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Naomie Feb 2022
Sometimes you have to face your fears
Tell them that you are no longer afraid
Make hard decisions and be okay
With the possibility of failure
Because even if you fail
You can and you will
Rise again.
Naomie Jan 2022
I said something to you about you
I said what I thought about you
I did, think the worst about you
I went to the extreme end
I wanted to be proven wrong
I wanted to know that you're not that
But you did the exact opposite
You proved me right
And broke my heart in the process
Naomie Nov 2021
Stop asking if I'm fine
You know very well I'm not
You know precisely why I'm not fine
You know because you are the reason
You know I'm hurting and in pain
It makes you happy to know this
It makes you validated
On the effect you have on me

Stop telling me to have a lovely day
You know very well I won't
You are well aware of my mental state
You are aware of how my day will go
You know because you caused it
You know I'll think, be sad, be angry and cry
You are well schooled on who I am
You know my reaction to things like this

You know everything.
The pretence is not welcome.
Stop. Asking. Hoping. Wishing.
You want to absolve your guilt
To seem caring and concerned
I know you. You aren't any of these.
You are just guilty.
Not remorseful. Just guilty.
Naomie Sep 2021
Dear America, I watch your movies
Not really yours,but ones your citizens make
I see so much, through the glasses they give us
The potential to grow there,the opportunities
The success others get there,the prosperity
The freedom you give people,to say just anything
The high standards that is the way of life
The wonderful life that's not so wonderful
And of course the vices,the pronounced vices

I want to visit America, to see the vices
I want to see the epidemics
The opioids that plague low income neighbourhoods
The teenage pregnancies,the many single moms
The runaway baby daddies owing child support
The anti vax campaigns causing more deaths
The racism,the police brutality that never ends
The gun violence,the schools that were shot at
The corruption that impedes crime reduction
Maybe see the jails that look so nice in movies

I want to visit America,to see the life
The hard work,the 80 hour weeks
The hard life,the two and three job workers
The posh life,the rich and famous entrepreneurs
The wanna be life,the glamourous famous celebs
The fake life,the not so famous influencers
The tough life,the expensive parenting options
The long school life,the lifetime student loan debt

I want to visit America,experience the government
The tough,manifesto or is party driven elections
The many legislative houses with all the power
The complicated levels of government
The many types and divisions of police
The thousands of investigative bodies
The powerful uniformed and  ununiformed forces
The well trained millitary and intelligence agencies
With others that don't work inside the country

I want to visit America,to see the law
To experience the precious 1787 constitution
To see the thousands of Acts of parliament
To see the high,or is it low,taxation rate
To see the ease,or is it difficulty,in doing business
To see the rights that y'all keep talking about
Maybe even get to say 'I know my rights' too
See the liberal,or is it conservative, court system
The just jury system, the courtroom theatrics
Maybe even get to sit and watch

I want to visit America, see the healthcare system
The huge well equiped hospitals,
The well oiled health insurance machine
See the doctors who spent a decade to be an MD
The many specialist professionals in healthcare
Maybe even get what y'all call a physical
The exuberant cost of getting treated
Maybe understand Medicare and Medicaid
The strong powers of the medical boards
Maybe even see the need for malpractice insurance

I want to visit America,see American products
Feel the prestige y'all place on labels
The one word labels that say it all
The extensive creative marketing culture
The brands  that don't need an explanation
Target. Mcdonalds. Macy's. Prada. Walmart.
The pricing that's always exclusive of tax

I want to feel American life
The good looking, desirable social amenities
The importance of zip codes and school districts
The restaurant,swipe right, smart devices culture
The borrowing, property ownership loan culture
The credit card,cashless freeing bill payment culture
The creditworthiness of good credit
The judgements on criminal record holders

I want to experience
The feeling your actors exude so well
Someday. Maybe.
From an American movie watcher's point of view
Naomie Jun 2021
I want you happy
With memories that bring a smile
With reminders that echo love
With a history that spells care
Achievements proving support

I want to give life to your life
Give you more reasons to try
Push you to your potential
Encourage you to strive harder

I want to be
The pillar you stand on
To see your future
To see your dreams
The support you always yearn
The helping hand
The constant reminder
Of how much more you are
The one who sees you

I want to sit beside you
As you get your education
As you challenge yourself
As you climb the ladder
As you enjoy the matches
As you take your walks
As you seek your hip-hop
Not just sit, but sit with you
Not just watch, but do it with you
Naomie Jun 2021
You are so focused
On something else
On someone else
So far from your reach
So out of your control
Someone who's not looking
Or caring for you
Someone who's not aware
Or concerned for you
Something that you don't have
Something that is not available
To have or to touch

That you are missing
All that is close to you
All that is available, reachable, tangible
You are missing
The joy that comes from appreciating
The peace that comes with satisfaction
The comfort that comes with acknowledging
That you are loved, that you have love
That you are cherished, you are cared for
That you have something, you have them
Right under your nose
Where you made a non existent blindspot
That you may go chasing 'happiness'
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