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275 · Nov 2017
Wrecked on the inside
Mykala Augustin Nov 2017
You goto the hospital when sick
You goto a therapist when you’re wrists are slit
You goto a friend when you’re about to tick
But who do you goto when it all goes to ****?

When everything collapses
When you’re tired of taking lashes
When everyone has their back turned
At another funeral but you can’t mourn
When you can’t look in the mirror because it’s shattered
Not like the image you saw mattered
Shattered into pieces you can’t put together
You believe things won’t get better
Your fingers are cut your face full of tears and your ears are ringing
You pray to take away the pain that’s lingering
You plead with your life
Is it enough?
No life is wicked and cruel and thinks you’re calling bluff
He reaches out to you with a smile
But when you reach out he pulls back with a frown
Try again you that eraser to crease your frown
But you can’t undo the destruction done
So you put on a mask and pretend it’s fun
209 · Oct 2017
Rotten Jewels
Mykala Augustin Oct 2017
You're plain but beautiful
A beauty nobody can steal
You're dark but you shine
Because you try to act kind
You're small but your aspirations rise tall
You don't climb but dig under the wall
You don't smile but from you happiness spreads
Sometimes it's like your skin sheds
People call you broken but all you do is mend
It's true your trust can bend

You're not always afraid
You shut doors but you don't lock them
Like you want the others to win
You don't distance yourself away
You burn bridges but keep a bucket of water at bay
You're not alone
Yea you float but people always bring you into their boat
Don't make people chase you
Because then you're put to a test too
Without an answer sheet you guys never please
Talk to them
Honesty is not a sin
Tell that girl you love her
Tell that boy you find happiness with him
Say hi to strangers
Smile at your friends
Act happy and you will be happy

Who are you to talk when you sit alone in the dark

The person to help you when you get lost

— The End —