Guns with people,
People with guns,
What a deadly duo
they both have become.
Protect the unborn the righteous demand.
But let the guns keep on flowing.
All over our land.
The US is special,
And so violent they say.
Mass killings are normal.
Newsworthy each day.
The thoughts and the prayers,
Do not stop the violence.
And the powers that be.
Keep eerily silent.
We protect the guns,
at the expense of a life
Without a thought of the irony,
The pain and the strife.
The teachers and students are taking the hit.
On a daily occurrence.
Lawmakers fail to commit.
By protecting the Second,
At the expense of the First.
The victims are silent.
This nation is cursed.
With greed and gun lobby’s
And people who say.
The guns aren’t the problem,
We need them to stay.
It’s the sick and the evil.
Who show up to ****,
Locked and loaded.
They are out for the thrill.
But if the laws against guns,
Were stronger and tight.
The carnage would shrink.
Without hurting one’s right.
Judy *******br>9/7/24