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466 · Apr 2016
Tejas Srivastava Apr 2016
Trust, ties, tears, tears;
With setting rising sun,
just Truth remains.

Trinity's traits transcending to transcript,
The temple trusting the tryst to tall togas;
Truces, tangs, tangles, tags, teams,
with tricks or trills are tackled, tamed by
Those trained to taste the towering truth.

Taints, taboos, tattoos;
With cycling of seasons,
only Truth stays there.

Transgressing traps, talons, treasons,
Thorns, thongs, tides translucent;
These tapes, talks, tales transient,
Are trifles, tickles, trivial, trite;
To tribes treading the track of truth.

Talents, tacts, top techs;
Against infinite labyrinth,
Truth alone can pass.

Taut troops trotting the toiling trek;
Taunting, tapering the tonnage of trash;
Transversing tough tests of tempts,
Are trails of tiring trials, For
Those who treble the tone of truth.

Thrashing traumas to transfixing trance;
With beast or with beauty,
Truth belongs to soul.

Through love and death,
the true timeless tapestries;
Life translates to truth,
and becomes a happy moment;
The moment which is forever.
429 · May 2016
Wrecker's Treasure
Tejas Srivastava May 2016
In the vastness of ocean
beneath the brightness of moon,
Tides in my notion
were turning in too soon.

Mission - was the thing I had,
In which I had been so mad,
I worked with all my might
just to have a tower's sight.

I finally caught the glimpse of the tower,
Hidden behind rocks, unused, but still,
Stood in waves with enormous power.

So I went up the stairway
And searched the lighthouse,
But I swear before I say
there was no treasure but mouse.

Thus, I lay there in dismay
and still will say -
" I don't know why the tower's called
My 1st complete piece of poetry [ Class VII ]
388 · May 2016
Geometrical Society
Tejas Srivastava May 2016
When you're travelling...

From the mansions of money,
Farthest from stings
In the sweet combs of honey;

To the beauties of arts,
Imagining immense;
Through the magics of science,
Researches commence;

Till the darkness breaks free,
As the light of reality;

Seeing a world full of rough,
The Earth seems round enough !
305 · Mar 2016
Tejas Srivastava Mar 2016
And increase your gravity

Because Life is a beautiful rhapsody,
for those who keep trying towards their goal;
And even the just light: The carrier of time,
pays respect to a black hole.
228 · Feb 2018
Those who raise the bar
Tejas Srivastava Feb 2018
The paths diverge for a young fallen warrior,
His wings of many victories are burdened by loss;
His gaze is down, his face in a frown;
But of hopes of many, he's still a carrier.

Thus he cannot leave, he must bounce back;
His role is not over, just some faith he lacks;
Some memories of the past, some new to be cast;

So behold the verdicts,
the despair is just a temporary vibe
Because ...

When the warmth of the sun touches your face,
And the wind whistles past you in a dive;
That swirling of thoughts that calm your brain,
And the performance of emotion you thought you deprive;
In that moment of truth, that laugh on irony,
Makes you realize,
It's awesome to be alive!
Wrote back in class 10th. Initially only the last para was there, and I used to be really proud of it :D Sometime later I added a few lines above it. :)

— The End —