubben Wainaina Jul 2018
The more i write,the more i get drifted away in my own words,
If you read between these lines and verses-you will discern myself in them!
Am the author who is both the heroine and villain of his own story!
The tales i tell,some portrying how europhic my life may seem,
Others well,unleashing the dark side of me..where there is no tranquillity and serenity!
Thats how its meant to be-fate right?
What you dont understand is that
I just dont want write
I want to be the author of my own destiny!
The part where i feel am in control of this mortal life.
Make everything bow to my will.
Most are the times i cling to this mental vicious cycle of desire,love and entangled emotions.
Call it pursuit of happiness!
I,you,we crave for something more
Something complete,to escape this illusion-life
The word perfection is not even close to what i need
I crave for something infinite afterall
I am a god!
Master of creation,-art masterpiece!
Masterpiece art,bow to my will
697 · Aug 2018
The Good Old Days
rubben Wainaina Aug 2018
Remember ;
when we used to get wasted till dawn?
Make love like we never getting old?
Laugh like no one cares?
Tell crazy stupid tales and find joy in that?Cause at the end of it all what was salient, was You!
Those were the good old days.
The good old days Huh?
How did we get here in the first place..
reminiscing about the past rather than living in the moment.
Why does everything has to be good in the past rather than now?..
Whats in the past is midas,a gem- but today ,now -is just a facade??
Is this is how its supposed to be?
We much hold grip on what was than what is...
It makes us think maybe things are not so bad..cause there were good old days
Why cant there be good days right now?
I thought the best thing in life was transition... Change,Evolution.
As much as we love the good old days we need to transit with time...You change,i change with you... You laugh we laugh together.. New moments,new memories to cling onto,,, before amnesia catches up on us...
Happiness is what you making..Through the ups and downs is what defines you and me...Old or new..Find beauty in that and turn it into something ravishing.
Good old days!
551 · Mar 2019
He writes
rubben Wainaina Mar 2019
Morning gorgeous,
Is what he writes every morning before dawn!
Cause he knows she is not beautiful but she's beyond ravishing!
You wanted me to write about you
But words cant be quite enough to describe you
cause it will just be a glimpse of the real you!
Sometimes he calls her Juliet like the movie stars, he the Romeo!
Just to set a beautiful masterpiece of art of what they are!..
living life like an opera,
The cupid must have known to shine your way on my path!
I serenade you as we esplanade
Through the journey of our fairytale!
Your curved lips are so kisspiring,
I cant help but kiss for a while,
Your eyes makes the dog star just dull
As they lighten up the sky in the night
Your beauty makes me
understand why am blinded by the spell you cast down on me!
You the priceless gem that i fall for!
I fall for you everyday!
472 · Jun 2019
rubben Wainaina Jun 2019
Broken bottles,red orb eyes!
****.. Here we go again
How did we get here?
Worst rues of the words left unspoken
Started off the seasons well,
Summer came and we all like..
"You only live once "... No sooner would we realise "you die once"no second chances...
We the cool kids... autumn roaming in,
Crashing every party in the E-street and P -street!
We were so awesome...
All we knew is smoke-some
Drink-some, stone-some!
Bills on me! Call some-one
Shots on me!
Birthdays were like everyday
Everyday we living life like we dont have a choice...
She is a Scorpio but we change her into a Capricorn..
We living young! The night is still young!
The Dj playing your favorite song
We up on stage and thats just how we roll... Whisky shots.. Head spinning
Chasing the highs
Then winter came,
The night came,
That night that hunts me everytime
i close my eyes
301 · Sep 2019
The script
rubben Wainaina Sep 2019
I hope you read between the lines
Coz everything is never as it seems,
Ask me ❓ look at how the stars align,
Out of the ordinary supernatural beems,

Give me a paper and a pen, i show you my world,
I paint my words, without colours to show,
My hands are always willing to write, never slow!
Review, rewind, refrain, i play with the word-flow

The game is on check -mate
Its no chess game, dont compete mate!
Copy,paste my words, you cant de-code
Its an x-script piece, only programmers can code!
273 · Jul 2018
Its gonna be okay
rubben Wainaina Jul 2018
It's gonna be okay
When you are lonely and no one is
There to ease it away.
Its gonna be okay
When you stare at the mirror,and
You cant stand the eyes looking back at you-!
Its gonna be okay
When you loosing it,like the world never cares and the only leftovers left is you
Its gonna be okay
When you try to swim against the tide
But the waves are too strong to drift you away in the opposite direction.
Its gonna be okay
When your pen is unwilling to write,
Paper too dull to write on-
Mind drifted and all left is emptiness.
Its gonna be okay
When you realize you the best there can ever be.That all along its been about YOu
Its gonna be okay!!
260 · Dec 2018
rubben Wainaina Dec 2018
If you set your cards right,things will turn out alright
They say life is a series of choices right?
That if we make the right choices,then we on the way to a happy life and success..
But is there something like a manuscript to do right,make the right choices?
Or are we just puppets in the whole drama of this good life
The forces of fate and self will always manifest asynchronously
One when things turn out right way,
The other well,when things go beyond the obvious,mystical
Is there inertia choices,where things play out the way you want them to..
Choices extend beyond the plans we've made...
Turns out life is more of accidents,
We dont plan on when to fall in love,
The stranges we met...
We more like forces of nature-unpredictable
As these intoxicated turmoils play through my mind...
Its more awesam as we play more of tapestry..ravishing colours behind the threads...
Its us against the odds..little gods
241 · May 2018
mum's day
rubben Wainaina May 2018
Like the joy a newborn brings..
A toddler is bought -fourth,
Young,Naive,path crooked but destined for greatness!
In your arms i reigned,indeed new king!
Reunited from 9months of adoration,care and certainty.
Time is of essence but this new gem became your idol.
A seraphic time machine!
Born sinner,violent and hopeless
Your words are wondrous,in them i abide- Mummy i love You
Your midas touch,ardent love Never desists.
What ive become,- a rebel,irreparable
but don't lose me the more I change, no!
Yep,she rues of how raised me,but shw proud of what she raised!!
May the grace of the Lord be with you now and forever Mummy!
218 · May 2018
The falling sky
rubben Wainaina May 2018
I gaze upon the sky tonight,
The stars shine, spectacular they seem as they light
Beyond the milky way,supernova's transcend
Light years away,comets emerge
Lost in my thoughts,the falling stars diverge
A blend of colours paint the sublime sky,
Beyond ravishing, hard to describe,
The Orion appears alive as i stare by!
Moon's magic connects the sky,so low feels like i can climb;
No sound,so silent as i stand on the ground!
213 · Jul 2018
January 15th
rubben Wainaina Jul 2018
Another day but this day is different,
The sun shines brighter,the equinox still far off...
Dear Capricorn boy,the horoscope read
"its your time to have your moment!"
Hold on,this is supposed to be the day where i count my candles,,
Where is the fête for me?
No party for me i guess,
No birthday wishes,
Its Just me,myself and I,
you only live once they say,
so amma drink till i loose myself,
overdose on novacaine till am numb,
forget the past,tranquilize my thoughts!
****!What if today is all i got?
time is of essence,
all i need is to have moment for life,
Today is the day am shine like
a supernovae,
these streets raised a ghetto king,
no crown but own the streets!
no rues over yesterdays
Am gonna just do me!
209 · May 2018
the dark knight
rubben Wainaina May 2018
Drip!Drip! roofs clang,winds blow
the water flows,but drains deep below
dark befalls..beyond like silent night,
creatures of the night awakens like a knight.
197 · Dec 2018
Wins and losses
rubben Wainaina Dec 2018
The fading memories of an year ago,
The wins and losses at a go,
Just a novice,never good in poetry,
But the lines i write,never betray
The series of life is full of episodes,
In which perfection never corresponds!
Where action is meet with reaction,
Reality matches with reflections,
Bad weighs out on the good.
As the planet earth turns,
Emptiness, loneliness which facades,
Happiness, sense of belonging in which we pursuit!
Make up the highs and the lows.
As i turn a new page in this life,
I wanna appreciate those around me,
Amigos,family and all the beautiful people around the globe,
The world is a seraphic and serene aura with you on it!
Its the love and affection that keeps us lit.
To those i've hurt i apologize,
Am writing my wrongs
To the pals, hoping to know u better
To the strangers,hoping to know you,
To writters,poets, keep writing
To the dreamchasers, keep walking,
This is for you and me!
196 · Jun 2018
Road to sainthood
rubben Wainaina Jun 2018
After sometimes, i opt the easy way out..
Believe me i tried,i gave it my best shot,
I thought these poems would make u change your mind
I guess we all change,or perhaps
We just evolve to be us
But looks like you are just slipping away
Where are you now?
We crawled we flew..
But not high enough to land to the moon.
Guess what....
I found my redemption
Where there is peace beyond understanding...
Where the road is straight...not crooked
Where life struggles,worries,burdens
Are not mine to bear...
My life is transitioned,a super being!...
My redeemer,my shield
He holds me tight on his arms,
His promises ever fulfilled
Vows never broken
His grace is much sufficient,
The Lord is with me...
This is my new enlightenment...
My road to sainthood...
181 · Jun 2018
Lost to eternity
rubben Wainaina Jun 2018
****!The dirge songs ringer through
Gone too soon,the choir refrain!
I hear low incoherent murmurs,voices crooked..
Heartfelt tribute,indeed "the last respect"
Why did you leave so soon?
Perhaps-the Lord's plan
The road to redemption is short and lonely it seems:!
All i see is these vivid silhouettes
As we lay you in this bed of roses,
Fading memories and unforgettable
Laughs and smiles.
The sun sets down on you,when is your dawn coming through-i come see you?
Reincarnate as creature,i will recognise you in any form!
I know your gait,your sweet scent!
Send a message,i know your hardwriting.
I know,i know!
Life is short,but i wanted to reign with you for eternity.
Adios,but life is not the same without you.
Miss yah!!!
169 · May 2018
rubben Wainaina May 2018
I have been here before,
Ive been drown in these waters and maybe it wont be my last...
Like a deja vü
I adore the feeling though am crashing into pieces.
Am numb,but i can feel my heartbeat,
This pain,this euphoria is all i know,
You give those cold eyes
But i still think CLOVER is what we are!
C for caroline,R for Romeo and LOVE between us!
I care for both of us,
Words never enough,emotions hardly show..
But i love you enough for the both of us!!
Lets sail out through these winds,share moments
And If we fall,...lets fall into these waters
Swim through the current
And the tide take us home...
165 · Jun 2018
i wish
rubben Wainaina Jun 2018
i wish i could talk more..
not just talk,speak..but more than that
i wish i cud be with you
but not just now,...forever!!
i wish you could be proud of me,
just to make you smile.
but not just smile more that..
i wish...i wish...
i wish i could be perfect
precisely in your eyes,
i wish i could love you more
love you ardently,passionately until
eternity is just a grasp of our future..
i wish my words can make you turn around,
we start it off...from where we left...
now am sitting here reminiscing
like you never left.
i wish i could talk enough for both of us
i wish... i wish..
i wish we were more than that!!!
163 · May 2018
rubben Wainaina May 2018
We are the ghosts behind the nightmares,
we work hard to reach new pinnacles in life,
we put all we got between these lines
the struggles,the pain and emotions.
we never bow down,we know the art has to be perfect and delivery flawless.
Poetry is our language,art is our storyline.
we are the rhythm without the tone,
The twilight behind every dawn.
the unspoken heroes concealed behind a paper and a pen.
we convert the rage,feelings,love into something sensitizing...
something tangible and so real like the Orion in a silent night.
we are artists, the choreographers behind the scenes
we are the wondrous in every way.
We transist..  turn words to magic!
the gods of art.
we are,
Hello poetry!
159 · Jan 2021
rubben Wainaina Jan 2021
Life like flowers wither,
Love like dye fades,
The art of eternity is nothing short of shades of blue!
But she, she shines beyond the skyblue
She like sand,  sweeps away the sorrow,
Her love is free, i dont have to borrow,
131 · Jan 2021
You, Still
rubben Wainaina Jan 2021
To the future me,
It was the best  birthday 🎊 ever.
I had her by my side.. She talked less and i loved that calm her..
I saw her adorable gorgeous orb eyes..
Fixed on me.,
As she watched me take care of us.
I would have loved to freeze that moment.
I forgot to say how beautiful she looked.
I was immensely focused on me too much.
I hate that.  
Sad-madly in love with her..
I wish she could see the fire in my eyes..
The sensation, i get when i look at her.
She be for life....
She is the Only one, who turns me on
In the most seraphic way..
Turn me inside out in the most messed up amazing way.
I had fun, her lil sis is cool and amazing...
They are like two twins...
It was a family day out..
For second, i wanted that.
To be real... Dreams huh?
You should see the pictures...
we like Jay an Blue..
I loved it.

— The End —