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Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I got butterflies in my stomach and they just don't wanna go away I'm excited, scared and thrilled at the same time

I hope I don't let anyone down

Because I will be starting work for the very first time in such a long time

So I can't wait to start so I can start making my own money and feel pride in my self and everything I do

Wish me good luck and a great day I hope things go my way. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I loved and I lost but I do not regret the choices I made and the pain that they caused in me because they turned me into the woman I am today

Fearless, strong and more stubborn than a bull.

I am no longer a weak little push over that almost everybody walked all over.

I'm Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes stronger and better than ever before so watch out I'll come for you if you dare me to.

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
The world is on fire and is burning before your very eyes.

But you just sit there and do nothing like a lump on a log

If you continue to do nothing all that will be left is Ash at your feet and smoke in the air

So speak up one voice will turn into many and before you know it you're a symphony fighting for the future of this world and the souls who occupy it. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I come with a song in my heart just for my lord maybe your light can make my soul shine bright

And chase away the demons until they're out of sight

God is the Holy One Hallow be thy name

He is faithful and True he's always there when we need him and even when we think we don't

Never will he forsake us

He made us from his image, He saved us with his blood and he gave up his son who died on the cross to wash away our sins

For all who shall believe in him will have everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I met a man in New Orleans with a devilish charm and when he spoke.

It was like a spell that takes control of my body, He is like a siren out on the sea

He likes to play with people's minds and mainly their hearts

With every command he said  I was compelled to do and i lost a part of myself

it wasn't until he pushed me to my limit That I finally said a enough is enough

Now his spell is broken and his hold over me is gone so he better watch his back because when he least expects it I'll come for him

Revenge is best served cold

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Parenthood is a thankless job but definitely worth the time.

Your children can irritate you and drive you up the wall

You can go from calm and Collective to bat ****-crazy

But you Love them with everything you are

Raising a child is definitely a bumpy road but it's worth the ride

There's no greater love than a parent for their child

my love for my son is so strong it consumes my very soul how about you?

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Just because bird's have wings doesn't mean they're free lots of people like to keep them locked up in cages because how beautiful their feathers be

But if we truly loved them we would sit them free back to their home whence they came from

And then their Freedom would know no bounds. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
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