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Life can be amazing, if we know the how's to bring it forth.
One must however mention that some thrive in the tension, some shine in the light, some glow proud in night, some slide through contention, and some search for
First, find out what ticks your tock, then fantasize what makes you rock, and don't be timid in your dreams, think big, and believe, in all that you may conceive.
The stronger the web that you weave, the easier the Universe will retrieve, your hopes and desires will manifest right before your very eyes. I swear it works if you decide to follow through in whatever life you choose for you.

Give it a try...or don't
Remember, you decide.
Just flowing positive poetry

Drunk on Love or Malt Liquor,
Does it really Matter??

*|\~•~/| buzz is kicking in
 Aug 2014 Michael Amery
I want a trouble maker
A lover who breaks skin, commits sin
Leaves stars in my eyes
Passion in my cries
I hope he fills his arms with me
His heart as light as it could be
 Aug 2014 Michael Amery
The veil of sleep covers softly
Many forms must shed
Before the fall
I shut down my inner oven
No soup for you until tomorrow
I'll bake new love for you
Tucking in my yawning misadventure
Tails of kites and renaissance costumes
Peak out from below her edges
Into a ball curls my heat
Rarely putting up a fight
Sated still with bedtime ****** hum
Reverent fingers gently close my ink well
Papers scattered but the feather always meticulously replaced
This facet, the crown jewel of my traits
One piece remains, joy
She, I let roam free, spreading
I wish those I know good night
A hopeful good morning for those I don't
*May our paths eventually cross
 Aug 2014 Michael Amery
By Sverre G. Holter and Brook Ilges

I turn, giggling
Your fingertips just out of reach
Of my sensitive ribcage
Running full blown three-year-old style
Down slick hard wood hallways
I can hear your steps catching up
I grin

You turn, giggling
A cloud of dandelion seeds
Floating between my fingers; a
Handful of fog
Mocking me unmockingly with
Every echo thrown like the frisbee
That entertains the puppy
Until its teeth finally sink into
Slightly elsastic plastic that
Doesnt's mind the feeling
Of sharp, little fangs
Breaking what could have
Been skin, but isn't
When I catch you
(When you let me catch you)*
I'll growl and shake you
So hard you'll laugh
Until you go limp between my
Lets us never, never ever be
More serious than
I am the verse set, Sverre is the second
 Aug 2014 Michael Amery
Morning. Afternoon. Night.
Our days compartmentalized
Of all of the things we wish for
Riches. Power. Wealth.
We rarely think about what is most precious
That which we could work our whole lives and never earn...
 Aug 2014 Michael Amery
You're on the edge of my taste
Tongue slow swirl and lingering
Along all of your dips, all of your hollows
Salty sweet, heady summer honey
I want to get drunk off of you
Lay in the sunshine
Soak up your scent
Bright eyes stare into mine
Brimming with the force of your smile
Steam rises in our wake
Peripheral vision goes dark
All we can see is the beginning
The end
All roads in between
Memories dance along the tips of our fingers
Tracing the universe between our heat
 Aug 2014 Michael Amery
In comparison to the universe
I am minuscule
A speck of dust on the slide of a microscope
While nebulas are being magnified
But down here my heart is huge
Able to ease and comfort
All those who lay their burdens on my doorstep
A single ant may be expendable but when looked at as a whole colony...
              *They could move mountains.
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