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Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
Time... Tick tock tick tock
It goes on
On and on
Without stopping
Like the way I left you and
Moved on... Tick tock tick tock
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
You giggled ,when I asked you ,your name
Didn't quite understand , why,  back then
You giggled ,when I asked you to be my friend
That time, I knew, our friendship was never gonna end
You giggled, when I asked you to be my girlfriend
But Our friendship never ended...
You giggled, when I proposed to you, to be my wife,
I knew I was hitting a jackpot atleast once in my life
You giggled, when I asked you about names for our daughter
When she was born, she made our lives brighter
But didn't understand why you giggled while bedridden
After you left us, all alone, grief-stricken.
Smile and smile and smile
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
Nothing is left in this world anymore
The lives stopped altogether
The trees are gone so are the buds
The rivers dried up
Everything fell apart , it's in press
From the moment we cared less.
Read it from bottom to top or top to bottom, you get the message
Wanderingsoul Jan 2020
Saw him standing at the end of the cliff
Mere human, just wanting to be killed
Not by me, but by the world, the one in which he was born  
Cause that what you do, when you mourn.
Wanderingsoul Jan 2020
Saw you looking at me
Right across the room
Your eyes staring deep into my soul
And your smile still lingering on your face ...

Smiled right back at ya
Smirking along with it
Remember the times ,
Now the tables have turned ....

The liquor did burn more now going down my throat
You kept on looking at me, to see me crumble down once more
But alas I won't,  for now I am stronger than ever
And have learned to live by myself, all alone.
Wanderingsoul Oct 2019
Very often we don't want the harsh reality  
Us being addicted to the world of imagination, full of glittery
Lonely, that's what, we have become
None to call as, our's, we are unwelcome
Each moment that hurts so bad
Remember that no one here is actually trapped
And it's us, what we want our life to,
Be ,full of joy or sorrow, others ?who?
Lastly don't ever forget your self worth
Energize the inner you, and be down to earth
Wanderingsoul Oct 2019
I am sorry, I couldn't be the one
The one perfect daughter
That you thought of me, mother

I am sorry, I couldn't be the one
The obedient and innocent daughter
That you thought of me, father

I am sorry, I couldn't be the one
The inspiring big sister
That you thought of me, little brother

I am sorry  I couldn't be the one
The one who didn't lose hope in the darkest of times
That I thought of myself, once upon a time...
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