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May 2024 · 47
An endless thought
Narvi May 2024
My thought is overwhelming me,
It's like an endless pit of fire,
A bottomless well,
A endless sky,
A vacuum endlessly ******* everything there is to my body, thoughts, and soul.

An endless void that is filled with total darkness no light can ever reach it,
I want to run away from it but i ask,


It is inside me inside my body my brain,
How can I run away from something that I possess of,
Something that was given to me?

I cannot think of any solution for it,
And it is slowly rotting my insides.
May 2024 · 49
Solitude in being alone
Narvi May 2024
Tranquil is being alone, without any hassle,
It makes it easy to tackle and handle any problem.

The house that I live in is my solace.

It is peaceful, beautiful and very quite.
Fewer mistakes I make when doing my poetry. Silence comes about when I want it, because all I have to do is turn off everything and go to sleep.

I can demonstrate my power, because I am the breadwinner in this house.

That is what being alone is about.
May 2024 · 168
Narvi May 2024
I did not liked to be touched, but it was a strange dislike. I did not liked to be touch because I craved it too much. I wanted to be held very tight so I would not break into pieces of fragments of my forgotten past.
May 2024 · 58
Narvi May 2024
Look at you, comforting others with the words you want to hear.
May 2024 · 94
Narvi May 2024
I would write a poem about you, but it would be distasteful, as no words could ever hope to portray your unquantifiable beauty;
and even if I were to learn every language, I still would not find a word that could explain it. It is because,
your eyes gleam like the stars above,
your smile eclipses the sun's glow,
your skin shimmers like a pearl,
your essence, a true beauty to behold,
your beauty is that of which rivals the stars who is endless,
but for me you are endlessly more beautiful.
For every day and every night the sun and moon take turns to gaze upon your beauty,
for even the stars above lost their hope in outshining you, the prettiest star above them, is you.
Aug 2019 · 71
A poetry for you
Narvi Aug 2019
Your eyes are like sunsets,
Full of awe and mystery.
You have these golden brown eyes,
The way they perfectly sparkle in the sunlight.

What more can i say?

You had me with your smile
  on the first day we met.

The smile that would make stars envious,
And those dimples that almost melted my heart.
Your lips are almost as red as the apples,
Well you if you dont know i like apples.

How beautiful are you?

Your like a calm sea after the storm,
What a indescribable moment of
         fleeting senerity.

You are one of God's perfect creation.
Your just like a miracle for me,
You have change my life when i met you.
You are the inspiration that gave me hope,
To fight the challenges in life.

My thoughts of you are many.
Surely, more than these words that
         I coud ever say to you.
Should i make a book of poetry for you?
Surely, i'd write them for you.

A poetry for you❤️

— The End —