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Mustmusings Jan 2019
Like meandering paths down my face, these emotions seep through,
The heart is overflowing, restraint long gone,
I am grateful for this escape from the cave of inadequacy,
Engulfed by my failures, thoughts and disappointments is the worst death.
Mustmusings Jan 2019
The wrinkles, the lines, the journeys we've had,
Etched around our eyes, lips, forehand and hands,
Conveys so much more then words can do,
about the story of me and you.
The love that we've won, the magic that we've lost,
The dreams that have become and the ones that we've not.
The failures and the falls, the rises and the soars,
The laughter and the tears, the misses and the fears.
Lets embrace these scars, lets hold them close,
Lets wear them proudly, like royal cloaks,
They are more us than us can be, they are truly our identity.
Mustmusings Jan 2019
I want to thank you family, for loving me entirely.

I want to thank you society, for accepting this man.

I want to thank you friend, for overlooking the flaws.

I want to thank you lover, for always holding on.

I want to thank you stranger, for that kind smile.

I want thank you religion, for wisdom and guile.

But most of all I want to thank, me, myself, I, for still having hope when the above lie.
Mustmusings Jan 2019
As I twist and turn and claw and squirm to fit in,
I know for sure that life is more then just existing.

And as we look into a mirror and see it looking back,
Over days and months and years, the face is all that we lack.

But get up my girl, the heart it says.
For life is just this beautiful mess.

Your mind is what you seem to see,
When the heart should be eternity.
Mustmusings Jan 2019
Loving myself is so hard but loving you is clear,
But loving myself should be like, loving you my dear.

What makes you easier to love, what makes you special, man?
Why is the smile on your face better then where I stand.

Is it just the lack of love for me that shows outside,
or is it you who has me fooled for another guy?

If you don't love yourself girl, no one will love you back.
The preachers preach on deaf ears 'cause the minds clouded the facts.

I want to love myself one day, to fully accept.
All the flaws, the fat, the fake, the unruly and the jest.

To break the shackles, to fly free to truly believe,
that god has made us equally, all of you and me.

— The End —