to those that I love and question me still
I know that I can and probably will
for those who don't know me but act like they do
I don't run so instead I draw circles around you
you hate me you need me and now I am gone
you may have moved forward I'm afraid to move on
I keep hoping that one day you figure it out
I become hopeless the symptom of doubt
the story of life is told to no end
I don't need happy endings I just need a friend
I guess there is no one to enjoy and share time
I give my best to the past, but this moment is mine
if someday someone somewhere has something
I see that and say to them this one thing
all that it is, is not all that we are
nowhere to go if you never dream far
you don't know who you were
if you don't know where you are
there is power in presence to find it in yourself
perceptively crippled to define what we call self