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 Dec 2013 NDHK
Vault (10w)
 Dec 2013 NDHK
I just want my heart to be safe .
                                              That's it .
 Dec 2013 NDHK
Corey J Grace
There are moments in life.
Then there are moments, in life.
It's a gift to know exactly when
you discovered what love really is.
It was laying ear to ear with you,
So quiet I can almost hear your thoughts.
Cheeks pressed together,
yours so much softer than mine.
Laying, our backs on the cooled pavement
watching the sky spread out,
and the world roll over.
It's knowing I see you in a way few if any will.
A beauty that stretches past words.
Unfindable in any magazine or movie.
A living breathing diamond.
Intangible and unequaled.
It was the late night rides with the windows down.
The heat of the day dying on the breath of the wind.
The entire air charged with nostalgia.
Full of thoughts of friends and memories and feelings.
Watching the headlights cut the darkest parts of the night.
Thinking I'd die before I could find a way
to explain exactly what you mean to me,
but knowing I'd never be so happy to try for the rest of life itself.
I wrote this a considerable time ago, but never posted this to the site.
 Sep 2013 NDHK
Kristi D
Don't Settle
 Sep 2013 NDHK
Kristi D
Love, the real kind, is never simple.
It is the one thing that makes life worth it in the end,
and something that wonderful and sought-after is never going to be easy to get.
You have to work for it.
Blood, sweat, and tears.
So if it’s easy, yeah maybe you won’t get broken.
But you won’t be truly happy, either.
You’ll be settling.
Don’t get me wrong,
There are lots of things in life that are totally acceptable to settle on.
Sure, Harvard was your dream school.
But you know what?
Going to your state school because its more affordable
Will still get you where you want to be in life.
And I know the hairdresser couldn't match the color you showed her,
But you are beautiful and can rock it anyway, so don’t worry.
But love?
Settling in love is like buying a pair of shoes that are a size too small,
Just because you thought they were pretty.
They may look nice,
But you are dying on the inside. I
f you had just held out a bit longer,
You would have found a pair just as beautiful that fit well, too.
Maybe that nice guy looks good on paper,
But if he doesn’t give you butterflies whenever he looks at you,
Don’t be with him.
You want someone who makes you fall for them every day,
Not just once.
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
is the world so blinded
it cannot see the pain
of all the younger children

is the world so blinded
it cannot face the world
that is disintegrating in every
passing day

is the world so blinded
that is is selfish to not help others
in a time when it is most needed

is the world so blinded
that our children will die
when time is now running out

is the world so blinded
that they think as long as they live today
the forget about the families of tomorrow
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
world of madness
full of hate
people become careless
when it comes to their fate
the world is dying
but people don't care
they figure what the hell
they're going to take the dare
nothing left anyways
the children only say
people will never help
the new world become today
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
so confused
no where to go
empty space
that is all i know
looking at trigger
i know there are no winners
and with a sudden pull
i hear a loud boom
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
such a lonely day
too bad i can't stay
as i sit in the quiet house
i take a knife
with no doubt
i look at it with a grin
as it goes in
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
i know you love me
by the weight of your stare
when you sit beside me
you are the only one who cares
when we are in that room
we don't know what to say
so we stare at each other
in a very special way
one of these days
i know it will b e
that you will come up to me
and kiss me
with so much ease
but until that day
i can only wait to say
i love you so much
in so many ways
 Sep 2013 NDHK
debra fromherz
with a knife
or with a gun
that is how
it should be done
with a shot
you hear the clock
with the jab
you feel the stab
with my hand
it will demand
with my head
it cannot be read
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