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Morsmordre Aug 2020
She is confusing
I do agree
But she doesn’t know how to identify
Those certain emotions

She has been hurt before
And the pain still lingers
Which is no excuse for leading you on
However she didn’t realise she was

Within, she knew of her feelings for you
But the memories came crawling back
And caused her to up her defences
Allowing no one any closer

Crying each night
Not know how she is feeling
She tries to figure out her emotions
Although each night shows no new findings

She now knows slightly more than before
But please be patient
As she continues to untangles her mind
Trying to find an answer to her feelings for you
Morsmordre Mar 2020
Where do I begin?

You are the bully, my biggest tormentor,
The one who won’t leave me alone,
The one who pairs best
with my brain,
As the perfect duo to abuse me.
You two use me,
as your weapon of choice
to tear me apart.

They say Life isn't easy, which I believe.
But they say it gets harder as you become an “adult”.
Which is why I ask you, Life,
Why do you think I could face you then,
If I can’t now?
I won't win against you, and you know that.

So as my final move,
I choose to withdraw from the battle
that you have forced me to fight in all these years,
I present my white flag to you,
You have what you want now Life.
You win.
I’m finally free of you,

— The End —