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3.0k · May 2014
My Best Friend
Madison Sanborn May 2014
If you met
My best friend
You'd ask
How someone like me
Gained the honor
Of calling her
My "bestie"
You'd wonder why
She didn't pick someone better
And if you asked her,
She'd say
My best friend is perfect.
That's what confuses me about her
Of all the people in the world
She chose me to keep close to her
But I guess
That's what best friends are for
2.1k · May 2014
Little snowflake
Madison Sanborn May 2014
Little snowflake
On my palm
You look so sad
What is wrong?
You're starting to melt
Into my hand
Your unique shapes and patterns
Are turning into a mess
Madison Sanborn May 2014
She sat alone
At lunch everyday
No one ever noticed
The tears on her face

She was lost
She hoped someday
Someone would find her
And pull her back into reality

Out of her world of darkness
And despair
Out of the swirling sadness
Called her life

She could find no refuge
In books or toys
She didn't play sports
Or join clubs

She stayed home alone everyday
Doing homework
And sitting by herself

Until one day
She went up to the attic
And in the corner
Found a flute

Silver and shining,
She picked it up
Its weight heavy
In her frail arms

She lifted it to her lips
And started to play
The sounds drowned out
The sorrows
Of the week behind her

This instrument,
Silver and shining
Might just be her refuge
But not by choice
So perhaps,
Her savior
781 · Jan 2017
The way he holds me
Madison Sanborn Jan 2017
He pulls me close and holds me tight in his arms.
My body goes rigid with the thought,
Of past lovers who were a little too harsh.
He places a hand on my head,
And runs his fingers softly through my curls.
My body relaxes with a sigh.
Loving him, is like breathing.
When he holds me,
It's like my body could sink into his.
  My fears melt into the warmth of his chest
And my eyes softly drift closed.

The way he holds me
Is soft,
  And secure.
  I hold him close, and pray that he never lets go.
546 · Apr 2015
Hide and seek
Madison Sanborn Apr 2015
I lurk within the shadows
Hoping someone will notice me
Hoping someone will care

The darkness is like my lover
It embraces me
Pulls me into a sweet hug
It makes me feel safe and wanted

The night is like my best friend
It holds my hand and guides me
Through the hardest of times
The stars bring me a great joy
And a sense of belonging
They make me feel like i can shine too

My life is like a game of hide and seek
Always hiding in the shadows
Waiting for someone to find me
485 · May 2014
Madison Sanborn May 2014
One drop
Two drops
Three drops

The rain drips, down the door,

Five drops
Six drops
Seven drops

It yells, "get out of bed, and don't be late."

Nine drops
Ten drops
Eleven drops

It falls cold, and wet, to the ground

Thirteen drops
Fourteen drops
Fifteen drops

Oh how much the rain did miss me

Seventeen drops
Eighteen drops
Nineteen drops

No more rain please,
We have plenty
380 · Oct 2014
welcome to society
Madison Sanborn Oct 2014
Welcome to society,
We hope you enjoy your stay,
And please feel free to be yourself,
As long as it's in the right way,
Make sure you love your body,
Not too much or we'll tear you down,
We'll bully you for smiling,
And then wonder why you frown,
We'll tell you that you're worthless,
That you shouldn't make a sound,
And then cry with all the others,
As you're buried in the ground,
You can fall in love with anyone,
As long as it's who we choose,
And we'll let you have your opinions,
But please shape them to our views,
Welcome to society,
We promise that we won't deceive,
And one more rule now that you're here,
There's no way you can leave.
376 · May 2014
My Soldier
Madison Sanborn May 2014
My soldier has left
He’s gone away
He’s not coming back
for a hundred days

He’s off in the desert
laying in the sand
hes on his knees praying
that i wont be mad

Im at home washing dishes
when the man knocks on the door
and hands me the letter
that my soldiers not coming home

The world is blurry
my chest aches
i cant hear the man’s car
as he drives away

i sit on the couch not knowing what to do
whether to cry
or to keep my face dry

so today, the letter sits in a drawer
there is no trace of my soldier here anymore
He did not come back after a hundred days
he left me for good
with bills to pay

goodbye my soldier
i will be strong
but why did you leave me here, all alone?
i will never know
356 · May 2014
You Lay Here
Madison Sanborn May 2014
You lay here
Forgotten by the world,
for someone to stumble upon you

You lay here
Watching the hours tick by
For someone to notice you

You lay here
a forgotten flame
To set fire to your surroundings

You lay here
Just a corpse in the ground
for nothing
352 · May 2014
Let the Joy Fade
Madison Sanborn May 2014
The birds chirp in the trees
Outside in the breeze
Outside it is sunny and bright
But inside it is dark as night

It is cold and dark inside
And bright and sunny outside
I sit here in this dark room
Looking out at the world

The tears fall one after another
The clouds are my eyes, dark and full
So the rain comes down
The tears roll

So I get up and close the curtains
I can’t look at it anymore
It’s so hard to try to be happy
Or to look at something so bright and full of joy

So I go into the bathroom
and take out mom’s pills
1-2, a few minutes later they are all gone
So I go back to the dark room
and open the curtains

Then I lay down on my bed and look out the window
The bright sun starts to fade
The flowers turn black
And soon I can’t hear the birds chirping anymore
All is silent
The joy, is gone
351 · Jan 2017
Madison Sanborn Jan 2017
Happiness is  warm
It spreads through your bones like fire
Warming you, from the inside, out

Happiness is strong
It can pull you out of the dark

It creeps on to your face and reddens your cheeks
It makes your heart thud,  and your head spin  

Happiness is addictive
Like a strong cup of coffee on Sunday morning
Or favorite tune on the radio
It keeps you coming back for more
322 · Dec 2014
Fire vs. water
Madison Sanborn Dec 2014
You can't fight fire with fire
That just makes a bigger fire
If you fight fire with water
It not only puts out the fire
It makes everything wet
318 · May 2014
Beautiful Tragedy
Madison Sanborn May 2014
Some people are afraid of death
Some people say death is scary
But in the trees death is beautiful
Colorful leaves signaling the end of the warm summer
But then the air turns cold
Wisps of frozen air blow through the leaves
Knocking them to the ground
Making you realize the harsh reality of death
That when something dies it is gone
A memory of what it once was hangs in the empty limbs of the trees
Like a memory
Slipping from your fingertips
But it still lingers in your mind
310 · May 2014
Would you?
Madison Sanborn May 2014
If I told you I was a storyteller,
Would you ask me to tell you a story?
If I told you I was a poet,
Would you ask me to write you a poem?
For your lost love?
For your lost heart?
For your lost soul?
If i told you who i was,
Would you ask me to prove it?
Or would you believe me?
Would you?


Would you?
307 · Sep 2014
What this world has come to
Madison Sanborn Sep 2014
I look at the world and i see
Many devils
Running around me

I listen close and i hear
Screams and cries
Of the people here

I touch and sense
The darkness closing in

I breathe deeply
And smell the scent
Of hate

I taste
The evil
On the tip of my tongue

It's what this world has come to
289 · May 2014
Gold and Black
Madison Sanborn May 2014
i open my eyes
to a beautiful sight
the trees have golden branches
and there is no night

the streets are paved with gold
and everyones glad
theres no crime, no disrespect
no one is ever sad

i ask a man to my left
“what is this place?”
he simply answers
“it’s farther than outer space”

So I walk around and take in the sights
Then I walk in a doorway
It looks so nice
A little house
just like mine

then the memories flood back into my mind
here on the floor
is where i laid
after all those pills
i just had to take

now the gold streets don’t seem so happy
and the man is looking in my window now
probably wondering why I did what I did
and that into this beautiful place, I shouldn’t be allowed
So I lay down on the spot on the floor
And wish that someone would take me away
I don’t deserve to be here anymore
252 · May 2014
Tears of fall
Madison Sanborn May 2014
Drifting to the ground
Landing in the dirt
Leaves off the trees
Like the tears on my shirt
They fall and i shake
Like a tree in the wind
The middle of fall
When will it end
The beginning of December
When the trees are all bare
They may not be pretty
But they are still there
So acknowledge their presence
Then come spring
They will bloom again
And sway in the wind

— The End —