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Mel Dec 2018
To say your name is to speak of beauty. Beauty in heart, mind and, soul you possess truly. Where to begin with your tawny skin, fair rainbowed hair long as the day. What wonderful sounds those lips make, that even angles heart's ache.
Mel Dec 2018
He is her sky and she is his earth.
April showers bring mayflowers,
Clouds let the sky fall. to satiate her springtime blossom. To moisten the wanting soils. All to see her emerald flowers flourish. So that he may taste of her passion fruit. The simple sweet of her honeydew and to know that it is good.
Mel Dec 2018
You're my joy lovely dove
More beautiful than all the stars above
The feel of your skin the smell of your hair I miss the fragrance being out of your presence makes me anxious when I'm with you my spirits are lifted high touching the clouds as a passer by
Mel Dec 2018
Bitter bliss how sweet is this upon her crown a forehead kiss tenderness in wilderness time apart is never missed life is love and life is long we'll share our love forevermore
Mel Dec 2018
You got me caught between love and hard place. Loving you the hard way. Harder than a quake that makes the ground shake. Harder than the ocean waves that makes the bow break. When I come around your way I hear the sweetest sound. The sirens song that plucks my heart strings stringing me along. I'm captain of this shipwreck stranded on your sandy shores with no thought of departure. There's no greater pleasure  to be present to you my treasure
Mel Dec 2018
The only haven I have in you
What is self love I haven't a clue
I'm out of my mind
I'm into my feelings
has it always been this way
Is this the beautiful end
or a raw beginning
I couldn't tell you why
No sense in the killing
the earth just keeps spinning
Revel in sinning
You're lost if you're winning
Cold truths are too chilling
Do you know the feeling
Mel Dec 2018
I get lost in those bright eyes
It's no surprise how my heart writhes
From the chance to take  a single glance
They entice like no other
in them I see myself like a mirror quite clearer
There's no reprise from those hazel jewels
In them all my fears dissolve
In them all my feelings evolve
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